A hi-res pixel art metroidvania with juicy destruction and a thrilling, timeline-twisting story!
Golden Hour will be released on Steam upon completion!Official Kickstarter trailer:

- Unravelling story following a main quest and many tangled side-quests
- RPG leveling system including four primary and many secondary skills to improve your battle, platforming, crafting and
other possibilities
- Explore a world composed of beautiful hi-res pixel art
- Destructive environment with special effects and realistic physics
- Use your enviroment in battle!
- 4 bindable quick action slots
- Over 30 spells whose power depends on players levels and skills
- Variety of melee and ranged weapons
- Game-altering items and equippables such as potions, magic jewelry, shields and armor
- Dynamic music following the mood of the game events
- Procedurally generated biomes and dungeons

After death of king Faragon and the end of Lindgren family reign, the four provinces of the Heratos kingdom are about to
break out a war as the four kings want the reign of the whole kingdom for themselves. Our hero, eighteen year old Arion, gets
drafted for a skirmish at the Idessa mine. What seemed to be a mild encounter between two provinces, actually turned into a
massive battle for an important strategic spot - as the kings of the remaining two provinces sent in their armies as well.
At one point, the mine starts to collapse, and only four people, including Arion, survive, getting trapped, without weapons,
food, sources of light or a way out. Arion, Lazar, Venegor and Rhea, hopelessly trapped for hours, realize they're better off
trying to cooperate in finding a way out than killing each other. As they improvise a torch and light a fire, they notice a funny
coincidence - they were all carrying a same item in different forms - a fourth of an orb, as a necklace, brooch, pocket watch
and a buckle. They join the orbs, summoning a mystic spirit; The spirit shows them a prophecy, warning them what will
happen if events continue to unfold this way and a war breaks out: It shows that a fifth side will use the kingdoms weakness to
invade all of Heratos; but more importantly, other than a catastrophic war, they each see a devastating personal tragedy. After
a handful of rage, denial, cinism and convincing, they agree to abandon their lives, unite and try to stop the war.

Arion is an eighteen year-old blacksmith apprentice, and also a blacksmith's son. His mother died at childbirth, for which Arion
sometimes blames himself. He is actually a half-mage, of which he's not aware until the incident at the Idessa mine.

Lazar comes from a powerful, influential Lanstrean military family. His father, a liutenant in the army, never really saw Lazar in
the army due to his weak constitution. He intended a job in the treasury offices for his son, which always drove Lazar towards
adventure and wilderness. The desire to prove himself made Lazar develop other skills which would make him the ultimate
predator in ranged combat. He's very tactically smart and agile, an excellent archer and a skilled craftsman, often improvising
bombs and traps.

Venegor comes from a poor, criminal-populated neighborhood of Vinstrel. A kind hearted joker, Venegor is actually a suffering
widower. While he's given up on hope for himself, this intimidating brute is amazing at spreading hope to others. He's seeking
the Zosimos Lantern, a relic that can bring a single soul back from the dead.

Rhea is a Natrian pure-born sorceress, highly intuitive and connected with the nature and animals. Sometimes deeming as
frighteningly powerful, her intuition and visions affect her physical being, getting faint and weak with bad feelings and
stunningly powerful with positive ones. She's charmingly playful and juvenile, yet there is a dark side to having extraordinary
powers at such a young age - and everybody has their own way to keep the emotions at bay.

The cities are peaceful, free-to-roam areas where Arion can buy and sell equipment, get upgrades, talk to NPCs and gather
quests and information. While the more remote parts of the cities hold some chests and loot, the real treats can be found in
the procedurally generated biomes between the cities - forests, abandoned villages, canyons, mountin passes, archipelagos
and more, and, of course, the underworld - the dungeons, treasuries and passages under the cities hold amazing loot and
bosses. The player won't be able to reach all of more than fifty generated areas at once, as most of the areas will require the
player to posses a certain combination of skills, be it magic, melee or agility.
Where possible, each of the four edges of a level connects to another level, forming a metroid-style map. At the highest point
of each town there is a grand chest with very valuable loot. There’s a lot of secret areas, each containing rewards for discovery
like pieces of runes written by a character whose story resembles the main charcter’s. On the ends of major levels there are
bosses that leave behind powerful loot.
The kingdom of Heratos consists of four provinces: Vinstrel, Lanstrel, Ringstead and Natris.
Ringstead is the kingdom's capital and the home of the protagonist, Arion. Before his death, king Faragon held his residence in
the Ringstead castle. The industrial and economic powerhouse of the kingdom still heavily depends on Vinstrean ore, Lanstrean
army and Natrian magic.

Lying in the tropical paradise of the eastern Island, Lanstrel could be called the military capital of the kindgdom; The famous
Military academy provides 9 out of 10 cavalrymen for the Heratos army; They say a good Lanstrean steed is worth as much as
an estate. Lanstrel holds the kingdom Treasury, and the gold lying underneath the city is unmatched.
Vinstrel is the brute, tough guy of the kingdom.
Hidden in the foothills of the Taumant mountain, Vinstrel provides the kingdom with ore, steel and livestock. The men and the
creatures residing Vinstrel, used to extreme conditions, are the toughest in Heratos. They are raw and virtually untrained, yet
they say a Lanstrean general could never beat a Vinstrean woodchuck in a bar fight.
Natris is the oddball of the kingdom; Smaller in constitution, pale-skinned, and usually magic-born, the Natrians are truly the
most specific people in Heratos. They condemn mixing with other Heratonians. The beautiful yellow stone and waterfalls of
Natris can fool; What lies in the forests and tundras beyond the city has been keeping humans away for centuries.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/clickteamllc/golden-hourWe started the work on Golden Hour almost two years ago, and back then it was supposed to be a simple, free platformer
which we did for fun. As time passed, we implemented weapon swapping, then a whole inventory system, then an enemy AI
based on skill variables - and eventually we realized how much potential the game has. After all this work, we've run out of
resources and time, and finishing this project will be virtually impossible without the proper funding. We want to bring the
immersing story and characters as close as possible to you, the players, and we would like to hire an illustrator for a comic
book/digital booklet, musicians for a live soundtrack and additional artists to make the world as bountiful as possible.
Stay in touch!
Official website