AuthorTopic: Kickstarter thread!  (Read 159393 times)

Offline ptoing

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Kickstarter thread!

on: August 13, 2007, 09:49:11 am
Seeing as there are quite a few Kickstarter threads we decided that there will be a thread for them all, since we do not want the General Discussion Forum flooded with this stuff.
Just post your kickstarter stuff in here please. Thanks
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 11:09:28 am by ptoing »
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Offline clone45

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #1 on: August 29, 2011, 12:36:55 am
Hello! I'm trying to 'crowd fund' an old-school 2d tileset in the style of 'Alundra' to release for free to game developers.   I'm not a game developer any more, but I do run a site that hosts both free and low cost resources to game developers.  I also have a deep nostalgia for old-school 2d games.  The tileset will contain enough 2d tiles to create an outdoor scene similar to:

The tileset will consist of completely original tiles, but will stylistically be similar to Alundra.  Once the tileset has been completed, it will be released on my site (Game Beep) for free.  Free as in beer.  Royalty free.  Free free free.

If anyone's interested, check out:

« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 12:39:56 am by clone45 »

Offline Holymonkey

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #2 on: April 04, 2012, 09:28:22 am
Hi fellow pixel-pushers,

This is Mike at
The beta version of our all new Spriter, a highly optimized 2D game animation tool, is finally available. What makes it special is it's specifically for creating animations for games!

It doesn't just export sequential images of full frames, it can also export the actual animation data in XML format, so game engines can recreate all the animations using just the original source images (like body parts) thereby saving massive amounts of VRAM and disk space. It will also support tons of game specific features, like visually placing unlimited collision rectangles per frame (with names and numeric values for each!), unlimited action points per frame, unlimited named variables can be changed per frame, and sound effects can be triggered per frame. It also supports an awesome feature called “Character Maps” which lets you show, hide, or replace images from specific folders on the fly to make game features like customizable character appearance and changes in weapons, armor, etc super easy and efficient.

Please check out the Kickstarter page to learn more and for the link to download the free beta version.
We'd love your feedback, suggestions, and support so we can make Spriter hands down the ultimate 2D game animating tool.


A note for pixel artists: for now it uses HWA filtering, but in the relative near future we will be adding a pixel art friendly mode with no flitering and aith no floating point pixel coordinates, and in general, a better experience for working with low res sprites. Still even in its current beta stage, I think Spriter can me a very valuable tool for creating animations for even low res games, by creating the animations large than you need for the final spriters, then batch processign the, down to your final size. (then palletizing and pixel popping as required or desired)

Thank you very much.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 08:23:18 am by Crow »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #3 on: April 05, 2012, 07:56:17 am
Way epic, and excited to see how close you are to being funded already! I've backed this and look forward to playing with the release when it arrives.  :y:

Offline BrashMonkey

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #4 on: April 19, 2012, 10:01:05 pm
Hi everyone,

The Kickstarter campaign for Spriter, the awesome 2d game animation tool is about to enter its final week.  Spriter has gotten the attention, endorsements and support of many really great pro and independent game developers...

"Seriously, awesome job on the editor."
- Tuomas Erikoinen, lead artist of Angry Birds

“Up until now, these tools were kept as a sort of "secret weapon" by companies with deep pockets who would use them to reduce dev-time and increase quality. It's often too costly for smaller companies and independents to create their own - and when they do they're reinventing the wheel every time because there is no standard. Spriter finally brings us a commercial solution and with it comes the potential of a universal standard. “

Dan Fessler, Professional game artist, Lead artist, A Bit Lucky

Since the Kickstarter campaign began, there's now working basic beta Spriter support for lots of Game authoring languages and system...

Cocos2d(by @TacoGraveyard)
GameMaker(by icuurd12b42)
Flashpunk(by @abeltoy)
Flixel(by @abeltoy)
Starling(by @abeltoy)
AS3(by @abeltoy)
XNA(by Mark Schmelzenbach)
JBlocks(by Zeroluck)
Libgdx (by Christian Finckler)

With continued funding we can continue to work full time and get additional help to make Spriter the ultimate 2d Game animation tool and get full Spriter support in all the popular game authoring systems as quickly as possible.  Please help spread the word.

Thank you very much.


Offline LarryPixel

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #5 on: July 05, 2012, 08:28:32 pm
Hey hey!  I launched a Kickstarter this morning and it's going great so far!  I thought some fellow pixel artists and admirers of the craft would appreciate its style. 

You can see the kickstarter at

It's essentially a serialized, side-scrolling action-RPG.  You deliver packages, fix machines, fight evil and Love your soulmate.  I'd love it you guys could show some love and support. 

Follow me @LarryPixel for updates and what-nots.

Offline BrashMonkey

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #6 on: August 15, 2012, 07:44:11 am
Hi everyone,

I've created a simple 3 level platformer game complete with a boss at the end specifically so any game artist can easily (and completely) change out any of the art, sounds, music etc. to create their own platformer game.  I made it using the free edition of Construct 2 from, so you don't need to buy anything to use it and the finished game can be exported as HTML5, which means you can embed your finished game into any website including your online portfolio.

I've also begun creating tutorial videos explaining how to replace the art and will soon even make videos explaining how to “program” in other game play features. (see the link above)

You can also try out the actual game here:

(For people like me who love pixel pushing, fear not, I'll show you how to make the game run in non-scaled, not filtered, pixel perfect mode.)

To play, just use the arrow keys to walk and jump and the Z key to throw fireballs once you've collected the “power-bean” .

And for those interested in seeing how far you can take this engine with the full version of Construct2 (the free Construct 2 has a 100 event limit..the current basic engine uses 91 events), please check out this really robust game thats being build on top of the same engine:

Backers of just 55 dollars or more can get the entire fully featured game engine once the game is finished.

I hope people find this useful.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 08:23:32 am by Crow »

Offline BrashMonkey

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #7 on: August 25, 2012, 04:03:44 pm
Hey Everyone,
Please check out this video:
I'm making this game with my friend Renita.
This is build on top of the free 91 event Construct2 platformer engine I released.
I'm making tutorial videos showing how to replace the art with your own and even program in new game play features.


Offline Lachie Dazdarian

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #8 on: August 28, 2012, 06:56:40 pm
Hi! Allow me to pimp a project by two friends of my, talented game developers Josiah Tobin and Ruben Rodriguez.

Watch the trailer of Worlds Beyond:

Pledged 250$!

I can vouch for the guys being diligent and talented. Some 6 years ago they developed one of the best games in the compiler I use, a cool Zelda-style action-adventure game entitled Lynn's Legacy. It's free:

So yeah, if intrigued by their past work or the Kickstarter page, pledge! These guys deserve it.

Offline eightbitdog

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #9 on: October 02, 2012, 12:49:12 am
Hello everyone!

I just launched a kickstarter campaign for my retro/8-bit iphone/ipad game, Attack of the Killer Space Things! It's the space-themed shooter with a side of humor. I'm trying to raise some funds to finish the thing up. Please take a look - I think you'll enjoy it :)


Offline Seiseki

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #10 on: October 13, 2012, 11:57:11 am
Your idea has potential, the gameplay looks awesome.
But I think your graphics falls a bit short, it lacks depth and contrast to make walls/ground and enemies stand out.
But most importantly, it doesn't seem to have much juiciness, like animated splats and splashes, explosions, empty gun cartridges raining down, camera shaking, etc.

I'm only saying this because you seem highly determined and looking at your site you clearly know how to draw.
Right now I think people on kickstarter see the game and think "oh another 8-bit game"..
If you post a mockup here on the forums I'm sure you'll get tons of feedback on how to take the artstyle to the next level.

Offline theweirdn8

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #11 on: October 28, 2012, 02:26:24 pm

Fields of Fresh has been in development for about 2 years now, and we need your support for the final stages. We want to provide the best pixel-arted, side-scrolled, action packed, overly dramatic, farming RPG game possible.

Things we need to fund are our voice actors, musicians to create unique music for the game, spriters and animators.

This project has grown constantly overtime, with us going from developing the Game in Game Maker to C++. That conversion process has taken up quite the amount of time. If you are tired of all of the bad social farming games, please back our project to support a farming game going to the roots of what a RPG game should really be.
Thank you for your support.


More Screenshots




On the official release of the game we plan to have exports for Linux, Mac, and Windows.
-Other platforms we plan to port to is the OpenPandora and possibly the new OUYA console


Use the Arrows the move
X = Action/Command Key
Z = Exit/Stop Key
C, V, B, N = Used for harvesting, and other reasons
Mouse = Used in certain menus
Esc = Exit Game.


    Fields of Fresh is a Farming Simulation/RPG centered around the protagonist Mark Seed.
In the game, you receive a farm from a man named Mr. Way. After working on the farm, you discover
valuable allies and enemies. The main enemy/boss in the game is Jezebel, who wishes to run you out
 of business, since you refused to tell her the secret formula to Way Nog. But the story is still
being sketched out. In the game you can own pigs, cows, sheep, and chicken and raise crops as well.
 Some cutscenes are done, but not everything. Please note, I would love to receive help in finishing
 this game


Actual Game Site
Development Blog


^^^Simply click the link above to our kickstarter page. Also please share/repost/tweet. We'd really appreciate it!^^^

Thanks again your support to indie gaming everywhere!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 12:51:50 pm by theweirdn8 »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #12 on: November 04, 2012, 12:51:06 pm
Guys and gals,

Rejoice for reached our goal.

Offline Seiseki

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #13 on: November 05, 2012, 09:16:00 pm
I think the pixel art is lovely in this game and I really hope it gets made!
Just posting here to spread the word! :D

Offline Panchos

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #14 on: November 15, 2012, 09:31:29 pm
Spud's Quest is a puzzle adventure game that draws it's inspiration from retro classics like the Dizzy series.

There's a demo, trailer, shots, and more info on the games Kickstarter page

« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 11:06:50 am by ptoing »

Offline heavycat2

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #15 on: November 29, 2012, 05:34:52 pm
Heavy Cat Studios New Game Art Store Project!

Heavy Cat Studios is an animation house based in Southern California near Hollywood.  We offer creative services to game developers, producers, webmasters, directors, publishers and authors.  We have a team of 44 creative professionals with a variety of specialized talents in illustration, voice acting, sound engineering, interactive design and script doctoring.  We have developed or co-developed 29 games with a combined 2.5 million plays.

We're pleased to announce an IndieGoGo campaign featuring our first catalog of fantasy-adventure sprites, tiles and trading card illustrations for independent developers.  Please visit our page and pass the word along to other game developers.  We have the capacity to produce up to 700 custom illustrations per week and we will be adding science fiction, horror, pirate, zombie, modern urban, combat and many other genres and styles to our store.

During our campaign you can get a complete pack of up to 100 sprites for $20.   That's not a typo.  Twenty bucks.


Offline ajrs84

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #16 on: December 10, 2012, 09:19:09 pm
Hey guys, check out our old-school isometric RPG Antharion.

Antharion's Kickstarter:

Offline alinke

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #17 on: January 09, 2013, 05:38:55 am
Hey All,

This KickStarter is a hardware product, it's an LED based display for showcasing pixel art. It's called PIXEL and includes an LED panel containing over 1,000 LEDs. Essentially each LED equals one pixel meaning it will display pixel art that is 32px by 32px. You set the pixel art which can be a still image or animation from your Android device.

Here's an animation example featuring the work of Pixel PileDriver

More info at

Could be a nice way to showcase your pixel art for some of you.

