Atnas and ND, you guys are right on. Now I'm thinking I should probably animate his hair a little while I'm at it.
excellent! Great job on legs poses! any chance that "sword" could be equipped with a device that allows throwing and catching it like a deathly boomerang (e.g. in "fury" mode) ? Just out of curiousity, are you still using the same kind of animating technique you presented in last augustus ?
No plans for a boomerang attack at this point

There are ranged attacks in the game and they are very powerful, but you only get to use them a couple times, kind of like bombs in a sh'mup.
And yeah, I'm still using the same technique to animate, which I learned from Richard Williams' book the Animator's Survival Guide. I kind of just adapted his techniques to pixel art (it's not a big leap at all). So far this is the most effective way to animate that I know of, and now I'm just trying to get better at it. If people want I'll be happy to post some in-progress stuff.