AuthorTopic: Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread  (Read 47108 times)

Offline Zolthorg

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Re: Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread

Reply #70 on: January 25, 2006, 02:46:18 am
I trust his face with my Knife.

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Re: Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread

Reply #71 on: January 25, 2006, 07:20:55 am
educated people are peaceful, and they  tend to preserve.
With the exception of those dirty commies.
Kapitalists kan be aggresive too.
You spelled Capitalist with a 'k' = evil

The depth of political argumentation in this thread is profound.

Indeed, I am shocked by such profundity, we should change this forum into a political discussion board!

NOw I'm confused!

changing the subject! ahhh, ohh, uhhh, I..., I...


Ohh yes, i got a nice one here!

I love constructivism!, and I made a constructivism poster for a exersice, I guess you would like to take a pick and comment, it has to be handmade, but i helped myself a litle with the computer, the triangular font was desingned by myself and, did i say I love constructivism?

ahh, and this is a pic of me qith my mom!, see that she is blond and I'm burnet, we actually are oposites, we think the oposite, we act very different and the list goes on! sometimes, I as myself, how two extremelly different people can be mother and daughter?

weeeeeeeeeee, keep the conversation going!

with all my love!


Offline crab2selout.png

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Re: Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread

Reply #72 on: January 25, 2006, 07:30:49 pm
It's very rude for you to assert your beliefs on other people, and on top of that, they are very discriminatory beliefs. It's also sort of crossing into racism.

I don't think you should be trusted with sharp objects.
Eh? What's racist?

Offline Pawige

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Re: Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread

Reply #73 on: January 25, 2006, 10:42:31 pm
OK then canada, whats canada gonna do?

It's not a well known fact that Canada's gigantic beavers can easily chew through the armor of an M1 Abrams battle tank. Even the smaller specimens have been known to bite humvees in half and then crap IEDs.

Offline Zolthorg

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Re: Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread

Reply #74 on: January 25, 2006, 10:49:43 pm
Ok, internet, i get it.
"Canada, LOL!"

I don't need to hear about my mediocre 100 year old country every day... moreso.
I get rid of history class in 2 days >_>;

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Re: Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread

Reply #75 on: January 26, 2006, 01:21:46 am
I don't need to hear about my mediocre 100 year old country every day... moreso.
At least no one hates your country... that's something to be proud about (as in "not mediocre").

Eh? What's racist?
He was refering to Mercury's educated post, the one directly above Evan's.

I love constructivism!, and I made a constructivism poster for a exersice, I guess you would like to take a pick and comment, it has to be handmade, but i helped myself a litle with the computer, the triangular font was desingned by myself and, did i say I love constructivism?
The colors go well together, and the triangle design thing looks new, but it's kinda hard to read, since it doesn't follow a certain flow, pieces of text just jump around without order. And i feel a strange urge to start folding it along the lines, see what comes out... origami? :)

Offline crab2selout.png

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Re: Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread

Reply #76 on: January 26, 2006, 01:50:17 am
It's not a well known fact that Canada's gigantic beavers can easily chew through the armor of an M1 Abrams battle tank. Even the smaller specimens have been known to bite humvees in half and then crap IEDs.
I in particular have found it distressing how the myth of the friendly, industrious beaver that fits in one's hands still exists in much of the world. As a Canadian I was shaking my head during many of 'The Chronicles of Narnia's' beaver scenes. Had the beaver's been represented true to life, we would have seen a much more one-sided final battle. .

Offline Mercury Rising

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Re: Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread

Reply #77 on: January 26, 2006, 03:23:33 am
Eh? What's racist?
He was refering to Mercury's educated post, the one directly above Evan's.
The term racism and racist is used way too loosely.  I said nothing bad about a distinct group so its not racism.  Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another, which I do not think is true, I believe in minorities and that they are shifting but not that one entire race is better than any other.  Well also to be speaking of a race that must include the people and I said nothing bad about the people just the corporeal country.  And I was not forcing my beliefs, that’s is why there was a voting system.  Also I never said in any of my posts I wanted the worldwide language to be English.  Which no one said directly but you alluded to it.  Topic dropped. 
Now what TV shows/Movies do you look forward to in the upcoming couple of weeks?
Me I watch my daily CSI and my MythBusters on Wednesday other than that I am too busy to watch anything else… as far as the Movie front, honestly the only movies I'm waiting for is Date Movie and Scary Movie 4.  Movies arn't comming out for a while but I can wait.
Proud to be a BMS team:

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Re: Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread

Reply #78 on: January 26, 2006, 03:46:02 am
On a lighter note...'s Artpad is probably the worst drawing "tool" ever, but I stll like to use it for the occasional doodle. If you're bored, here are a few I've done over the past week or so. If nothing else, they're fun to watch. (Start at the bottom of the list first, please.)

1-24-06 Girl. Meh.
1-24-06 Dairy King.
1-20-06 For The Kids.
1-18-06 Old Faucet.
1-17-06 Let's Party.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2006, 08:10:28 am by Monsoon2D »

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Re: Official Pixelopolis Off-Topic Thread

Reply #79 on: January 26, 2006, 04:57:54 am
quite badass. I might persue one or two sketches. have you seen the yellow sign? the king in yellow.

and so on, so forth
« Last Edit: January 26, 2006, 07:17:17 am by Helm »