Thanks for looking and I'd welcome any feedback



Offline Lachie Dazdarian

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #18 on: January 09, 2013, 06:02:29 am
Hrm...just noticed Spuds Quest. The original version was released some 5 years ago for the PC as freeware and I reviewed it for

Glad to hear it's going to be reborn, although I would prefer the developer mentioned this first version on the Kickstarter page, as much of the work is reused.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 06:04:30 am by Lachie Dazdarian »

Offline Avangion

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #19 on: March 23, 2013, 04:35:56 pm
I just found this kickstarter today and came here to try to find supporters for it. I realize that I am new here, but take the 3 minutes to check out the video. It looks amazingly fun. You get to design your own equipment in game.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #20 on: April 15, 2013, 02:34:21 pm
Chasm on Kickstarter:

Chasm (pronounced kaz-um)  is a 2D Action-RPG Platformer currently in development for Windows, Mac, & Linux. Taking equal inspiration from hack ‘n slash dungeon crawlers (procedurally generated dungeons, loot drops, etc) and Metroidvania-style platformers, the game aims to immerse you in its 2D fantasy world full of exciting treasure, deadly enemies, and abundant secrets.

The game features art from Glauber Kotaki and yours truly =P

We've been getting great press so far, and an even better response. Hoping this thing can make it the full nine yards! I started working on the Chasm you see here around late October/early November. Needless to say, we spent a few months trying to flush out a new feel to the pixel art in the game. I wanted to aim for something that was serious but also relaxing at the same time.

If you're interested in the game, there's a demo for PC, Mac, and Linux. Any contribution is greatly appreciated (even if it's just spreading word!).

Thanks guys! <3

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #21 on: April 29, 2013, 03:35:15 am
Hi All!
I've been a big fan of these boards for a long time now.  I'm happy to say that a few days I launched a kickstarter for a game I've been working on called Rex Rocket!  Check it out,  any feed back is always welcome.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 03:40:30 am by RetroRob »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #22 on: June 07, 2013, 05:03:37 pm

Cowfrog Studios has been working on our first independent project, Alacrity Mission. We have recently launched our online networking platforms such as Facebook, our own website, and a campaign on Kickstarter.  Now is the time to see what people think about our project and where it is going.  It will also help us to determine how much interest there is in our game.  As an independent developer we are only just beginning to develop our base of fans and supporters. Read and have a look. If you want to know more feel free to message and ask questions. We WILL respond. Also, if you want to know more immediately feel free to follow the links in our signature box to see our website, like and share our facebook, or even check out our Kickstarter.

Some bullet points about our game.
  • Science Fiction Survival Setting with light Horror Elements.
  • Twenty unique playable characters, each with their own distinct action skills, strengths, and weaknesses, allowing for diverse puzzle solving and party composition strategy.
  • Permanent death of crew members immerses the player in the tension of narrowing options.
  • Limited Resources against overwhelming odds creates tension and forces the player to plan out their actions. Button mashing and careless choices will result in death.
  • A world stuffed full of secret items, hidden pathways, and lurking enemies delivered in a Metroidvania inspired collectible power-up system.
  • Strategy intensive turn-based battles with quick time events that involve the player in an active role during rounds.
  • Players are rewarded for playing to the bloody end with dozens of fully developed endings centered around how much they accomplished and who, if anyone, survives.
  • Fully involved new game+ allows players to reattempt the journey carrying over their previously discovered components.
  • High Difficulty to define the survival setting and reward players with a sense of satisfying accomplishment for their determination.

MORE CLARITY: Some of the key factors of interest about our game are the turn-based battle system which will use quick time events to increase combat effectiveness and the 20 playable characters who each have their own action skill/tool which can be used in a Zelda-esque manner on the map. Plenty of puzzles and deliberately designed areas will create a horror survival scenario with a high difficulty that is dealt with in a Metroidvania style search for hidden components which will power up your team members.

We are working to accomplish two things. First, to get the word out about the game and start getting some feedback and interest drummed up. Second, we are seeking additional funding through Kickstarter which will increase our rate of production by allowing us to stop spending so much time on fundraising. If you guys are interested at all please respond. We can post some more info to follow and we will respond to messages. If you want to know more right away, you can find plenty of information on our website, facebook, and kickstarter. We will be posting regular updates on the Facebook and we really appreciate any feedback, promotional efforts by spreading the word, and if you feel up to backing us on Kickstarter we really appreciate that as well. Thanks for your time and we hope to hear from you.

Cowfrog Studios



« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 04:35:22 am by Vermolius »

Offline DarkFalzX

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #23 on: July 12, 2013, 07:20:53 pm
Hey guys! I've been working on this for ages, as most of you know, but finally, here is a demo! W00t! <<Newest video - still pretty week, but.. yeah... Pretty-please support it here: )
« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 05:15:31 am by DarkFalzX »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #24 on: July 12, 2013, 09:47:30 pm
@DarkFalzX   Wow, you really went all out on the animations. So smooth. Really nice seeing the project still moving along.
I feel that the music really detracts from the trailer, but better than nothing. If the music was on par with the visuals, you'd have a pretty stunning little trailer going. But I assume you guys haven't put much time into music yet. A little early for that.

Question - Is your team using Spriter for anything?


Ope - "In fact I ended up writing my own procedural module-animation editor . . ."   So, you wrote your own . . . geeze. It's just you doing the game isn't it?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 10:44:11 pm by Mathias »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #25 on: July 13, 2013, 02:14:10 am
yes - the music is poop - it's from the 8-bit LOI I did back on ZX Spectrum, and, yes - I didn't have anything finished by the time Kickstarter was approved: ( If I happen to get a better sounding track at some point before the end of Kickstarter - I'd probably re-cut the trailer.
Yeah - so far it's been just me, and yes - I wrote an editor, which was surprisingly not that difficult - but then again - I wasn't going for either polish or user-friendliness: )

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #26 on: July 13, 2013, 05:19:07 pm
Wow, amazing! Hope everything goes your way.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #27 on: July 18, 2013, 12:10:57 pm
Well, there we go. Legend of Iya on RPS.
Discord: Ennea#9999

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #28 on: July 26, 2013, 09:25:06 am

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #29 on: August 13, 2013, 10:03:03 pm
Legend of Iya made it. Thought for sure funding was going to fall short - I checked 2 days before deadline and there was s huge defecit still. Surprising . . .

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #30 on: August 13, 2013, 10:15:12 pm
yes - the music is poop - it's from the 8-bit LOI I did back on ZX Spectrum,

I actually really like that tune.  It's far catchier and more fun than most music I hear in games these days.  So fed up with modern game soundtracks... Most of my fave game music comes from the 8 and 16 bit era...
NES, Amiga & Amstrad CPC inspired
I know nothing about pixel art

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #31 on: August 14, 2013, 07:43:43 am
Legend of Iya made it. Thought for sure funding was going to fall short - I checked 2 days before deadline and there was s huge defecit still. Surprising . . .

A great victory for the metroidvania genre !  :y:
...I'm still a bit concerned by the game's acronym though :D

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #32 on: August 15, 2013, 03:25:13 am
Hey congrats DarkFalzX! That was a close one.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #33 on: August 30, 2013, 01:42:13 am
Hi everyone!

We are a group of 3 people (programmer, artist and musician) working on the Octopus City Blues, an adventure game with the early 90's style.

Has been 3 days we released our kickstarter, and we need help to spread our project as much as possible. Don't back it if you dont like it, but any kind of support will be welcome, and we will be really thankful for your help.

We are not asking for much money, because we understand that no one knows about us, and it's risky to ask for more.

We also hope you like what you can see about the game, and we want to thank to everybody for the support!

« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 01:45:17 am by MarinaNT »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #34 on: September 04, 2013, 01:32:34 pm
Okay, so this isn't my kiskstarter, and it isn't pixel art, but you have to get this on WiiU.

Ghost Song: A Journey of Hope

A beautiful 2D sci-fi metroidvania about love, hope, and redemption. Gameplay influenced by Super Metroid and Dark Souls.

This is a project that has 12 hours left, but still has 14k to get to its stretch goal for Wii U.
it features beautiful animations, and I regularly speak online to the creator, please back it or spread the word.

Back it here:

I can't be bothered to make a signature. Seriously, who has time to write these things? I have stuff to do, games to make, and you expect me to write a big, long signature?  I'm not your slave. You can't tell me what to do, so no, I WON'T write a signature.

Oh, wait...

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #35 on: September 12, 2013, 12:39:34 am

What is Night Job?

Night Job is a dark 2D role-playing adventure game that is focused on telling a story in which your decisions impact the outcome. We've developed a deep storyline to immerse yourself in and a variety of characters who will want to help & harm you during your journey. Animated cutscenes will allow you to see deeper into the world and learn more about the characters as the game advances. The game is being developed for the PC running Windows.

The Story

You work a night job cleaning crime scenes. You thought no mess was too dirty for you to tackle. Now a serial killer runs loose in your city, and you're the only one cleaning up after him. He won't stop killing. It feels like he's taunting you with messages hidden in the crime scenes. Is there a meaning behind all the murder? Who can you trust? How far will you go to expose the killer?

Gameplay & Art

The gameplay will be centered around the decisions you make and overcoming puzzles. It features a dark concept with a theme of mystery which is supported by a custom soundtrack. It has pixel art gameplay in the classic JRPG style with 2D motion comic animated cutscenes. The cutscenes will include voice acting and composed audio.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #36 on: September 12, 2013, 08:16:52 am
Can a mod remove the image on the spriter / brashmonkey post, it's putting heaps of malware errors up in Chrome, essentially locking the thread for chrome users without a bit of messing around.. :ouch:

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #37 on: September 12, 2013, 08:24:04 am
Can a mod remove the image on the spriter / brashmonkey post, it's putting heaps of malware errors up in Chrome, essentially locking the thread for chrome users without a bit of messing around.. :ouch:

Done, thanks.
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #38 on: November 03, 2013, 01:17:31 am
Three interesting kickstarters these months :

Hyper Light Drifter -

Gameplay trailer

Paradise Lost -

Gameplay trailer

Confederate Express -

Quality pixel art & interesting dynamic lighting

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #40 on: November 15, 2013, 09:19:01 pm
I really really want to set out some time to do a pixel piece x4 times and try it with spritelamp.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #41 on: December 13, 2013, 02:34:14 pm
Developer: Jonathan BRASSAUD
Genre: Platformer/Action/RPG
Support: PC/Android
Languages: French/English
Web Site:


Inexistence is an indie game created by a passionate team of amateurs.
Jonathan BRASSAUD : Game Design, Scenario, Graphiscs, Level Design, Animations, Programming
Etienne Zizka : Animations, translation other artistic contributions
Fawzi Allouache : Musics
Nicolas Etten : Artworks
(Special thanks to Romain Desmareceaux for his technical support.)
The game is meant to reminiscence older, retro games. The objective in creating this game is to recreate the feeling of the older games such as Castlevania, Metroid, Mario, Megaman, etc…

Play as Hald in this 2D plaformer with RPG elements and discover a strange world, filled with danger and mystery. Concealed in every level are various treasures waiting to be discovered by those willing to explore…
Other systems

* Manage your own stats as you gain levels.
* Purchase various useful items at shops.
* Visit the blacksmith to manage your equipment (full game)
* Participate in time attacks and share your scores online (full game)
* Various difficulty levels (full game)

…to  all the beta testers, your awesome work has been mentioned in the credits.
… to Kyalie for her Artwork of Hald.
… toRomain68 for the pixel art present in the in-game menu.
… to Shin for his artwork used in the header of the website.
Final Word

I sincerely hope that you will enjoy my game. I am very interested in your comments and suggestions regarding the future development of the rest of the game.
Feel free to visit the facebook page for the game and share the news with your friends!
Thank you!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 04:36:23 pm by Zizka »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #42 on: December 13, 2013, 05:37:41 pm


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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #43 on: December 13, 2013, 07:36:08 pm
I am super nitpicky, gimme that.

