Aaaannnnddddd, here's some of the pieces that ran through my head during the competition. Some were ok, others were plain shit. And some...just odd:
In my opinion the Easter bunny was the only thing that stood a chance of making it.
The orange thing sucked balls.
The green angler fish/porcupine was all types of crap.
I kinda liked the horned fellow,(the darkest piece) and the giant, sun-rock gollum, with the
orange/yellowish backdrop attacking Triangle village.
The leech was meh.
Oh, and in case any one is wondering, The monster in the gray, is a Playboy monster. It loves to attack young boys who are coming of age whilst they fap. It's like dangling a worm in front of a giant pirahna...I would have chose it to go through for creativity, but no one would have known what the hell it was,
unless I told them. And that was a must.
The bottom right corner was the last thing I was working on. I have no clue what it was. It was supposed to be blind, with a mutated arm with eyes to see it's prey. It's eyes were replaced with horns. Too messy to be sent in, nothing in it is readable at all. Just a failure, to be blunt.
Whelp, that's all folks. Pixel with ya' later!