micintexp - I'm not sure why you wanted your last thread closed. Seems like your still on the same track. But all of the good advice was in that thread and you really need to go back and pay attention to what people said.
But I'll tell you what to do the simplest way I can, and please just try this.
In Graphics Gale or photoshop, or whatever you're using, select a thicker brush than 1 pixel wide. Say, 3 or 5 pixels wide.
Select a brown color, any brown will do for now.
Looking at a reference photo of a REAL tree, draw the trunk. NO OUTLINES! Just with one color, block out the whole trunk.
Do not mirror (actually never mirror a tree, it looks terrible). Just be loose with the brush and use that one color, NO black outlines and NO shading.
Once you do that, post it here and we can crit it step by step.
At this point I think you're jumping way too far ahead without advice. When someone says you're going about it the wrong way you end up throwing it out and starting again, with all the same (and some new) problems.
Continue your current tree if you want, but just do me this favor and draw a trunk.