Not a native, but I'm pretty sure no misspelling could get past me! no guarantees :crazy:

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #44 on: December 13, 2013, 07:46:57 pm
I'm nitpicky. You can tell by my posts here. I'm also good at finding bugs, which you can't tell by my posts here.
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #45 on: December 13, 2013, 08:00:44 pm
Alright you three, I'll send you the game by PM.

A couple of things:

* Please do not distribute the demo.

* Please be tactful in your feedback. This is the first game we are working on so it is very far from perfect.

* Providing screens and a detailed report is appreciated

* Please do not forgot to comment the art.

It is still in beta state and in no shape to be shared anywhere. I'm counting on you for this.  :y:

You may share your findings here, in this very thread.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 08:02:46 pm by Zizka »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #46 on: December 13, 2013, 08:51:51 pm
Real quick beginning thoughts:

Landing from a jump cancels the attack, which is not so cool.

The intro cutscene isn't skippable, or if it is, I couldn't figure out how. This works for the final, but for bug testers it can get in  the way. "Hmm, game has options for screen size, were they there on the title screen?" Reset, nope. Watch cutscene again.

Hinted at above, at least a few of the options in the in game menu should be available on the main menu.

I'm not sure if this is by design or not, so I'm just curious. If you land on the edge of a platform, but fall off soon after, your gravity stays at max. If intentional, it's not so consistent. Games like Yoshi's Island max your falling speed EVERY time you walk off a platform for consistency, most games, you'd be at zero. Yours is a bit either/or.

Cool stuff:

Game remember screen size settings.

Controls feel right.

Attacking with the backside of the attack is fun.

I promise I'll say more, but... apparently I have to go someplace I didn't expect, so can't even finish the demo right now... Will later today.
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #47 on: December 13, 2013, 09:00:14 pm
Yes, please redownload from the same link I sent you. The bug you mentioned has been fixed.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #48 on: December 13, 2013, 10:31:13 pm
The link has not updated, I downloaded/reinstalled and it's the same game. Same filesize for installer and all. (dropbox did not update the time updated either) So the below notes are from the old version.

After talking to the old man, you end up inside the floor. You can then repeatedly jump while holding left to escape the map. (Insta-death!)

Switching maps repositions the game's window.

If you make the game full screen, then go back to windowed, the game is always the top window.

Can I post screenshots? I found another way to escape the map. At the part after you hit the switch with the max, there's an area hinted at by holes in the rock. It contains glowing puzzle piece. Crouch, then jump. You'll be in the wall. Walk right, it will push you left and up. Eventually you'll end up standing, and you can walk right to die. You can also crouch jump from that layer, and can reach the surface above.

Actually crouching, then jumping can be used for bypassing collision in lots of cases. For instance, when underneath a block you can break with the sword, jumping will make you hit your head. If you jump from a crouch, your head will be inside it. This actually allows you to do all kinds of weird stuff, so I won't go into detail. I suspect the crouching hitbox is still used for the duration of the jump.

More nitpicky: Left/Right can be pressed at the same time for awesome running in place.

Holding left at the start of the level makes the character face the wrong direction for the intro.

Getting shot by the fireballs moves you fast enough that odd collision things happen. It also doesn't halt your attack like getting hit by enemies does.

I got my controls to freeze completely during the cave cutscene. Basically, the text boxes appeared, but after I closed them, no buttons worked (Not even enter). Maybe I jumped too far? I'll investigate more how I did this.

I expected going back in the menu to be on an action key (A, E or R) instead of enter.

I assume the text is still placeholder, so I won't comment much on it. But part of the old man's intro text is still in French. (The stuff he says before he opens up shop so you can buy from him) Depending on how the game is being translated, that might be important to know.

Apologies if I'm being too crazy with this. I'm trying to be tactful, and I do understand it's a beta. But I feel it's a disservice to find a glitch, and not tell you, even if it's probably known.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 10:33:10 pm by Kasumi »
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #49 on: December 13, 2013, 10:37:46 pm
That's awesome Kasumi, keep 'em coming. Sure you can post screenshot.

I'm just working on some art, so I don't have any control over the actual inner gears of the game. I'll check the link I sent you again... the creator told me it had been updated... I'll look into it.

You're doing a great job, thanks!  :y:

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #50 on: December 13, 2013, 11:32:53 pm
I focused on typos instead:

"ennemies" should be "enemies"

"elments" should be "elements"

"every slain ennemies" should be "each slain enemy"

"this fountain allow you to save" should be "allows"

And when it teaches you to jump it says "press E to confirm jump", this is like saying "appuyez E pour confirmer le saut" -- it just sounds weird. :blind:
You should put "press E to jump", which is "appuyez E pour sauter"  ;)

It's a nice game, but I can't play it anymore this weekend (I'm participating in Ludum Dare) so I'll come back to it on Monday :y:
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 11:35:28 pm by YellowLime »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #51 on: December 14, 2013, 12:18:23 am
Bats can perch in the middle of the air.

I run in slow motion here:
And anywhere else a cutscene had occurred. Actually, it seems the program's CPU usage just shoots up at those parts. Not sure if there's anything you can do about that, but look into it.

If you push the boulder in the not intended direction (left rather than right), it rises through the platform by the lava, and then can't be pushed anymore. (you can only push it while standing, and the boulder occupies the entire platform.) Reloading the room fixes it.

Another note about crouch jump: You can simply press down while jumping, you don't have to start from a crouch at all. I noticed I was getting stuck in walls a lot in the swimming section, and that was why.

While swimming you can "jump" while the standing attack is happening.

Found another collision thing with crouching. Listing it because it's technically different, and fixing crouch jumping potentially might not fix this. Screenshot:

If you run toward this area and crouch (have to start the crouch while still moving), you can exit the map after stopping the crouch. Again, I assume it's because for the small bit while you're still moving the crouching hitbox is active. (Even though visually you're running.)

Really nitpicky, but if you press down while rising from a jump, you can make the player change animation frames in the air. A cute little dance.

In this area:

If return after going loading a new map, the platform doesn't spawn. (You can force it to spawn, by jumping up to the left, then running back and catching it, but waiting for it in the location at the screenshot is a lost cause.) But... when you get to the middle after riding that platform, the NEXT platform doesn't spawn either. Then you're stuck. (If it weren't for crouch jumping!  ;) Anyway, I wanted to go back to buy the double jump ability, since it looks like there's a part I could use that on)

You can't double jump after walking off a platform.

Ah. Apparently walking all the way back to the start after reloading the level triggers the intro cutscene again. The, "The castle can be seen..." one.

Okay. And beat it. All in all, my biggest complaint is how enemies PROPEL YOU AT HIGH SPEEDS AWAY. I was standing on a moving platform. Mr. Bat taps me. WHOOSH! Death. Other than that, it's good. The puzzle pieces are well hinted at. I found 3, if there are more, well... okay.

Edit: Oh! I apologize for asking about posting screenshots when it says right in that post we can. I missed that.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 12:27:28 am by Kasumi »
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #52 on: December 15, 2013, 10:41:00 am
Thanks Kasumi, you did an epic job.

The bugs are being ironed out as I'm typing this (some of them have already been fixed).


Thank you, those have already been fixed. No problem for the rest, take your time.

Did you guys have any comments about the gameplay or graphics? That's pretty important too  :y: :).

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #53 on: December 15, 2013, 12:20:56 pm
I listed a few gameplay complaints/good stuff. Control over the character feels right, except the landing canceling attacks as noted. In general, you're on the right path.

Magic seems a little useless as an attack. In the places it would be useful (thing that shoots fireballs by underwater entry), I tended to just run out really quickly. Although... in that particular instance, you can totally game the fight by continually saving to replenish your health/magic. There are other things you could do, like having it stun the enemy briefly as well as damage it. Then you could run up and slash the enemy once or twice. I understand if you don't want powerful magic early on, but it's perhaps a problem when a thing you gain is totally useless compared to what you start out with. (Unless you plan to have many more puzzles the magic solves, as opposed to just the one)

What happens when you get hit is inconsistent. Airborne, your attack isn't cancelled out and you're shot away at high speeds. Grounded, seems like the character barely feels it, but his attack is cancelled. Getting hit in the air is always 1000% worse than getting hit on the ground. Simply landing on an enemy SHOOTS YOU AWAY, having them walk into you while standing is a slap on the wrist. The airborne behavior is WAY too fast, but a bigger issue for me is that it's inconsistent. Consistency is super important.

I did not understand the stats screen at first glance, I haven't seen that style before. The blue number (I assume), is what you can max each stat to using the level ups. But I expected it meant my CURRENT max health. The others did tip me off, though. Not sure if it's worth changing, but it's worth noting.

More generally, I hope you have a warp system planned. Walking all the way back from the swimming area to buy the double jump, then walking back to the get that chest that requires it was a little irksome. It may be worth exploring more compact maps even with warps. I notice when I'm walking 4000 pixels when the map could be 1000 pixels and lose nothing (like hidden stuff) with the change. But it could also be Metroidvania style stuff isn't quite my genre. I tend to play straight platformers.

For the old man's shop, maybe play a sound effect when you try to buy something you can't afford. You already have a sound effect for cases like this (time trial on the title screen), so I was somewhat surprised to not see it used there.

Nothing jumps out at me as particularly bad, though. I guess it'd be cool to see different kinds of weapons, but I can't imagine you don't have that sort of thing planned. I'll wait for an update with some bugs fixed, and run through it again. If the text is really fair game, I can definitely find stuff there.

Man, I'll miss crouch jumping, though. It obviously has to go, but it's a lot of fun.

As far as graphics comments... I dunno, I'm not very good at that. I'll say I think the bat is far too cute. Both his eyes, and the way he flies. The magic attacks seem a bit generic. I'm not sure how well the semitransparent effects (like the pink orbs on the save fountain, and the magic trails) fit in with the pixel art. The way the menu fades in and out is fine, though.
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #54 on: December 15, 2013, 01:19:22 pm
You bring out some very good points, Kasumi. It's great that you're willing to give the upcoming version another try  :y:. It shouldn't be too long now I would think. Keep in mind that I'm just part of a small team however, the mastermind behind the game is Jonathan Brassaud. Still I'll tell you what I think.

Magic seems a little useless as an attack. In the places it would be useful (thing that shoots fireballs by underwater entry), I tended to just run out really quickly. Although... in that particular instance, you can totally game the fight by continually saving to replenish your health/magic. There are other things you could do, like having it stun the enemy briefly as well as damage it. Then you could run up and slash the enemy once or twice. I understand if you don't want powerful magic early on, but it's perhaps a problem when a thing you gain is totally useless compared to what you start out with. (Unless you plan to have many more puzzles the magic solves, as opposed to just the one)

I hope there'll be more puzzles too. That's something I really liked in Metroid, when you had to blast open the glass passage to access the underwater area.

