educated people are peaceful, and they tend to preserve.
With the exception of those dirty commies.
Kapitalists kan be aggresive too.
You spelled Capitalist with a 'k' = evil
The depth of political argumentation in this thread is profound.
Indeed, I am shocked by such profundity, we should change this forum into a political discussion board!
NOw I'm confused!
changing the subject! ahhh, ohh, uhhh, I..., I...
Ohh yes, i got a nice one here!
I love constructivism!, and I made a constructivism poster for a exersice, I guess you would like to take a pick and comment, it has to be handmade, but i helped myself a litle with the computer, the triangular font was desingned by myself and, did i say I love constructivism?

ahh, and this is a pic of me qith my mom!, see that she is blond and I'm burnet, we actually are oposites, we think the oposite, we act very different and the list goes on! sometimes, I as myself, how two extremelly different people can be mother and daughter?

weeeeeeeeeee, keep the conversation going!
with all my love!