Is this a self portrait? I don't know what you look like but judging by your WIP you look human and convincingly lit if lacking a little contrast. Good stuff.
Random portrait tips; It's sometimes quite hard to recognise your own idiosyncrasies, try looking at a mirrored photo of yourself to double check relationships between elements, especially the tip of the nose & eyes. Don't be afraid to exaggerate small quirks to accentuate and heighten a likeness.
Is this intended for a particular project? It's quite big and you could probably achieve a likeness at a lower resolution if you wanted.
Thanks for sharing

I don't think these are effective as smilies in themselves primarily because they spend too much real-estate looking like a girl and not enough like an expression, The natty Christmas themed smilies on the forum are also nice but not as effective as snake's skew pixel set for the same reasons.
Practising a variety of expressions is always constructive even if you don't submit these anywhere, If you enjoyed it also try doing one of those 25 essential expression sheets doing the rounds on DeviantArt et al.