What happens when you get hit is inconsistent. Airborne, your attack isn't cancelled out and you're shot away at high speeds. Grounded, seems like the character barely feels it, but his attack is cancelled. Getting hit in the air is always 1000% worse than getting hit on the ground. Simply landing on an enemy SHOOTS YOU AWAY, having them walk into you while standing is a slap on the wrist. The airborne behavior is WAY too fast, but a bigger issue for me is that it's inconsistent. Consistency is super important.

I totally agree on this one. I hope we'll find something more consistant. I wouldn't think it would be too hard to program. I've already told Jonathan about this.

More generally, I hope you have a warp system planned. Walking all the way back from the swimming area to buy the double jump, then walking back to the get that chest that requires it was a little irksome. It may be worth exploring more compact maps even with warps. I notice when I'm walking 4000 pixels when the map could be 1000 pixels and lose nothing (like hidden stuff) with the change. But it could also be Metroidvania style stuff isn't quite my genre. I tend to play straight platformers.

Yeah, we've had this comment pretty often before. Jon was against that idea at first but he seems to be changing his mind about it. I too think warp points are pretty important.

Nothing jumps out at me as particularly bad, though. I guess it'd be cool to see different kinds of weapons, but I can't imagine you don't have that sort of thing planned.

I hope so too. We're still in early development, so I guess it's not too late to be implemented.

For the old man's shop, maybe play a sound effect when you try to buy something you can't afford. You already have a sound effect for cases like this (time trial on the title screen), so I was somewhat surprised to not see it used there.

Oh yes, ok. It's a little thing so it shouldn't be too hard to fix either.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #55 on: December 16, 2013, 08:55:57 pm
New build:

Hold left+right. Swing sword. Enter glitch stand state. In this state, you cannot move left or right or use the sword. You can only jump (holding the standing frame.) Landing fixes it.

Talk to Sahasrahla (in the house). As his "sale menu" is opening, hammer up.  Close the sale menu. A blank text box appears on the screen.

Apparently, doing the above with Sahasrahla in the cave entirely disables the menu. I can't even read signs. Running into the boss fight with the menu disabled brings up a blank text box, then restores the menu.

The Double Jump Ability now says it costs 300 (I think), but I'm 98% sure it still only took 200 from me. (Pardon me if I'm wrong. Didn't really double check.)

Small layering issue:

I got my controls to freeze completely during the cave cutscene. Basically, the text boxes appeared, but after I closed them, no buttons worked (Not even enter). Maybe I jumped too far? I'll investigate more how I did this.
Yeah, that wasn't a one time thing. All you have to do is jump forward a lot when entering the cave the first time. Maybe having the double jump ability makes it easier, but I just froze again.

Taking away control from the player after using the magic to activate bridge thing is not good. If you jump forward and shoot it, you'll die while it's coming out.

These walls aren't collision enabled, but should be. Double jump!

It seems you're dealt "airborne damage" when standing on moving platforms. This is bad because bats!

The new glitch stand state thing allows you to have glitchy collision detection.


Same spot where you could previously run, crouch/stop crouch. Instead, run, crouch, run, crouch, press left/right, then E. You can then press start to open the menu (which cancels the glitched stand state), run to get further in the wall, and be outside the map. But there's no way to get back in, so it's not as useful a glitch.

The fire dogs replace those other dudes, but seem unfinished, so I won't comment on 'em.
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #56 on: December 16, 2013, 09:16:38 pm
I did the fire dogs, I also felt they weren't ready just yet. I'll wait to read what the other players had to say about it.

Thanks for the quick update!  :y:

P.S.: I'm still looking for me beta testers if anyone is interested.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 09:34:10 pm by Zizka »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #57 on: December 17, 2013, 12:37:55 pm
Kasumi suggested keeping a changelog and I think it was a good idea.

For version 0.9:
1. The Double Jump Ability now says it costs 300 (I think), but I'm 98% sure it still only took 200 from me. (Pardon me if I'm -wrong. Didn't really double check.)


2. Apparently, doing the above with Sahasrahla in the cave entirely disables the menu. I can't even read signs. Running into the boss fight with the menu disabled brings up a blank text box, then restores the menu.

Could not reproduce the bug. Possibly not fixed.

3. Talk to Sahasrahla (in the house). As his "sale menu" is opening, hammer up.  Close the sale menu. A blank text box appears on the screen.


4. Hold left+right. Swing sword. Enter glitch stand state. In this state, you cannot move left or right or use the sword. You can only jump (holding the standing frame.) Landing fixes it.


5. Small layering issue:


6. These walls aren't collision enabled, but should be. Double jump!


7. It seems you're dealt "airborne damage" when standing on moving platforms. This is bad because bats!


8. The new glitch stand state thing allows you to have glitchy collision detection.


9. Same spot where you could previously run, crouch/stop crouch. Instead, run, crouch, run, crouch, press left/right, then E. You can then press start to open the menu (which cancels the glitched stand state), run to get further in the wall, and be outside the map. But there's no way to get back in, so it's not as useful a glitch.


V. 0.9.1 is being uploaded at the moment with the bugs above corrected (except for that one). You may download it via the same link as before.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #58 on: December 18, 2013, 05:46:53 am
Old stuff still on the list:

Landing from a jump cancels the attack, which is not so cool.

Switching maps repositions the game's window.

If you make the game full screen, then go back to windowed, the game is always the top window.

Holding left at the start after the storybook intro makes the character face the wrong direction during the intro with pop up textboxes.

(3. Talk to Sahasrahla (in the house). As his "sale menu" is opening, hammer up.  Close the sale menu. A blank text box appears on the screen.) This is not fixed. Image:

(2. Apparently, doing the above with Sahasrahla in the cave entirely disables the menu. I can't even read signs. Running into the boss fight with the menu disabled brings up a blank text box, then restores the menu.) Still not fixed. I can make a video if needed to help reproduce, but activating it is no different to the above.

In addition, it seems you can hammer up while the sale menu is closing as well. So to be clear, it does this whether you do it while the menu is closing or opening.

(4. Hold left+right. Swing sword. Enter glitch stand state. In this state, you cannot move left or right or use the sword. You can only jump (holding the standing frame.) Landing fixes it.) Partially fixed. Hold left+right+down and swing sword for more strange animation. I might be overstepping "just tester" etiquette here, but the way I fixed things like this is, "if left+right is pressed, neither left nor right is pressed. if up+down is pressed, neither up nor down is pressed." (You can even be trickier, and when right+left is pressed, you accept whichever one was LAST pressed.) Right now it seems like additional cases are being created. Like if you press left+right on the ground, it's like neither direction is being held because you stay facing either right or left. But if you jump, you always end up facing left. This always facing left while jumping isn't a problem, just gives insight into how things might be being solved. Apologies if I'm overstepping or just plain wrong about it.

(9. Same spot where you could previously run, crouch/stop crouch. Instead, run, crouch, run, crouch, press left/right, then E. You can then press start to open the menu (which cancels the glitched stand state), run to get further in the wall, and be outside the map.) Still doable. Just run, crouch, stand. Image:

Some other places this can happen (marked in red where I started from)



Moving Platforms still don't always spawn.

New Stuff:

A green column with an E at the top now appears where cutscene triggers are. Probably just for testing, but eh. I'll throw it out there anyway.

It seems there's a way for your save file to get deleted. Not sure if it's because I selected new game and quit during the intro or something else. I'll try to get repro steps at another point, I'm out of time now.

Things I did not retest (deleted file!):

You can't double jump after walking off a platform.

Taking away control from the player after using the magic to activate bridge thing is not good. If you jump forward and shoot it, you'll die while it's coming out. (I was trying to beat it without ever getting the magic to change things up a bit, so I didn't test this)

It seems you're dealt "airborne damage" when standing on moving platforms. This is bad because bats!

Everything not listed at all in this post is either fixed, or I figured it's not that important right now or by design. (Like menus needing start to go back and bats perching in air.)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 05:58:20 am by Kasumi »
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #59 on: December 18, 2013, 01:08:20 pm
Raargh! Is there no end to those bugs  :blind:. The thing is, I will need to translate certain of your bug reports because otherwise it's a bit hard sometimes to understand for the dev.  ;)

Mathias, Yellow Lime, any progress on your part? We'd like to release something stable before Christmas.  :y:

Pixel Pile Driver is supposed to send his report soonish (from what I understood from chatting with him anyway  :)).

A couple of things, Kasumi:

If you make the game full screen, then go back to windowed, the game is always the top window.
Sorry, we don't understand what you mean by this.

Landing from a jump cancels the attack, which is not so cool.
Dev said he'll keep it this way. Says it's the same in Castlevania.

Holding left at the start after the storybook intro makes the character face the wrong direction during the intro with pop up textboxes.

Dev says it's been fixed.

I'll keep you updated about the rest of the bugs.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 01:38:49 pm by Zizka »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #60 on: December 18, 2013, 04:19:48 pm
    If you make the game full screen, then go back to windowed, the game is always the top window.
Sorry, we don't understand what you mean by this.
Open some program that's not the game. A web browser, I guess. Open the game. Position it over the web browser. Click the web browser. The web browser window moves in front of the game. Click the game in the taskbar. The game moves in front of the web browser. Open menu in game. Options, change display to full screen. Now change it back to 2x. Reposition game over web browser window if needed. Click web browser in task bar. Game is still on top instead of the web browser.

I'm on Windows Vista on the offchance that matters.
Dev said he'll keep it this way. Says it's the same in Castlevania.
Okay, fair enough.

It seems there's a way for your save file to get deleted. Not sure if it's because I selected new game and quit during the intro or something else. I'll try to get repro steps at another point, I'm out of time now.
Hmm... honestly can't quite figure why it only happens sometimes. I tried a few things, and... the verdict is... "sometimes." Sometimes when selecting New Game, it deletes your file. Other times, it doesn't. Best behavior is the latter , to avoid accidental file nuking in the title screen.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 04:29:39 pm by Kasumi »
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #61 on: December 18, 2013, 06:49:53 pm
I am making a game myself, striving for perfection.
I am the most nitpicky person on earth haha.
I'd like to send you some good feedback & hindsights !
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #62 on: December 22, 2013, 01:53:53 pm
Alright you guys, we're getting nearer release date.

The dev (not me) made this trailer for the game:

Fixed -Crow

Is it ok? I translated the original French text. Is it ok?

Any ideas to improve it?

« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 03:40:52 pm by Crow »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #63 on: December 24, 2013, 04:27:46 pm
Guess not.

Alright the demo is now released for everyone.

I can only cross my fingers that the bugs have been fixed and that we'll end up getting feedback in order to make the full game even better.

I've also edited the first message of the thread.

Enjoy and merry christmas to you all.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #64 on: December 24, 2013, 05:52:48 pm
Good Job on the release!

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #65 on: December 28, 2013, 08:18:22 am
These notes are from 1.0. (Dunno if there's been an update)

Hold left+right+down and swing sword for more strange animation.

The key keeps respawning in the underwater area. Collect it. Reload map. Collect it again.

Still possible to escape the map by crouching and running. Ending up deleting my save file with New Game, so had to load my totally sweet edited save to get these screenshots.

1. After puzzle piece in hidden cave, there's an arrow shooting dude. Kill him, and you can glitch through the wall where he was standing.


