Thought a few of these were lacking some volumes, so i tried to rub out a quick one with old-fashioned toolies, appologize for camera perspective issues (the page is actually drawn on a t-square so it's accurate), it's late here and i haven't put phooshop back since I formatted.
Went for something of a human-Helen, on account of average being about 7.4 heads in the USA (not sure how accurate that is...but it's enough for me). few things are a little screwy (you can tell I just crapped things out a bit after the shoulders, torso and pelvis, which were the main concerns/interests) but you can't win them all, just trying to get a few more perspectives in here.
Pay particular attention to the tapering legs in all the good references. I've played this up trying to get her to approach a "mothering thighs" measure of two heads across (a bit too much i think, though we were taught it); your legs try to stay along a constant width with only superficial changes and the result is a bit awkward, particularly just above the knee.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 04:13:06 am by ndchristie »

A mistake is a mistake.
The same mistake twice is a bad habit.
The same mistake three or more times is a motif.