Cowfrog Studios has been working on our first independent project,
Alacrity Mission. We have recently launched our online networking platforms such as Facebook, our own website, and a campaign on Kickstarter. Now is the time to see what people think about our project and where it is going. It will also help us to determine how much interest there is in our game. As an independent developer we are only just beginning to develop our base of fans and supporters. Read and have a look. If you want to know more feel free to message and ask questions. We WILL respond. Also, if you want to know more immediately feel free to follow the links in our signature box to see our website, like and share our facebook, or even check out our Kickstarter.

Some bullet points about our game.
- Science Fiction Survival Setting with light Horror Elements.
- Twenty unique playable characters, each with their own distinct action skills, strengths, and weaknesses, allowing for diverse puzzle solving and party composition strategy.
- Permanent death of crew members immerses the player in the tension of narrowing options.
- Limited Resources against overwhelming odds creates tension and forces the player to plan out their actions. Button mashing and careless choices will result in death.
- A world stuffed full of secret items, hidden pathways, and lurking enemies delivered in a Metroidvania inspired collectible power-up system.
- Strategy intensive turn-based battles with quick time events that involve the player in an active role during rounds.
- Players are rewarded for playing to the bloody end with dozens of fully developed endings centered around how much they accomplished and who, if anyone, survives.
- Fully involved new game+ allows players to reattempt the journey carrying over their previously discovered components.
- High Difficulty to define the survival setting and reward players with a sense of satisfying accomplishment for their determination.
MORE CLARITY: Some of the key factors of interest about our game are the turn-based battle system which will use quick time events to increase combat effectiveness and the 20 playable characters who each have their own
action skill/tool which can be used in a
Zelda-esque manner on the map. Plenty of puzzles and deliberately designed areas will create a horror survival scenario with a high difficulty that is dealt with in a
Metroidvania style search for
hidden components which will power up your team members.
PURPOSE:We are working to accomplish two things. First, to get the word out about the game and start getting some
feedback and interest drummed up. Second, we are seeking additional funding through
Kickstarter which will increase our rate of production by allowing us to stop spending so much time on fundraising. If you guys are interested at all please respond. We can post some more info to follow and we will respond to messages. If you want to know more right away, you can find plenty of information on our website, facebook, and kickstarter. We will be posting regular updates on the Facebook and we really appreciate any feedback, promotional efforts by spreading the word, and if you feel up to backing us on Kickstarter we really appreciate that as well.
Thanks for your time and we hope to hear from you.
Cowfrog StudiosKickstarterhttp://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cowfrog-studios/alacrity-missionFacebookhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Cowfrog-Studios/472923942793627Websitehttp://www.cowfrog-studios.com