Also, if you enter the area in the above screenshot from the right, the moving platform doesn't come.
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #66 on: January 16, 2014, 08:53:23 am
Hey All, this Kickstarter is for an LED display for pixel art. It has 1024 multi-color LEDs for a 32x32 resolution. Each multi-color LED equals one pixel. I had a few of the pixel artists from this forum actually do some animated gifs for it. A primary goal of the project is to promote pixel art and make it available to a wider audience. Check it out if you get a chance.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #67 on: February 24, 2014, 10:12:09 pm
Hi guys! My name is Alexandre Rey. I am a CG Artist. We have been developing the Planetsł project with my french team for a few months.
And we start a kickstarter campaign in a few days.

The feeling of the pixel-art community is very interesting for me and my artistic reflexion. also I encourage you to leave me comments

If you want to know more, visit the website:

« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 10:42:15 pm by Crow »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #68 on: February 24, 2014, 10:24:24 pm
The video formatting should be as printed:
Code: [Select]
[yt]pktWBxxqAvQ[/yt]As for the actual project, it looks extremely intriguing, especially the weapon customization. I hope your plans go the way you want. Good luck.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #69 on: February 24, 2014, 10:30:28 pm
Intriguing? If you have any question don't hesitate;)

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #70 on: February 28, 2014, 01:06:22 pm
Not a kickstarter, but maybe you could help get a game I worked on green light on Steam?   :)

There's a proper look at the graphics I did in my haphazard portfolio if you'd care to inspect:

Many thanks

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #71 on: February 28, 2014, 02:56:04 pm
looks really nice man, i voted for it on greenlight.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #72 on: March 08, 2014, 04:35:51 pm
Hello again guys, it's been a little while.

Well, after much time spent on my part translating and translating some more we've made it to Kickstarter. Jonathan (main dev') has implemented new things in the latest playable version for the Kickstarter (including a new somersault move).

Here's the link:

Now, for 5$ you get the full game when it is complete which I find fairly reasonable.  :y:

All in all, creating a game is so much more work than I could ever imagine from the onset. I'm crossing my fingers we'll make it.  ;D

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #73 on: March 20, 2014, 12:32:39 pm

Check out Underground Throne.

IT is a new strategy dungeon game in real time. I hope you like it. If you like games like Dungoen Keeper, Impossible Creatures or Tanktics; you're gonna love this game:
Here is link:


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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #74 on: April 28, 2014, 11:34:05 pm
Not pixel art but still cool nonetheless; I present thee with Buck, a side-scrolling bundle of fun in an interesting world. It's part platformer, part brawler, has weapon customization and role playing elements. Think Shank with a more involved story and non-linear exploration.

Come over and say hello!

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #75 on: May 10, 2014, 01:02:59 am
Hello I am a lurker plugging my kickstarter titled Chrono Rider, which is a 2D story driven action RPG featuring pixel art, local coop and versus modes, and multiplatform support (PC, PS4, Vita, WiiU, XBox1), thank you for your time:

Play as Captain Corgi and travel through space and time in order to rescue his fellow Chrono Riders that are held hostage by ZoogleZon Rogues:



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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #76 on: June 30, 2014, 12:41:57 am
The game I did a bunch of animation and misc. pixel work for is up on greenlight if anyone cares to take a look

There are more pictures and a video on the page but I thought I'd upload one with clean pixels for the sake of this forum :D

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #77 on: July 01, 2014, 08:26:15 pm

I'm a first time poster, but occasional lurker. I’m one of the developers of the game The Wild Wild Pixel, which we just launched a kickstarter for! It started as a passion project for both of us on the dev team, coming from our love of the classic era of point and click adventure games from LucasArts, like Secret of Monkey Island and Sam and Max: Hit the Road. We’ve been working long and hard on the game, and we think it’s at a good place to show it to the rest of the world and hopefully get some of you as excited as we are! The kickstarter can be found here:

Any support, whether as a backer or just by spreading the word would be invaluable! However, we want to do more than just sell you on a pitch, we want to get your hands on the game and exploring the world we’ve started to create.
Alongside the kickstarter, we’ve also put the most recent alpha version of the first chapter up for download! You can download and try it out without even needing to initially back the game, and we’d love for you to try it out and hear your thoughts on what we’ve started to make.

Synopsis: Jacques has been an unwilling resident of The Valley all his life. Named for the massive cliff walls that imprison the empty deserts within, its second most notable feature is how little of note it holds. Jacques has attempted escape from The Valley countless times before to explore the world beyond, but every attempt was met with mysteriously catastrophic failure. Oddly, the other residents do not share his distaste for their home, fueling Jacques' frustration and leaving him to plan his escapes alone.
We join Jacques on the eve of another attempted escape, but little does he know that he’s about to embark on a journey that will reveal what lies beyond those towering walls. If The Valley lets him.

Gameplay Video:

  • 4 chapters (1 currently playable in alpha), clocking at around 5 hours each
  • Fully voice acted
  • Responsive command interface that sidesteps the clutter of older games of the genre
  • An emphasis on branching dialogues and emergent quests and character interactions
  • A skit system for exploring more unique, singular interactions with some characters via a comic book-y presentational style
  • A time of day system that brings different atmosphere and interactions as the day wears on

And that’s just what we’re shooting for right now, hopefully if we end up hitting some of our stretch goals, we can add in some of the dream features that we couldn't consider at this current stage.

Press so far:

It’s still early on, but we already have some people taking notice!

Adventure Gamers:

Indie Statik:



And here are some other resources/information about the game if we've piqued your interest.


Steam Greenlight Page:

Screenshot Album:


And there it is! We’ve been working our butts off on the game, and can barely contain our excitement putting it out there for the world at large to see. We hope that once you fine folks get your hands on it, you’ll be even a fraction as enthusiastic as we are, and join us on this wild ride. Because you folks are what’s going to make this happen, as the people we make the game for and the ones who step forward to support it.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #78 on: July 02, 2014, 07:55:34 am
Hey all!  ;D
Cheers for the thread,it's actually super-helpful!
Our game is in the drafts yet but we really,really need people to support it on Thunderclap now before KS launch.Nothing financial,just proceed to Thunder,press support via and thats it!
So about the game: we got a pixel scroll-shooter inspired by Doom and Metal Slug and its called Joan Mad Run :)

The most awesome part about the game is that it features insane weapons and for which weapons the enemy death is different! It also has bosses of different difficulty levels and the running is no-stop so the game itself is quite intense

Please give us some support on Thunderclap so we hit KS later on! Thank you and good luck to everyone with their campaign!

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #79 on: July 23, 2014, 04:26:42 am

Hello! My name's Mikey and I'm a pixel artist, and I'm making a game called Snot! I have been designing this game for 6 years, and have completed huge amounts of artwork for it over the years. It's a 2D metroidvania-style platformer inspired by Super Metroid, Cave Story and Banjo-Kazooie.

I have also been working with a programmer since early this year to build a demo, and a few days ago we launched a Kickstarter campaign.

Somewhere, high up in the sky, the Mollusc God rises above his cloudy worktable. With an almighty sneeze, Snot is born. The Mollusc God, unsatisfied with his work so far, squeezes and strains until a single snail shell is produced. The shell, brimming with hidden potential, sits proudly on the little gastropod's back.

Suddenly, in a puff of green smoke, a mysterious figure appears, and strikes the Mollusc God with a bolt of lightning. The Mollusc God, stricken with rage, flies away on a rampage. An evil force has corrupted him! A shocked onlooker, the Freezy-WingSnail, jumps up and freezes Snot into a ball of ice- and just in time, too, as the evil Mollusc God swoops down from above, KOing the icy creature.

Snot tumbles through the clouds, safely plopping into the ocean.

If you would like to see the above story animated, click here!

Snot runs, jumps, and fights his enemies by using a combination of melee attacks and his shell-throwing ability. Close-range attacks can be aimed by controlling Snot’s gaze, hitting nearby enemies with his tail. Shell attacks, however, can be aimed with a cursor, and are launched through the air as a long-range attack.

There are two “standard” shells: Snail Shells fire in an arc, whereas Conch Shells fire in a straight line.
Shells can each be used only once, but they will be constantly collected throughout levels by smashing item boxes.

There is also another kind of powerup: The energy symbols!

In each level, the player will unlock a new energy symbol. They can be used to power-up both kinds of shells to create all kinds of crazy weapons that help you solve puzzles and defeat bosses. They can also power-up Snot’s melee attack and offer additional effects if applied to Snot himself.

Some examples:

Shells pictured above: Fireball shell, Volcano shell, Magnet Shell and Lightning Bolt shell!
-use these as powerful attacks or as utilities for solving puzzles.
When the energy symbols are applied to Snot, he gains additional abilities such as being able to walk through fire or run really fast. His melee attack is also altered to give him even more abilities.

As you can see, each element has 3 uses, which means that with 8 energy symbols (the amount we plan to include in the final game), there will be 162 customisation options. In true Metroidvania-style, the player must master the abilities while exploring vast, diverse worlds full of enemies and puzzles. Use the many power-ups in the game to unlock secrets in already-explored areas and uncover whole new areas. There could be bosses hiding around any corner…

The Psychic Flamingos will help you with the backtracking and exploring, as they not only save your game and heal you, but also allow you to warp from world to world. They take you to an telepathic universe called the Flamingo World that turns everything into silhouettes and offers a faster way to travel.

With a wide spectrum of colourful characters and whimsical storylines, this is a Metroidvania like no other!

Snot will be full of personality. Much in the style of games like Banjo-Kazooie and Paper Mario: TTYD (two of my favourite games ever), most missions will be character-driven, enabling you to interact with a loads of entertaining and amusing NPCs.

This is Snot:
An inquisitive mollusc who seeks to learn the answers about the universe and reasons for his existence.
Although he is confused about his identity, he is also a lazy little gastropod who, more often than not, is forced into completing tasks for people due to his lack of a mouth - he cannot physically say "no".

The Mollusc God is the holiest of the molluscs. He was turned evil before he was able to enlighten his latest creation.

Meet the Prawn. After Snot washes up on a beach in level 1, frozen in ice, this tiny flying shrimp approaches him and sets him free. In return he makes Snot follow him on what turns out to be a suicide mission to find his friend who wandered off to join a cult. His catch-phrase is "OI! LISTEN!"

Non-contextual spacial warping gentleman. This cryptic figure's identity is a complete mystery for now. He has been referred to as all of the following: The Magician, Nowhere Man or Mr. Skulleh.

Many, many more characters, such as Gastro Podson, Eggable Tim and Cap'n Todger will also appear!

Some of these are stretch goals (more info on stretch goals on the Kickstarter page)

Single Player
-We plan to include 8 huge worlds (possibly even 9 if we reach out stretch goals), each with a unique theme.
-We expect over 100 enemies an up to 30 bosses.
-Challenge mode with Boss, Time and Puzzle challenges.
-A level editor!

-Co-op story mode.
-Co-op challenge mode.
-Capture the Pearl mode.
-King of the Flamingo mode.
-Defend the Holy Mollusc mode.

We hope to eventually release Snot on all of the following: Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Ouya, iOS, Android, Windows 8 Phone and Wii U. although we can't promise a release on all those platforms upon the game's launch, it will be on Windows and Ouya straight away. The game will be released in both English and German, and hopefully more in the future.

Anyway, I hope you like the look of Snot. We could REALLY do with some help on Kickstarter, so if this game seems like something you would actually buy when it comes out, maybe you'd like to support us. After all, Ł10 would get you a free copy, and that is roughly the price we hope to release it for. Consider it a pre-order? ;)
-we have some great reward ideas, too. Check out the page for more info!

Oh! And we also have a demo! You can download it from our website. Please check it out!

Any questions, ask away!

