AuthorTopic: 16px platformer  (Read 14667 times)

Offline Fizzick

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Re: 16px platformer

Reply #20 on: January 04, 2015, 10:58:16 pm
Looks nice- I hope you get something going in Game Maker, as I understand you're somewhat proficient.  ;)

You could bring some of the deep blackish lines from the knight into the chest and slime, to make them pop.

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Re: 16px platformer

Reply #21 on: January 09, 2015, 03:07:15 am
just wanted to pipe in and say that this is adorable.

That said I think the sky could use one less layer of clouds, it's making it look a bit blurry.

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Re: 16px platformer

Reply #22 on: January 26, 2015, 09:01:21 am
Looks nice- I hope you get something going in Game Maker, as I understand you're somewhat proficient.  ;)

You could bring some of the deep blackish lines from the knight into the chest and slime, to make them pop.
Yes, I've finally had a chance to start putting this in GM ;-)
Lots of work left but I plan to export some short animated gifs of small bits of gameplay (because I don't have much yet  :crazy:)

Also considering your comments on outlines...

What do you guys think?
Originally I felt like black outlines were a waste of pixels but it does have a sexiness to it :-)

Offline ErekT

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Re: 16px platformer

Reply #23 on: January 26, 2015, 09:19:54 am
It is a bit of a rip from Ghosts n Goblins, but health bars are stupid.
Nooo... health bars are boss :D

Outlines can be good, as a way to get interactive objects to pop out from the background especially. I like the light-sourced, non-black outlines the best for sure.

Lovely stuff. I think the slight angle to the sword swing that got suggested is a good idea, but imo it works nice as-is too.

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Re: 16px platformer

Reply #24 on: January 26, 2015, 09:56:00 am
Yeah, coloured outlines.
Without the chest looks like background deco.

Also the anchor stakes for the rope-bridge disappear into the background perhaps a bit too much.

Offline Decroded

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Re: 16px platformer

Reply #25 on: January 26, 2015, 09:41:17 pm
Thanks guys.
On larger scale I like light-sourced outlines too I just wasn't sure about this small scale as this is all pretty new territory for me.

Using these outlines on small items like this coin is probably going too far?

I'm thinking its probably good if items don't compete with actors and stuff anyway.
EDIT: also I tried to add outlines too it but I can't figure out how without it looking like balls  :blind:

I think the slight angle to the sword swing that got suggested is a good idea, but imo it works nice as-is too.
Yeah I kinda think he looks cute the way he attacks now, as if its not easy for such a small guy to handle a big sword  :lol:
But yeah, I'll get around to some other attack animations and definitely have a go at that angled swing which will probably lead to some form of combo attack.

So far I've been animating in Photoshop which is annoying to work with.
I only used Gale once (to do this so I'll have to fire it up again and remember how to use it when I get time.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 09:51:33 pm by Decroded »

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Re: 16px platformer

Reply #26 on: February 14, 2015, 06:16:43 am
got a few mins to kill out of the house so thought id ask for some feedback on this character variant incorporating ideas from various suggestions (especially wolfenoctis).

FYI I've been doing a bunch of work on the engine it is very playable right now. I did record and upload some play to go through that process but then I made a bunch more code, animations, sounds etc and id rather build a bit of a longer level before sharing  :P
there's still only the one enemy type and only a few more tiles added but once I've fleshed out the code a bit I expect to ramp up production on more environments and enemies  :D

QUESTION perhaps a bit off topic but does anyone know if its possible to achieve music with that specific Amiga 500 synth sound while keeping the files small more like the original mod style music files?
If so perhaps recommend some software I can buy/download?
thx  :y:

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Re: 16px platformer

Reply #27 on: February 14, 2015, 12:53:25 pm
the frequency of the rock texture on the first scenario is slightly different from the forest scenario, wich makes it almost look like a different game. thats the only thing I would change. maybe bring the forest's pallet more into the blues
Image size doesn't matter! It's what you do with your pixels that counts!

Offline Decroded

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Re: 16px platformer

Reply #28 on: February 14, 2015, 01:00:56 pm
the frequency of the rock texture on the first scenario is slightly different from the forest scenario, wich makes it almost look like a different game. thats the only thing I would change. maybe bring the forest's pallet more into the blues
yeah I was never happy with forest ground tiles.
I've got a few ideas just havent have success replacing it yet.

Offline ErekT

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Re: 16px platformer

Reply #29 on: February 15, 2015, 12:48:27 pm
QUESTION perhaps a bit off topic but does anyone know if its possible to achieve music with that specific Amiga 500 synth sound while keeping the files small more like the original mod style music files?
If so perhaps recommend some software I can buy/download?
thx  :y:
Protracker? I think there's a PC port for it around nowadays. If I remember right amiga mod file just operated with four channels and regular sound samples. But to keep size down and fit everything into tiny floppy disk spaces they used very primitive sounds for samples sometimes, hence the chiptune sound. I could be wrong tho, not a musician myself.

Maybe try out Protracker then open up some mod files from Amiga demos or games you like to see what tricks they used?