AuthorTopic: Pixelator: Round 2 RESULTS  (Read 173762 times)

Offline flaber

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Pixelator: Round 2 RESULTS

on: February 09, 2007, 08:35:18 am

Current Standings:

Challenge 2: Future Lands / Alien Planets
Create a future landscape / or an alien planet landscape in Iso tiles.
Colours and Tiles:
-16 colour preset pallete.
-You are allowed to substitute ONLY 4 colours from the pallete for 4 of your own.
-You are allowed 1 transparent colour. 16colours +1 transparent.

-Tiles are 32x15 (2:1).
-No overlapping edges. Tiles fit together without overlapping.
-Only the 'x' and 'y' of the bounding box are defined as 32x15. Your max height can be 100 for the bounding box.. You are allowed to vary your height though, but it cant go past 100. (for iso measurements cant be more than 16x16x77). I explain this on the second page. (the image lower down with the tree, has examples of how iso translates into bounding boxes).

ATTENTION: this is the proper palette:

That is your pallete you must use. Remember only 4 colour exchanges allowed.
Also, there is an example of the tile and how they fit together.
Restrictions / Rules / Guidelines
- the tiles cannot go outside of the canvas. The full tile should be on the canvas, no tiles are allowed to be half on. Ex: If the map was completly flat, i should be able to see all 4 sides of the map.
-40 original tiles maximum. you do not need to fill the full 40, but that is the absolute max that is allowed. You are allowed to use each of the 40 original tiles more than once, so that you ARE able to tile, but only 40 original.
-flips, rotations, mirrors, etc all count as a new tile. They become something different than the original tile, becoming original themselves.
-No life / creatures allowed. the only living things allowed are plants. No actual creatures that can move.
-Must be of a unique made up landscape. No pictures for reference. this should be fine since the theme is of future lands / alien planets.
-I do not want to see a full world, or a world map(such as continents and such). Make it an actual scene, like of some old forest, or a rundown futuristic city, alien swamp, etc.
-No preset canvas size. but the canvas shape must be a diamond/square. I want an equal amount of tiles on all 4 sides.
-No backgrounds. All I want to see is your tiled map. Make the background 1 solid colour, not transparent.
-Do not post in any other forums, keep your image to yourself until i post the duels
-no animation
-For trees, and shrubs... The foliage (branches / leaves) are allowed to extend onto the 8 nearest/surrounding tiles of the base/trunk. The base must fit all onto the 1 tile, but the leaves and branches once its in the air are allowed to overhang onto the surrounding tile. This means, that this would only count as 1 tile. ex:

the base of the tree is all on 1 tile, but the leaves overhang. This counts as only 1 tile.
2 weeks
-Do not post your image in this thread. PM me the image.
-Submit 2 images. The first image should be just your map. The second image is of your tiles all separated out, and the pallete with the alterations you made. Make it obviouse which colours you changed.
-How well the tiles fit together
-depth variation
-varied land types within image (water, air, ground, cliff, etc)
-overall composition
Saturday Feb24 - 7am GMT
Friday Feb23 - 12am/midnight (mountain standard time)
(these are the same times, just depends on where you are in the world).

If there are any questions feel free to ask, and ill answer.
Please scroll through atleast these first 2 pages, I answered alot of questions that may help.
Updated the rules though with the latest rule amendments

Duel 1
Snake VS 9_6


Duel 2
SolidIdea VS Lawrence
WINNER: SolidIdea


Duel 3
Mirre VS GNdestroyer


Duel 4
The B.O.B. VS Feron
The B.O.B.:


Duel 5
Souly VS Snader

NOTE: Souly didnt post an entry, and Snader is dropping out. This position went to the runner up, 9_6.

Duel 6
Buloght VS .TakaM
WINNER: Buloght


Duel 7
Blick VS Sherman Gill

Sherman Gill:

Duel 8
PKmays VS Filax

Thats all the entries and duels. I didnt present them in any fancy way because they are all different sizes.
I didnt post the tiles, but if anyone is interested I can post a link to them.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2007, 05:40:29 am by flaber »

Offline buloght

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Re: Pixelator: Round 2

Reply #1 on: February 09, 2007, 08:49:18 am
This is a brilliant challenge idea :). Goodluck all. Goodluck, takam, you are going to be a tough oponent, grrr.