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #80 on: August 06, 2014, 11:05:51 pm
I'll skip all the fancy stuff since there's plenty of info on the page itself, but I'm making a game called Super Galaxy Squadron that's finally on Kickstarter.

Here's a screenshot for convenience.

All proceeds from the game after it releases (which should be this winter) will go to Child's Play, a really cool charity.

Plus if it gets to $2000 I can pay these guys to do the soundtrack. So yeah, if you want to help out I'd really appreciate it, and there's a playable demo if you want to get a closer look.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #81 on: September 20, 2014, 06:48:34 am
This topic seems more for Kickstarters one has worked on, but I'll share this one:

This guy is working on a new NES game. He appeared on nesdev early in July knowing nothing, and has made some pretty astounding progress in a short amount of time.

Here's a recent test he made of sprite masking:
Older test with music and walking around:

Note the dates on those posts. By August he was getting things done some people take years to, and again, he started in July.

Since those tests he's assembled a team, and has the tenacity to carry this through. Full disclosure: I've talked with him privately some, he's a good guy.
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #82 on: September 20, 2014, 07:23:41 am
Any screens? The video didn't show much.

Here's a recent test he made of sprite masking:
The overlap's got to be done with sprites doesn't it? player 2 + 3 for overlap and add an enemy 2 + 3 for overlap and already blown the sprite limit.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #83 on: September 20, 2014, 09:53:52 am
The overlap's got to be done with sprites doesn't it? player 2 + 3 for overlap and add an enemy 2 + 3 for overlap and already blown the sprite limit.
There are three ways to do what's shown. My mistake to to call that one masking. The one there would use no extra sprites besides the player character's sprites.

Every sprite can be told to be drawn "behind" the background. How this works is that each pixel of the sprite is "drawn" only if it is above the universal color of the background. So if green is the universal color, the player's sprites need only be set to be drawn behind the background. No additional sprites are needed. This comes with the obvious caveat that if a sprite is set to draw "behind" the background, every color that is NOT green will be drawn on top as well. So... if that grass had detail, the non green details would ALSO be above the sprite.

Things get weird, though, which is why drawn is in quotation marks up there and where I guess true masking comes in. Even if the sprite's pixel isn't drawn as the sprite (it was over a non universal color of the background), those background pixels will still appear above other sprites.

Mario is just set to be drawn behind the background. The Koopa is not, but he appears behind Mario, because Mario is made up of higher priority sprites, even if he's "drawn" with background pixels. Heh. (Standard disclaimer: I didn't dig out a debugger to check, but I'm pretty sure that's what goes on here. If not, it's a possible way this exact case COULD go down.)

TL;DR: Mario needs no extra sprites to appear behind the wall, the Koopa wouldn't either if he were set to be drawn behind. But  using Mario allows him to be behind the background in a unique shape, rather than be entirely behind the white wall.
Another way is editing the tiles themselves at run time. Solstice does this. Here's kind of a cool video showing an in development character walking behind stuff. Using that video instead of the actual game, because it actually handles a lot of cases that come up rarely in the game. This method uses no extra sprites as well, but runs into a PPU bandwidth issue. (You can only update so many tiles in a frame.) As well, enemies that need to walk "under" cannot share tiles, even if there are two of the same enemy in a room. (Changing one would change the other.) Actually, wow, Solstice is kind of impressive. I'll need to keep it in mind if I'm asked about impressive stuff.

Problem with just setting sprites to be drawn behind the background: Solid color areas must surround the stuff you want the player to walk behind.
Problem with sprite masking: 8 sprites per scanline limit.
Problem with editing tiles are run time: If too many things are behind the background, some could not be updated to maintain the illusion. This one is also... kinda menacingly hard to program in my opinion.

And no screens as of yet for Mystic Searches.

Edit: Changed "uses no sprites" to "uses no extra sprites as well".
« Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 10:00:49 am by Kasumi »
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #84 on: October 12, 2014, 12:17:22 am

A hi-res pixel art metroidvania with juicy destruction and a thrilling, timeline-twisting story!

Golden Hour will be released on Steam upon completion!

Official Kickstarter trailer:

    - Unravelling story following a main quest and many tangled side-quests
    - RPG leveling system including four primary and many secondary skills to improve your battle, platforming, crafting and

other possibilities
    - Explore a world composed of beautiful hi-res pixel art
    - Destructive environment with special effects and realistic physics
    - Use your enviroment in battle!
    - 4 bindable quick action slots
    - Over 30 spells whose power depends on players levels and skills
    - Variety of melee and ranged weapons
    - Game-altering items and equippables such as potions, magic jewelry, shields and armor
    - Dynamic music following the mood of the game events
    - Procedurally generated biomes and dungeons

After death of king Faragon and the end of Lindgren family reign, the four provinces of the Heratos kingdom are about to

break out a war as the four kings want the reign of the whole kingdom for themselves. Our hero, eighteen year old Arion, gets

drafted for a skirmish at the Idessa mine. What seemed to be a mild encounter between two provinces, actually turned into a

massive battle for an important strategic spot - as the kings of the remaining two provinces sent in their armies as well.
At one point, the mine starts to collapse, and only four people, including Arion, survive, getting trapped, without weapons,

food, sources of light or a way out. Arion, Lazar, Venegor and Rhea, hopelessly trapped for hours, realize they're better off

trying to cooperate in finding a way out than killing each other. As they improvise a torch and light a fire, they notice a funny

coincidence - they were all carrying a same item in different forms - a fourth of an orb, as a necklace, brooch, pocket watch

and a buckle. They join the orbs, summoning a mystic spirit; The spirit shows them a prophecy, warning them what will

happen if events continue to unfold this way and a war breaks out: It shows that a fifth side will use the kingdoms weakness to

invade all of Heratos; but more importantly, other than a catastrophic war, they each see a devastating personal tragedy. After

a handful of rage, denial, cinism and convincing, they agree to abandon their lives, unite and try to stop the war.

Arion is an eighteen year-old blacksmith apprentice, and also a blacksmith's son. His mother died at childbirth, for which Arion

sometimes blames himself. He is actually a half-mage, of which he's not aware until the incident at the Idessa mine.

Lazar comes from a powerful, influential Lanstrean military family. His father, a liutenant in the army, never really saw Lazar in

the army due to his weak constitution. He intended a job in the treasury offices for his son, which always drove Lazar towards

adventure and wilderness. The desire to prove himself made Lazar develop other skills which would make him the ultimate

predator in ranged combat. He's very tactically smart and agile, an excellent archer and a skilled craftsman, often improvising

bombs and traps.

Venegor comes from a poor, criminal-populated neighborhood of Vinstrel. A kind hearted joker, Venegor is actually a suffering

widower. While he's given up on hope for himself, this intimidating brute is amazing at spreading hope to others. He's seeking

the Zosimos Lantern, a relic that can bring a single soul back from the dead.

Rhea is a Natrian pure-born sorceress, highly intuitive and connected with the nature and animals. Sometimes deeming as

frighteningly powerful, her intuition and visions affect her physical being, getting faint and weak with bad feelings and

stunningly powerful with positive ones. She's charmingly playful and juvenile, yet there is a dark side to having extraordinary

powers at such a young age - and everybody has their own way to keep the emotions at bay.

The cities are peaceful, free-to-roam areas where Arion can buy and sell equipment, get upgrades, talk to NPCs and gather

quests and information. While the more remote parts of the cities hold some chests and loot, the real treats can be found in

the procedurally generated biomes between the cities - forests, abandoned villages, canyons, mountin passes, archipelagos

and more, and, of course, the underworld - the dungeons, treasuries and passages under the cities hold amazing loot and

bosses. The player won't be able to reach all of more than fifty generated areas at once, as most of the areas will require the

player to posses a certain combination of skills, be it magic, melee or agility.

Where possible, each of the four edges of a level connects to another level, forming a metroid-style map. At the highest point

of each town there is a grand chest with very valuable loot. There’s a lot of secret areas, each containing rewards for discovery

like pieces of runes written by a character whose story resembles the main charcter’s. On the ends of major levels there are

bosses that leave behind powerful loot.

The kingdom of Heratos consists of four provinces: Vinstrel, Lanstrel, Ringstead and Natris.

Ringstead is the kingdom's capital and the home of the protagonist, Arion. Before his death, king Faragon held his residence in

the Ringstead castle. The industrial and economic powerhouse of the kingdom still heavily depends on Vinstrean ore, Lanstrean

army and Natrian magic.

Lying in the tropical paradise of the eastern Island, Lanstrel could be called the military capital of the kindgdom; The famous

Military academy provides 9 out of 10 cavalrymen for the Heratos army; They say a good Lanstrean steed is worth as much as

an estate. Lanstrel holds the kingdom Treasury, and the gold lying underneath the city is unmatched.
Vinstrel is the brute, tough guy of the kingdom.

Hidden in the foothills of the Taumant mountain, Vinstrel provides the kingdom with ore, steel and livestock. The men and the

creatures residing Vinstrel, used to extreme conditions, are the toughest in Heratos. They are raw and virtually untrained, yet

they say a Lanstrean general could never beat a Vinstrean woodchuck in a bar fight.

Natris is the oddball of the kingdom; Smaller in constitution, pale-skinned, and usually magic-born, the Natrians are truly the

most specific people in Heratos. They condemn mixing with other Heratonians. The beautiful yellow stone and waterfalls of

Natris can fool; What lies in the forests and tundras beyond the city has been keeping humans away for centuries.

We started the work on Golden Hour almost two years ago, and back then it was supposed to be a simple, free platformer

which we did for fun. As time passed, we implemented weapon swapping, then a whole inventory system, then an enemy AI

based on skill variables - and eventually we realized how much potential the game has. After all this work, we've run out of

resources and time, and finishing this project will be virtually impossible without the proper funding. We want to bring the

immersing story and characters as close as possible to you, the players, and we would like to hire an illustrator for a comic

book/digital booklet, musicians for a live soundtrack and additional artists to make the world as bountiful as possible.

Stay in touch!
Official website

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #85 on: October 14, 2014, 12:26:26 am
Update 2 - What makes Golden Hour so awesome?

What is it that makes this game so awesome? What does it have to offer, unlike other games of similar kind?
That's simple...

JUICINESS! Sweet, violent juiciness!

I mean, look at this:

Or this:

Sure, metroidvanias are always more about exploration than action, but why does it have to be so? Why wouldn't we bring destruction into the genre? And not just any destruction! It's that sweet,sexy destruction that makes you say 'nice' out loud!

I mean, who doesn't like to splash someone's brains out by pushing them under the big fat stomper, or make giant stone golem run into a tower that has a person on top and break them all together? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've never seen a metroidvania with such elements. And not only that! You can also go for stealth if you don't feel like spraying blood all over those beautiful pixels. Although, only on certain places, like castles or towers, with accented vertical maneuverability. Which brings me to another reason you would like, and ultimately, back the game:

Many ways to go through the game!

Imagine this situation: There's a gate in front of you, and there's the lever that opens it, at the reach of your arm. There's also a loot chest that seems really nice, it's gotta contain something valuable! But, there are enemies behind the gate, keeping the chest. Like, a lot of enemies, it seems risky. Then you notice you have a choice! You can climb the tower on your side of the gate, all the way to the top balcony, you jump forward, and open your parachute, flying over the enemies. Now you have another choice! 

