Has anyone had their wacom starting to respond poorly?
I find I have to press really hard or several times.. Not constantly, but now and then..
I've been googling without any results and I'm starting to fear that I'll have to get a new one 
I've had responsiveness issues with my Wacom Intuos 3 in Windows 7 once.
After the following three steps, it worked fine again.
I suspected that Windows' own tablet services were interfering with the Wacom drivers.
1.) I disabled "Flicks" in
Start->Control Panel->Pen And Touch.
2.) I installed the most recent drivers and reset the settings in
Start->Control Panel->Wacom Tablet Properties to their defaults.
3.) I set the start type for the "Tablet PC Input Service" to "Disabled" in
Start->Administrative Tools->Services and made sure that only "TabletServiceWacom" is started automatically.
Sometimes (rarely) the tablet starts acting weird while being in use, then it usually helps here to restart the "TabletServiceWacom".