Psi, I highly recommend you get yourself a sketchbook and some pencils and you work outside the pixel medium, doing pixelated mountains that are 32x32 pixels with no reference of any kind isn't exactly the best way to learn, I'm also willing to bet you're using a mouse. You need to work larger, others have said it much better than I, to be good at pixel art you must be good with the fundamentals of art, after all, pixel art is just a medium, it certainly won't magically make you better and in my opinion its worse to work in when you're trying to improve. I ask of you to not be like so many others I've warned, where they do not heed my warnings, for those people are still were they were a year, two years ago, still dishing out the same quality (or lack of, rather) of work. I won't name any specifics but it doesn't just happen here, it happens everywhere. Treat this like someone would like Eyecraft said, writing or perhaps playing piano, you can't just jump into this, I know art is fun but that doesn't mean its a bad thing to work a bit harder to get to a point to where you know what you're doing. I will tell you right now, if you really want to improve, seriously get a sketchbook, get some paper and draw as much still life as possible, learn about line, value, composition, color theory, proportions, anatomy. I wish you luck on your endeavors (if you choose to take them).