AuthorTopic: Official Off-Topic Thread  (Read 355707 times)

Offline sharprm

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread

Reply #720 on: September 18, 2008, 01:07:30 am
No I was being serious!  :'(

That's okay I like it though.

edit: Ben2theEdge - rereading your passage I'm not sure what you mean - wouldn't angst be good here? Why would replicants love to die? The get wimpier guys seems fair maybe i need to make the punching the doctor panel more violent.

       Rydin - glad you like. I will redraw, make it better with more depth.

I'll make it a teenage girl that hes killing not a boy, that way itll be less gay and more believable that he doesn't like his job. Also, I'll make the girl still gasping for air in that last panel - it takes a long time to die if you get shot in the stomach (according to an episode of criminal intent). They have to be shot in the stomach so that the brain and computer can be analysed.

I'll also get rid of the snappy "buy me some flowers" so he seems less emotional. Have to make the barcode more obvious since its hard to tell in this shrunken version.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 02:59:38 am by sharprm »
Modern artists are told that they must create something totally original-or risk being called "derivative".They've been indoctrinated with the concept that bad=good.The effect is always the same: Meaningless primitivism

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread

Reply #721 on: September 18, 2008, 03:42:22 am
out of curiosity, sharp, what are some of your favorite books or movies?

Offline sharprm

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread

Reply #722 on: September 18, 2008, 04:17:29 am
Dutsy -

Some good Sci-fi ones would be "i robot", "xmen1" and "fantastic four: rise of the silver surfer".

There are tons of good films so long as they have a good story. Thats why i dont say xmen2,xmen3 or fantasticfour. They had shit story, even though its the same characters. I'm not saying I'm an expert on stories but i think its the most important thing. If you watch potc2 with the scenes ordered as the writers intended (ie. start with the black pearl) then suddenly something boring to begin with is interesting - the scene where jack talks to bootstrap becomes intense.

I also like some japanese films like:
Battle royale
One about a samurai:
Another one about a samurai:

All my comics are unashamedly marvel.  :P And some "the phantom".

edit: oops you said books. Isaac Asimov. I tried to read most of his stories.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 04:25:16 am by sharprm »
Modern artists are told that they must create something totally original-or risk being called "derivative".They've been indoctrinated with the concept that bad=good.The effect is always the same: Meaningless primitivism

Offline Helm

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread

Reply #723 on: September 18, 2008, 05:47:56 am
You tried to read Asimov? And yet you liked "I robot" the movie? There's something very, very wrong here. I think I might study you.

Offline sharprm

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread

Reply #724 on: September 18, 2008, 06:43:31 am
"Tried" as in he has written alot. Not "tried" in that I have difficulty reading as you imply!  :mean:

The 'I robot' movie was great! I don't think i've read what the movie was based off though.

"There have always been ghosts in the machine.

When does a perceptual schematic become consciousness? When does a difference engine become the search for truth? When does a personality simulation become the bitter mote... of a soul? "

And that scene when he fights the robot was very cool. What didn't you like about it? Was it because you like the book better?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 06:48:05 am by sharprm »
Modern artists are told that they must create something totally original-or risk being called "derivative".They've been indoctrinated with the concept that bad=good.The effect is always the same: Meaningless primitivism

Offline Helm

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread

Reply #725 on: September 18, 2008, 06:58:33 am
I didn't mean to imply you can't read, 'trying' just was a strange verb to use there.

The "I robot" movie was SHIT on all an every levels, an insult to any person that has ever loved Asimov's work, a huge turd on his grave laid down by Hollywood producers and mister Will Smith. I regret ever having seen it. I can't even begin to elaborate on this opinion, I never thought I'd have to. The scene where he fights the robot is 'pretty cool' as it perhaps also cool to feel one's own brain cells slowly turn into a putrid mush then swell and foam right through one's nose and ears, all sanity dissipating in the oozing froth that trickles from head to toe, frantically attempting an escape from the torture that is radiated from the screen. In the iridescent light travels that peculiar type of cancer, the Cancer of the Taste, immolating capacity for higher concept and aesthetic, leaving behind only the atavistic drives that cause one's bowels to sickly shift when something that looks like a person on the screen punches somebody, or perhaps, attempts a sarcastic one-liner. The sanguine humours rise with base villainy and petty heroics as the now brainmushed taste zombie feels deep in loins the stirrings of a vicarious experience, for what is his purpose if not to fuck, kill and dominate through phantasmal projections of characters that never truly were? It is truly cool, perhaps chilling, perhaps glacial.

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread

Reply #726 on: September 18, 2008, 07:04:23 am
iRobot is crazy popular at my videostore :crazy:

I think the general love for will smith can mask any shortcomings a movie might have for most people.
...Except for Wild Wild West, everyone hates that movie
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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread

Reply #727 on: September 18, 2008, 07:06:09 am
Just out of curiosity, do you dislike the movie because of it was a disgrace to the book, or just dislike it as a stand-alone movie?

Offline Helm

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread

Reply #728 on: September 18, 2008, 07:10:12 am
Dusty I dislike the movie because it is indicative of an awful trend of books getting sodomised by Hollywood and I dislike it because even unrelated to that it was an exceedingly, offensively lowbrow take on a very potentially high-brow and interesting topic. For every one of these faux sci-fi movies that get made, 10 real sci-fi movies never do. It's everything I detest in mainstream cinema all rolled into one: fake sci-fi ? check. Based on a universally loved story by a real sci-fi author? check. Shallow plot acting as an excuse for dumb 'action scenes'? Check. Will Smith? Check. Product placement? Check. 

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread

Reply #729 on: September 18, 2008, 08:40:56 am
I could not agree with Helm more here. They should at least have had the decency to NOT call the movie "I, Robot", but something more fitting, like "Robot Rampage" or something. But as you might have guessed it is all about marketing and not content. I, Robot is a well known story so many people (who probably ended up being very dissapointed) went to see it expecting something more true to the book and not some mainstream, assembly line action movie.
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