Thanks guys.
On larger scale I like light-sourced outlines too I just wasn't sure about this small scale as this is all pretty new territory for me.
Using these outlines on small items like this coin is probably going too far?

I'm thinking its probably good if items don't compete with actors and stuff anyway.
EDIT: also I tried to add outlines too it but I can't figure out how without it looking like balls

I think the slight angle to the sword swing that got suggested is a good idea, but imo it works nice as-is too.
Yeah I kinda think he looks cute the way he attacks now, as if its not easy for such a small guy to handle a big sword

But yeah, I'll get around to some other attack animations and definitely have a go at that angled swing which will probably lead to some form of combo attack.
So far I've been animating in Photoshop which is annoying to work with.
I only used Gale once (to do this so I'll have to fire it up again and remember how to use it when I get time.