1. Sneak up to them from behind and silently kill 'em all as they are looking the other way and collect the loot from that super shiny chest 

2. Violently beat the hell out of them (or get yourself beaten) and also collect the loot from the chest, or 

3. Just walk away safely towards your goal, but without the loot and the XP you would've gotten in a fight. 

So now you see, this is not just another metroidvania. It's like a metroidvania on steroids, but not those bad, fugly ones! They are the steroids made only of the most sophisticated, high quality ingredients!

Check out Golden Hour on Kickstarter!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 12:29:46 am by amantino »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #86 on: November 04, 2014, 06:34:45 am
Wallz - Amazing wall art like you've never seen before. by Troels Fonsboel via @kickstarter

Turn your favourite pics into home wall art

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #87 on: November 04, 2014, 06:38:40 am
Commodore Amiga: a visual Commpendium by Sam Dyer via @kickstarter Plenty of Commodore Amiga art and you can also get the C64 book as well in one of the pledges.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #88 on: November 06, 2014, 12:43:52 pm
Hi Everyone,

I just want to help a video game project from the creator of « Alone in the Dark » and LBA Frédérick Raynal. the project is called 2Dark and need funding. They offer their softwar to make voxel models. the game looks awesome and the guys behind the project are very cool.

So take a look to the project :


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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #89 on: November 21, 2014, 06:37:00 am
I don't think this has been posted yet.. But it looks really good!

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #90 on: December 12, 2014, 07:14:27 pm

I've been working on this game for some time already. The game's title is 'There Was A Caveman'.
The game is a retro styled, prehistoric themed action-platformer, where you play as a caveman and have to battle giant dinosaurs and avoid other hazards. The game is greatly influenced by such classics as Castlevania, Ghouls'n'Ghosts or Shovel knight.
Story -
The world has been overrun by dinosaurs. The last living caveman, is left alone in his cave, with every other living thing he knew dead. But he does not want to give up the world to these ferocious beasts. So with what little hope he has left, he will venture out of his caves, to find the only thing, that could save the world as he knows it - A female specimen to rebuild the cavemen civilization. But doing that won't be easy as the world is full of these dangerous creatures and other deadly hazards!

Trailer here, because I can't embed it to show the video normally

The game features -
>Cool pixel graphics.
>Strong core game mechanics, with stable platforming, dashing, variable jumping, friction etc.
>Challenging areas to go through, like dark caves or forests.
>Lots of dinosaurs to fight of including T-rexes, Pterodactyls and Diplodocus.
>Throwables to collect like rocks, bones or javelins.
>Javelins that stick to the wall, and you can use as platforms.
>Swimming and underwater areas.
>Lots of hidden things, and secret places to discover.

Screenshot and a gif -

Today I launched the game on Steam Greenlight and Indiegogo(I know it's not a kickstarter, but it's close :D), i'd be grateful if you atleast checked it out there. :)

Here are all the links you need -
Steam Greenlight -
IndieGoGo -
IndieDB, where you can download a demo of the game -
And here's the devblog if you want to know about the game more in-depth -

Thank you for your time!
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 12:58:32 pm by aamatniekss »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #91 on: January 22, 2015, 08:17:54 pm
I'm not 100% sure it will stay true to the original material.
But Starr Mazer has always been one of the main source of inspiration for me; like, not for the style, content or anything, but just because it is so good it fuels my creativity every single time I watch it.

Anyway, it started as a fake trailer years ago, but it's now a thing:

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #92 on: February 18, 2015, 02:51:34 am
Hello dudes and dudettes,

My names is Daniel, aka as Dnilo in the pixel world. I have come to tell you about the last hours of my game in Kickstarter, I know it's a bit late for posting this, but it is never late to show you this project.

The name is Steel Assault, an indie retro game based on the NES limits, with influences from the late generation games like Batman and Shatterhand, with a bit of gameplay mechanics from Megaman.

This is a two-man team in which I do all the pixels and my friend Sri does the coding and music, we have been working on it for ~6 months sporadically.

You can take a look at it on the Kickstarter link here:

I hope you like what you see!! And we appreciate your help :)

Any questions or comments about it are more than welcome, and I'll be in touch.

Thanks again!
     Discord:Dnilo   Twitter:Dnilox

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #93 on: February 18, 2015, 07:21:31 am
I'm amazed that Steel Assault hasn't blown past its tiny goal long ago.
Don't the kids think NES is retro-cool any more?

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #94 on: February 27, 2015, 05:41:35 pm
Friends, gamers, peers, lend us your ears! We are a small indie and we can’t afford expensive marketing; For the past year the Quantum Forge team has developed a game called Sol Avenger. The Kickstarter has been live for days! Although we’re excited about the project and we’ve worked very hard for over a year on it, we’re averaging just a handful of unique visits a day on the campaign page! Our team has is passing out flyers around local college campuses and community centers to boost public awareness because that’s all we can afford to do! Without any significant marketing budget, it’s difficult to get this thing off the ground! The people who have seen this project say good things about it overall. We think you’ll love Sol Avenger because:

It’s a space shoot'em-up action arcade game… Think Star Fox without the rails!

There are quests: Looting and leveling on planets and in space!

Skill, Stat and Ship Customization, RPG goodness!  A different experience with every ship!

It’s an endless adventure! Our local solar system with a procedurally expanding universe beyond to explore!

A cross-platform release - We can build the game to multiple platforms provided the appropriate licensing!

Satisfying boss battles: Feel the rush of surviving in combat while also solving a fun puzzle!
No loading screens!

Support this indie project and come check out the Sol Avenger Kickstarter right here:

Offline AdamMagdalene

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #95 on: March 10, 2015, 04:17:45 pm

I'm a game developer and I would like to share my project and opportunity for you all,

Wormhole City, a sci-fi adventure with gravitational force physics, Metroidvania gameplay and vehicle sections so you can navigate upside down and sideways throughout a level. You play as an android reactivated and must protect Wormhole City while trying to find your missing creator. Exploring, vehicle sections, solving puzzles, enemy A.I. combat, and equipment upgrades are all implemented in the game. We aim to create a story-driven narrative through characters and audio logs that you will encounter and affect the story's outcome with the decisions you make.

We hope to involve the community in this project, if you like or share our project on social media, please e-mail us at and we will include your name in the credits of our game!

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #96 on: June 09, 2015, 01:38:33 pm
Hi there! I’m new to the forum thank you for accepting me! I’ve been working for 2 years now on a badass animated series called WINDWALKERS, which really need you today and that is why I’m writing here. This is not a viral buzz campaign or anything like this, this really concerns a small creative studio and its survival!!

WINDWALKERS is based on the best selling sci-fi novel The Horde of the counterwind written by the French Alain Damasio (also author of the AAA video game Remember me).

On a world devastated by powerful winds, WINDWALKERS is the story of a group, trained and raised to oppose the winds and find their origin. It is an epic action team story meant to touch our deepest essence, and remind us that to LIVE AUTHENTICALLY means to BE IN MOVEMENT and to BE CONNECTED.

Designed by stars from AVATAR, PACIFIC RIM, JUPITER ASCENDING, MATRIX, FINAL FANTASY, this independent project can only live with your help, to stay free and because it is the purpose of the story: being connected, walking together!

Check it out on Kickstarter until July 1st
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 06:11:32 am by Crow »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #97 on: June 19, 2015, 08:51:04 pm
Hi guys! I thought I'd share my pixel art project! I don't want to bore you, so I'll let the project speak for itself. I love pixel art, and gaming so this project is dear to me! Thanks for checking it out guys! There's tons of custom characters and art.

There's a pretty cool video of the project on the kickstarter.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #98 on: August 03, 2015, 07:31:43 pm
Our fellow Cyangmou just put his Kickstarter online ! This is awesome so check it out and back it.
We need to support high quality pixel art and show the public that indie pixel art doesn't mean cheap art.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 07:33:45 pm by Cyangmou »
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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #99 on: August 03, 2015, 07:32:39 pm
Tim ninjad me...
well fixed the youtube link in your post (since that's a bit odd codewise).

Actually it's Benitosubs and my project =)
We have a devlog going on since the beginning of this year

And today was the big day we launched it for public support with the goal to focus on it full-time.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 07:37:24 pm by Cyangmou »
"Because the beauty of the human body is that it hasn't a single muscle which doesn't serve its purpose; that there's not a line wasted; that every detail of it fits one idea, the idea of a man and the life of a man."


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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #100 on: August 08, 2015, 11:18:51 am
Tim ninjad me...
well fixed the youtube link in your post (since that's a bit odd codewise).

Actually it's Benitosubs and my project =)
We have a devlog going on since the beginning of this year

And today was the big day we launched it for public support with the goal to focus on it full-time.

I feel like we should advertise kickstarters, especially those from our own members somewhere on the front page!

And well, here is another kickstarter I have to back, because pixel art..
He even does a shout out to Tower 57!  :crazy:

« Last Edit: August 08, 2015, 11:20:37 am by Seiseki »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #101 on: August 11, 2015, 10:36:30 am
I've also begun creating tutorial videos explaining how to replace the art and will soon even make videos explaining how to “program” in other game play features. (see the link above)

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #102 on: November 23, 2015, 03:07:26 am
Hellow fellows, finally after all this time we finally published our kickstarter, take a look at it!

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #103 on: January 15, 2016, 07:14:06 pm
Hey guys. We got an action/adventure platform game with RPG elements, various gameplay, detailed storyline and fully interactive game world. We are trying to crowdfund it and we'll appreciate any help. Just spread a word about our game. Thank you!

Deep underground there was a major accident in a science lab. Aftermath was terrible. By Luckily chance, a creature named EO-43 (at least, that was written on his capsule) unchained itself. This is exactly where our little friend’s adventure starts. EO-43 is so lonely in the underworld, but with your help, it will find its true identity and learn who's behind that disaster.

We also have demo for you to play on that kickstarter page.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #104 on: February 01, 2016, 03:33:46 pm

Hello everyone! We're running a kickstarter campaign and would love for your support. If you're a fan of classic Megaman games or pixel retro platformers, Project Sprint might just be your cup of tea! Help us bring Project Sprint to life!

Support us on Kickstarter at:

Follow us on Facebook at:

Follow us on Twitter at: @MJSLevelOne

Follow our Tumblr at:

Vote for us on Steam Greenlight at:
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 03:42:30 pm by rocklee »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #105 on: February 13, 2016, 07:26:49 pm

This game looks amazing, I can't believe it's not getting more attention.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #106 on: February 13, 2016, 07:30:34 pm
little known fact, it's art directed by our very own Doppleganger

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #107 on: February 14, 2016, 02:37:06 am
Oh yeah, I remember seeing that thread now..
I also saw that Cyangmou made the tilesets!  :y:

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #108 on: March 02, 2016, 11:02:15 pm
Hi pixelation

Love the new theme, feels very at home.  ;D

I would like to give a shout-out for a project a few friends of mine are working on. This time it's not a game, but a service for indie developers and game artists, which you might want to profit from.

It's a couch-surfing platform for indiegame developers (artists, programmers, writers, musicians, everyone) so they have free accommodation for game festivals (like GDC, Gamescom, A Maze, Nordic Game Conference, etc.).

If you are interested in going to game festivals but are hindered by expensive accommodation costs, or want to support fellow game developers, please have look at their kickstarter page and maybe support them. The prototype is already online at and was successfully tested and used at this years Ludicious Game Festival in Switzerland.

Even if you can't back them, I would really appreciate if you could give a shout-out on your Twitter or Facebook Feed to spread the word.
It is really important to share the project (if you like the idea), even if you can't back it with money. These crowdfunding project need as much exposure you can get and involving the community is important to get the message out to as many people as possible :)

I hope you like the concept of this kickstarter and support and share their project.

