@Pistachio- I couldn't work out how to do big arc-y movements and keep them looking oomphy, whenever I put a frame in between they looks super slow and weak, I was thinking motion trails but never got around to trying it. I didn't actually get around to fixing all the stuff I eventually noticed because I'd spent some 3 or 4 hours on it up to that point. My problems we're always with the first and third hits, the second remains my favourite of all the sketches I did, probably mostly because I actually researched the movement a bit first. The first one kinda got lost in translation between my original sketch and the final one, the punch doesn't even extend past the foot now. I should probably note that its playing a but faster in firefox than I would have had it and it's messing with the oomphyness.
Your edit is definitely an improvement. I'll keep it in mind if I ever decide to go back and finish that one (which is probably likely if you guys keep critting it
The blue haired girls weapon is actually a sniper rifle with two sword/bayonets on it. The plan was for it to be able to alter its own gravity and fire bullets that did the same. So it would appear weightless in the idle and then heavier in attacks and the like. I would probably redo her pose as well though(it looked
better originally), I kind of did them all before I had thought a whole lot about where I was going with them.
@Argyle- I kind of liked the facelessness, I think it probably lost its appeal when I upped the colour count on everything else, though. I should probably mention that the palette is inspired by/partially stolen from st0vens sprites
@Sherman Gill- The pose(on white hair) was something I was always thinking about changing but kept deciding not to, I don't think I really captured the stance I was going for though, the leg still looks twisted, I also dumped the arms down in favour of arms up once I started to animate. If I go back over the animation I will try to make the leg blinking a bit more subtle, it was bothering me too but I think it makes it look more 3d.
I think it would be better to have another thread for pixel dumps, I think takaM's intention was for this thread to be critique based and we all know how dumps work out in the critique section.