AuthorTopic: [WIP] Animated Lazer Splosion! It Explodes!  (Read 18956 times)

Offline Jad

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[WIP] Animated Lazer Splosion! It Explodes!

on: November 24, 2006, 02:35:14 am
YES! The wonderful splosion critique that all of you gave Lelle and his explosion inspired me greatly. I had been thinking about pixelling an explosion for a while now but now I finally got to it.

If the colours make you want to puke, wait until you see the final game 0:< "NEON NIGHTS", that's a name for a game just begging to be filled with NEON colours, amirite? Anyways this is supposed to be some kind of high-tech laser-y grenade explosion so hence the colours. If a laser-y grenade doesn't make sense to you, I'd be willing to guess that Disco Afro-armed Mechas doesn't either u _ u

No, really, colours will (might) be toned down eventually, and new shades will be added.

Only the first six frames are really done (and the sixth has two bright yellow pixels that shouldn't be there :0), the rest is a rough sketch. But I figured it's worth posting since the core of the animation is done.

(and yes, I love the ba-DAM flash effect of metal slug .. Cave Story has it too :] Oh, and the game will feature prominently dark backgrounds. Yus. )

KILL IT with your wonderful critique! If you have something to say, go ahead :>

Edit before even posting:
Eugh, that purple colour really hurts. Well well, I figure I'll be going to bed right now anyway.

Oh, whoops, look what nifty stuff GG could do :D

Here, have a sprite sheet!

(tad bit nicer colours there too  ^-^)
' _ '

Offline Dusty

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Re: [WIP] Animated Lazer Splosion! It Explodes!

Reply #1 on: November 24, 2006, 02:54:17 am
I really love the colours. It makes it distinctive and stylistic, especially the fact that the explosion doesn't float directly upwards, but off to the right.

Offline Franky G

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Re: [WIP] Animated Lazer Splosion! It Explodes!

Reply #2 on: November 24, 2006, 02:59:30 am
I'm geeking out. Thasts SO cool!! :yay: (i'll have crits for it soon but needed to jump in and say that.)  nice work!

Offline Jad

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Re: [WIP] Animated Lazer Splosion! It Explodes!

Reply #3 on: November 24, 2006, 03:04:34 am
I really love the colours. It makes it distinctive and stylistic, especially the fact that the explosion doesn't float directly upwards, but off to the right.

Since it's a grenade explosion, it's supposed to feel a bit dynamic, so if it's thrown to the right, the 'splosion that follows is tilted to the right.

Franky> Mah man, come with the crits and be SUPER!

Yus! Thank you :3 I'll be going to bed now.
' _ '

Offline Franky G

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Re: [WIP] Animated Lazer Splosion! It Explodes!

Reply #4 on: November 24, 2006, 03:34:56 am
man i cant wait to see the finished product. As with Dusty, i like the colours.

one thing i want to point out: I especially like how you've made the particles of light illuminate towards the end of the animation. I'm not sure how you've gone about making this animation. Was this what you intended or are they supposed to be references for detail which will be added later?

Here are my crits.

1. I think the explosion takes too long to erupt.
How do i explain this.. i can't see the huge outwards force that i can imagine this explosive should make. At the moment it looks like something flammable going up (ignore the black and white flash and i think it might be a little more obvious). I think it would be good to try skipping the 3rd and 5th frame to see if it helps? maybe just skipping the 3rd frame will do?

2. The smoke ring
The smoke ring seems to start high and then move towards the ground after the explosion. My understanding is that the ring is a dust ring being pushed from the ground. In this case it could never travel down. Is should remain flat at least until the wave has stopped. I suggest modifying the 2nd, 3rd and 4th frame and just push the ring down a few pixels to keep it in line with the later frames.

I'll spend more time looking at details, but so far the rest seems pretty smoothe to me.

Looking forward to seeing the next update.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2006, 03:36:41 am by Franky G »

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Re: [WIP] Animated Lazer Splosion! It Explodes!

Reply #5 on: November 24, 2006, 04:20:59 am
I think as far as stylized videogame explosions go you win. The only thing that nags me are the colours :B
There are no ugly colours, only ugly combinations of colours.

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Re: [WIP] Animated Lazer Splosion! It Explodes!

Reply #6 on: November 24, 2006, 04:35:42 am
love the way it swirls at the end and how the smoke has a sparking/puffing/jumping movement. Saved to my HD.

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Re: [WIP] Animated Lazer Splosion! It Explodes!

Reply #7 on: November 24, 2006, 05:00:56 am
hhhmmm. jeez, you got it down pat on the first try...I always go too overboard with the extra knicks and knacks...Looking forward to see what you come up with next!

I think if it's a laser explosion it should have something more than the pallete to make it weird looking.The power of Lasers is the heat created from light focused into one small point right? how about you make the explosion about energy getting sort of "summoned" into one small point? it'd be pretty much like an underwater implosion but whitout the beggining part where it expands.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2006, 06:16:04 am by Conceit »

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Re: [WIP] Animated Lazer Splosion! It Explodes!

Reply #8 on: November 24, 2006, 06:09:51 am
Far out I'm totally in love with this. Maybe...maybe make that horizontal shockwave ring emit sooner...

But really, its just delicious.

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Re: [WIP] Animated Lazer Splosion! It Explodes!

Reply #9 on: November 24, 2006, 10:07:26 am
I don't see anything crittable. You win.

No, really, colours will (might) be toned down eventually, and new shades will be added.

What are you talking about?! Don't change the colors! Don't tone down anything!