Thank you all a lot!  :y:

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #109 on: March 14, 2016, 11:58:44 am
Hello everybody !

I am the community manager of little developers of Bordeaux (France) called Shinypix. We love developing funny and new concept mobile games ! Some months ago we've released a RPG / Puzzle game (what a mix) called Dungeon Fever. We put a lot of effort in this project but unfortunately the game didn't really find success..  :(

So today we need you ! Do you know Thunderclap ? It's a sort of Kickstarter but you don't have to pay of course, it's only social share ! So, would you give us one our your share to reward our team job and try to launch again the DL of the game ?

Link :

Thank you all for reading, we thank you a lot, truly !

Cheers  ;D

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #110 on: May 26, 2016, 07:52:30 pm
Hello, everyone.

żDo you like hard roguelikes?
I'm trying to crowdfund my videogame project.
Here's the official game webpage:
Mazgeon - the life dungeon

I've also started a Patreon creator's support page to support my art:
As a reward I'll be drawing pixel art for your videogame monthly!

Thanks a lot, don't forget to share.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 06:15:54 pm by dokitsu »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #111 on: July 19, 2016, 02:57:04 pm
Any Shadow of the Colossus fans out there?

It's called Prey for the Gods. They've got a Kickstarter up right now, here's the link-

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #112 on: July 29, 2016, 06:59:23 pm
You are guaranteed to have a challenging experience!
upload a picture

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #113 on: October 06, 2016, 09:37:48 pm
There our little (or big?) rpg-tcg-strategy Cradle of Magic

TY for viewin' :]

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #114 on: February 05, 2017, 04:45:36 pm
Hello, guys.
Let me tell you about my game "Remember the tea". What is it about?
Remember the tea is a rpg game about a girl who one day finds out she has acquired an old house in a far away place. Accompanied by a friend only she seems to see, Oriole set out on a journey to find out where did the message, the key and all this fuss come from. She is soon going to find out that some monsters are real and that unexpected gifts bring unexpected trouble.

And there is link for my Kickstarter. I thank you for your attention.

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #115 on: February 13, 2017, 11:06:30 pm
FictionSphere is now live on Kickstarter some of you may know it as "ProjectFS"
« Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 07:06:51 am by zerolegends »

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #116 on: March 01, 2017, 04:59:08 pm
Hey there,

Me & a pixel artist are currently developing a 2D medieval action packed adventure game. Very inspired by a lot of the old games we grew up with. The game is called IronSaga and it currently has a Kickstarter running with only 47 hours left!

We know the game still needs a lot of work, both the art and game play. That is why we are currently doing a complete rebuild of the game improving all aspects of it. We believe it has the potential to become much greater then what it is today. Try the early demo and check out all of the stuff being added!

You can become a part of IronSaga for a small price of 1 dollar now with your name forever in the credits and a guaranteed copy of the game once released. The game has also just got the greenlight on Steam!  :)

Hope to have some of you join us, have a great day everyone!

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #117 on: April 26, 2017, 08:35:38 pm
The Path To Die is going to assault Kickstarter with his crowdfunding campaing on May 16th and we are very excite! Now you can help us a lot for FREE on Thunderclap wiht one click to achieve our goal.


We also release a new video, hope you enjoy it!

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #118 on: May 12, 2017, 12:42:51 pm

Eagle Island:
This caught my attention, the art is really vivid and animations are juicy!
Be sure to check it out it this weekend, only 3 days left and he's so close to reaching the goal of 20k!

Offline Pixelestial

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #119 on: September 30, 2017, 10:40:04 pm
The Kickstarter is now live for our tactical RPG, Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark!

A little info about the game: Fell Seal is being developed by ex-members of Studio Archcraft, the indie team behind Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled. It is very much a love letter to classics like Final Fantasy Tactics, drawing a lot of inspiration from genre greats while making updates and improvements to features that perhaps didn't age too well. The mature story is brought to life with gorgeous hand-drawn environments and high-res pixel art. It offers deep customization options for your troops, not only in the abilities they can learn but also in their visual appearance.

A cave level in Fell Seal.

Using the terrain to your advantage.

Some of the creatures that might be encountered.

The "paper doll" system of customizing your appearance allows for huge variety.

Some of the portraits used in the game, by the talented John Silva.

If you're interested in tactical RPGs, or even if you'd just like to see how the art looks in action, please consider checking out the Kickstarter!

Offline Seiseki

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #120 on: February 12, 2018, 02:16:22 pm
We're live now!  :lol:

Starmancer Kickstarter Link

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #121 on: February 19, 2018, 05:57:01 pm
- Golden8Bits is a software that offers a simple and intuitive interface, where users can create a video game without touching a line of code, abstracting from the process of integrating multiple work platforms.
- The software includes the possibility of creating graphics, levels, animations and music / sound; all in the same environment. No programming knowledge is needed.
I am currently working on a project "Golden8Bits" platform to make video games pixel 8x8

Offline RandomSpark

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CRIME CODE - noir detective adventure

Reply #122 on: July 02, 2018, 09:37:57 pm
Crime Code - is a combination of a criminal adventure and a detective simulator with sharp plot twists and vivid characters. A young detective investigates complicated cases, bringing to light terrible secrets of the city dwellers.





* Examine the crime scene, question the witnesses and the suspects. Collect and compare the information you got while talking, surfing the Internet, analyzing the clues or even reading newspapers.
Cooperate with other police officers. Give orders and communicate to track down the betrayer.
* Work out individual conversational tactics. A panic monger could be threatened, while others can be offered a deal or caught red-handed in a lie.
* Work at the computer. Search the Internet and databases, hack accounts and servers with the help of social engineering.
* Make difficult decisions. Is it alright to break the law to catch a dangerous maniac? What will you say to a criminal holding a child at gunpoint?

Offline Milesthefox89

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #123 on: November 06, 2018, 09:44:28 am
Hello everyone,

I made a game about the end of the world. It's a game in real time, for a week in a loop. It's an absurd point and click, with a lot of dark humor.

I need help to finish creating the game on android. There will be a French and English version.

More info on the kisskiss link. Thank you !

Facebook, twitter and instagram : @PlagueTheGame

Offline johanvinet

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Reply #124 on: February 07, 2019, 05:54:13 pm

"Embark on a wild adventure set in the midst of a rebellion against a totalitarian regime in this new take on the cinematic platformer."

Kickstarter Trailer:

My name is Johan Vinet (, husband and father of two. I'm from France, but live in Canada. I've worked for several years as a pixel artist and animator in the independent video game industry I've contributed to a dozen games such as Flinthook, Shovel Knight Showdown, Adventure Time, Mercenary Kings Reloaded, Halfway, and Rivals of Aether.

In September 2018, I quit my job to start my own solo-studio: Canari Games Inc => http:// I'm now working on Lunark (a cinematic platformer) =>

As you can see, Lunark is a 2D cinematic platformer in the vein of '80s and '90s classics such as Prince of Persia and Flashback.

The engine is GameMaker Studio 2. I've been working on LUNARK for about 18 months in my spare time. The most significant progress has been made in the last 6 months when I decided to go for a crowdfunding campaign =>

I need help to get LUNARK to find his audience!

Thx for reading!

Offline falcon167

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #125 on: May 28, 2019, 12:42:09 am
Hey People! My game Slime:Evo is now active on Kickstarter, brought to life my some of the amazing pixel artists I found here!

It's a metroidvania platformer with an emphasis on fluid movement and choices. Will you save the other slimes, slay the kings, or something else?

The demo is free to download from the Kickstarter page, so have a taste of the wonderful game!

Offline zerolegends

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #126 on: July 20, 2019, 11:06:25 pm


FictionSphere is a technical platformer inspired by classics games from the early 90s. You'll find familiar mechanics from beat-em-ups, gallery shooters, and most noticeably platformers. You'll take on the protagonist Ratio, a wise-cracking hot-blooded youth with a persona that hides his resentment of the world. Wielding an infinite potential, learn new feats and beat your enemies to a pulp!

Here's a bit of game-play footage!


We'll be hosting a Kickstarter and that video will be up as well!

Download link for the demo

Offline S.G.S

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #127 on: July 25, 2019, 08:26:13 am
Hi everyone my name is John, head of Sword Garden Studios. We have been working in our game, The Tower - The Order of XII, for the past year and now we finally are close to completion. But in order to finish the game we would like to push it with a bit of help from the community. This is why we recently launched the game on Kickstarter where you can also find a demo to try it out.

We currently sit at 16% and we are not asking for much in our initial goal so we are hoping to get the main goal funded before the end of the campaign. You can take a look to the kickstarter in this link:


We have been working with multiple artist found in this very website so please take a look to their twitter accounts if you wish to also work with them.

Thank you for your time and attention. If you wish to ask us anything or know more about us, please follow us on Twitter at @SGS_StudioPR

Offline ronaldaam

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #128 on: June 12, 2020, 07:55:13 am

Space Adventure Game, All Black Characters!

Offline Iscalio

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #129 on: July 31, 2020, 01:36:05 am
Hey everybody, I've been working on creating some fun, new pixel UI art for the game Barony (on Steam and now the Epic Store as well).

We just started our Kickstarter to bring Barony to the Nintendo Switch.

Barony is a first-person dungeon crawler RPG for 1-4 Players with procedurally generated dungeons and perma-death.

Barony is also FREE on the Epic Store until August 6th.

We are running a FREE weekend on Steam. And we are currently having a 50% off sale there as well.

We also just released a free update for Barony, the Hall of Trials.

Hope you check us out. If you feel like spreading the word it would also be really helpful thanks!

Offline snarlynarwhal

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #130 on: September 04, 2020, 07:17:18 pm
Hi everyone,

I'm Percy Legendre from Half Human Games, the small team behind Dwerve, a Zelda-like action tower-defense RPG where you play as a dwarven tinkerer that uses turrets and traps to fight.

Dwerve launched on Kickstarter last week so I have been trying to tell more people about it.

Dwerve is an epic adventure

With an engaging story

Tower-defense combat

Vast turret upgrades

Epic boss battles

Are you ready for an adventure?

If you are a fan of A Link to the Past and tower-defense games like Dungeon Warfare, Orcs Must Die, and Dungeon Defenders, check out the Dwerve Kickstarter. Thanks for reading my post.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2020, 03:57:51 pm by snarlynarwhal »

Offline Old Bit

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Re: Kickstarter thread!

Reply #131 on: March 23, 2022, 05:31:38 pm
Meifumado (action RPG)



Meifumado is an action role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic, immersive, open world inspired by Japan. It features an in-depth combat system and puts heavy focus on RPG elements allowing player to change the course of the story and its ending depending on the choices you make throughout the game.

  • Deep combat system offering multiple fighting styles, special attacks/abilities, sub-weapons and various weapon types.
  • Different non-combat skills: crafting, hunting, stealing.
  • Exploration of a vast, detailed open world, consisting of many different kinds of locations divided into multiple metroidvania-structured levels; each with its unique environment and atmosphere.
  • Heavy focus on RPG elements: choices with consequences, multiple endings depending on player's actions, factions with their own ideologies, that player can join.
  • Story-driven side quests with multiple ways to complete.
  • Numerous side activities: guarding or raiding caravans, participation in fighting tournaments, gambling.
  • Highly detailed, pixel art with fluid animations.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2022, 06:44:49 pm by Old Bit »