Hmm, now to try and make something iso for the second time ever .... grrr  :P

Question: ------------------

1. Are there a maximum allowed individual tiles? Or could we make 40 individual ones say? (As in no reuse of the same tile)

2. And say we make a big tree, can it expand over tiles as broken up into parts? You mention non-overlapping. edit, ok stupid me, I understand by what you meant with overlapping.

3. How about canvas shapes? It doesn't have to be rectangle? We could make some s-shape scene or something for example?

4. For example, a fallen over tree is possible? If we break it up into tiles right?


Sorry for maybe dumb questions, iso is foreign to me. Iso is confusing to me  :P
« Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 02:12:01 pm by buloght »

Offline .TakaM

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Re: Pixelator: Round 2

Reply #2 on: February 09, 2007, 08:55:33 am
yes, Im looking forward to this buloght :)
one question, if I were to make a tree, would it count as one tile since the base of the trunk is contained on one ground tile?
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Offline Sherman Gill

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Re: Pixelator: Round 2

Reply #3 on: February 09, 2007, 09:10:05 am
I so totally know what I'm gonna do!
Guess I can't have fish though, huh?
Oh yes naked women are beautiful
But I like shrimps more haha ;)

Offline Blick

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Re: Pixelator: Round 2

Reply #4 on: February 09, 2007, 09:12:17 am
Damn. Tiles.

Has anyone ever seen me make tiles? No. Except once. I was experimenting, don't judge me! And has anyone ever seen me make anything isometric? Maybe a couple times. I'm screwed.

Well, let's do this, Sherman.

Offline Helm

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Re: Pixelator: Round 2

Reply #5 on: February 09, 2007, 09:16:57 am
yes, Im looking forward to this buloght :)
one question, if I were to make a tree, would it count as one tile since the base of the trunk is contained on one ground tile?

Flaber will reply, but I think this is a yes. The tree can be as tall as it wants, but it should be constructed from tiles that count against your tile usage. So you can't have a tree with one tile's worth of tree trunk and then 120x200 pixels of foliage above it, unless you cut that folliage into tiles.

EDIT: sorry, I just checked the palette and the image isn't clean. Reads 30 colors or so. Here's the clean 16 color palette, and I also adjusted the lightness of a few shades so there's not near-identical colors. Do not use this palette in your art until Flaber makes an official call that this palette is to be used

« Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 09:27:40 am by Helm »

Offline Sherman Gill

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Re: Pixelator: Round 2

Reply #6 on: February 09, 2007, 09:34:25 am
Well, let's do this, Sherman.
To the pain (Most likely from carpal tunnel from all the mad scribbling I'm about to do in my sketchbook)! To be honest, I would have gone all emo since I also only made one building out of Iso tiles, but then I remembered who I was facing ;).

I assume A) Every tile can and should be unique and B) concave tiles count as only one, even if another is showing behind it?
Edit: Wait. B) is kind of stupid... Sorry. C) Every entry must be a diamond shaped grid?
Oh yes naked women are beautiful
But I like shrimps more haha ;)

Offline Ai

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Re: Pixelator: Round 2

Reply #7 on: February 09, 2007, 09:38:16 am
-40 tiles maximum. you do not need to fill the full 40, but that is the absolute max that is allowed.
Perhaps you should specify whether this means the count of unique tiles or the total number of tiles positioned to construct the scene.  And perhaps keep whichever it wasn't in mind for a future challenge.
If you insist on being pessimistic about your own abilities, consider also being pessimistic about the accuracy of that pessimistic judgement.

Offline 9_6

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Re: Pixelator: Round 2

Reply #8 on: February 09, 2007, 10:10:55 am
Why? Oh god why?
I hate making tiles or backgrounds and I never made an isometric picture, I'm gonna face snake and I only have 1 week.
I'm screwed ~_~
Does scaling an image blur it?
Opera fix Firefox fix

Offline Evil-Ville

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Re: Pixelator: Round 2

Reply #9 on: February 09, 2007, 11:51:46 am
I am going to make my "just for fun" entry so great that you will regret ever eliminating me!