YES! The wonderful splosion critique that all of you gave Lelle and his explosion inspired me greatly. I had been thinking about pixelling an explosion for a while now but now I finally got to it.
If the colours make you want to puke, wait until you see the final game 0:< "NEON NIGHTS", that's a name for a game just begging to be filled with NEON colours, amirite? Anyways this is supposed to be some kind of high-tech laser-y grenade explosion so hence the colours. If a laser-y grenade doesn't make sense to you, I'd be willing to guess that Disco Afro-armed Mechas doesn't either u _ u
No, really, colours will (might) be toned down eventually, and new shades will be added.
Only the first six frames are really done (and the sixth has two bright yellow pixels that shouldn't be there :0), the rest is a rough sketch. But I figured it's worth posting since the core of the animation is done.
(and yes, I love the ba-DAM flash effect of metal slug .. Cave Story has it too :] Oh, and the game will feature prominently dark backgrounds. Yus. )

KILL IT with your wonderful critique! If you have something to say, go ahead :>
Edit before even posting: Eugh, that purple colour really hurts. Well well, I figure I'll be going to bed right now anyway.
Oh, whoops, look what nifty stuff GG could do

Here, have a sprite sheet!

(tad bit nicer colours there too
