My apologies to everyone for not having a finished entry

In short, I miscaculated the date and thought I´d have the last weekend as well, which led me to slack a lil bit too much (I´ve been doing other pixel work in this time, as you may know). Two days before the deadline, I realized I had a lot less time than I expected. On Thursday I received the news that a very dear member of my family had died. All this combined, plus school, led to this. As you see, luck is on my side

Again, I beg for forgiveness, since this was mostly my fault.
one thing i find slightly unfair is how filax failed to complete the challenge yet still continues to the next round. The challenge was to make an alien world/map - not 2 tiles on a colored canvas. Nothing personal, filax, but i think GNdestroyer should go through instead (as he - in my eyes - was the best runner-up).
anyways, i'm not a judge. Just saying.
Yes, I understand this. If the judges find it best they may give my place anyone else they find worthy of going through (though not necessarily GND).