The problem is that scanlines do not really look like that. Tho if you would play it like this on a CRT it would look like real scanlines, because glow/blur/phosphor decay and all that. And I am sure the CPC had a border as well, like the C64 and other micros. So if you add a black border around that image or have it fullscreen it will not look quite as dark.
It's a simple cheap effect which I happen to like which doesn't add any unnecessary colours (unless you set it to transparent) so the palette of screenshots is kept identical to the actual pixel art in the game and doesn't have any impact on the game speed at all.
Also the game does have big borders (still gotta get round to the fake-loading bar effect for my 'loading screen'). I just crop it down to a 4 pixel width border for screenshots, particularly for my Tumblr where my blog width is too small to show the full image with borders and would scale it badly messing up the pixels.
Anyways here's another screenshot but as a link this time cos I don't want to clog up this topic with my crap too much. This be of me revamping the old castle tileset but with a colour scheme I came across accidentally (when I was colour swapping tiles and messed it up but it came out nice and interesting) and hasn't really been done much on a CPC before. Same 16 colour palette as the previous screenshots but totally different scheme. Bricks look a bit too.. new though so I might go study some castle pics and their brick work though the way it is now does make it very easy to tile without using too many tiles. is why I'm not surprised when human beings slam their faces into glass screen doors, much less poor birds.
That's what I remembered a lil while after posting about the bird. Cos I did a very similar thing when I was a kid staying at my nan's house in kent and accidentally kicked my ball over the fence into the neighbours garden and went next door to go get it. The old man there invited me in but I seem to remember not noticing which way he went and I seemed to find myself in the back room with the french windows overlooking the back garden and thinking that's where he went I walked right into them banging my face so hard into the glass I had a nose bleed. Those windows must have been extremely clean or I was just stupid. Maybe a bit of both. When I went back into my nan's house with the ball and my nose still bleeding she freaked a bit and probably thought the neighbour had hit me or something

Anyways a bit later on I'm gonna go downstairs and ask the old lady what happened to the bird. Hope it's ok. I like animals and birds a lot and would hate it if my window killed the bird.
Come to think of it I watched a Frasier episode on Netflix about the same sorta thing a while ago. Bird hit window because Niles wiped off what Martin referred to as the 'safety smudge'.