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Messages - Vine
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You're looking at restrictions of when you use a normal Gameboy game in a GBC, I think.
Ah, you're right aha.  8 palettes for sprites makes a lot more sense as well.

Best resource I've found concerning this so far:
However, I'm having trouble understanding it.
From what I understand, the GBC palette can use up to 10 colors simultaneously, which are split into 3 sections.
These 10 colors can be chosen from a 32,768 color palette, or 15-bit.

   1 mandatory transparent pixel
+ 4 colors for a background
+ 3 colors for layer 1 sprites
+ 3 colors for layer 2 sprites
= 10 total

Assuming I'm correct so far (and please correct me if I'm wrong), that leaves me with essentially 2 palettes for every sprite, limiting me to 6 colors + transparency for every sprite in the game.
Somehow I can't help but feel I'm missing something here, could someone clarify any of this for me?

Pixel Art / Re: GameBoy Desert Tileset
« on: September 03, 2011, 05:47:12 am »
Tried to make a dark cave tileset, using a darker shade as the "base color."
As you can see, it DIDN'T WORK AT ALLLL.
That being said, anyone have any tips on how to go about this?
My best idea so far would be simply making the walls constructed of boulders as opposed to small pebbles or whatever the heck I ended up drawing.

Pixel Art / Re: GameBoy Desert Tileset
« on: September 02, 2011, 03:37:02 am »
Why I've been refraining from anti-alias:
Wanted to make sure the character looked decent on different kinds of backgrounds, instead of only the lightest color.

-Lots of AA on head

-Baby amounts of AA on head

Though, for sprites that don't move, the anti-aliasing looks wonderful!
I like the remake you did of the round cactus!

Thanks for pointing out the outlines on the cliffs ceddo, it looks a lot better without them :>
Double thanks to RedKnight91 for improving a ton of stuff, I love it~

I went through and tried to anti-alias larger objects using my own style, and re-shadowed the water so the shadows are facing the appropriate direction.
Haven't decided if I want that much anti-aliasing on some of the objects, but they look good regardless.
This is probably the final version for this tileset unless someone points out something substantial, I'll probably start a different theme tomorrow :>

Pixel Art / Re: GameBoy Desert Tileset
« on: September 01, 2011, 12:32:44 am »
Alleviated some of the "lack of ramp looking angled."
Added shadows to everything.
Fixed water border.
Edited cliff outlines.
Deleted a few obsolete tiles.

Made a few animations, looking for critique on them.
Mostly, the left-facing one.

Thanks for the help so far, everyone :>

Pixel Art / Re: GameBoy Desert Tileset
« on: August 30, 2011, 09:48:16 pm »
I'm experimenting with different kinds of shadows for now, haven't really decided which one to go with.
I tried adding depth or something to the ramp to make it not look so flat by bending the walls near it, but it still looks relatively plain.
I tried dithering it to get a "sub-shade" but it just doesn't look right, thinking I may have to redo the entire ramp. ):

Tiny update:

Pixel Art / GameBoy Desert Tileset
« on: August 29, 2011, 01:06:10 am »
GameBoy desert tileset.
Not really sure what to say, just looking for critique I suppose.
Suggestions? :>

Pixel Art / Re: Beginnings of a GB tileset
« on: June 05, 2011, 10:22:47 am »
That first screenshot looks a little familiar but I can`t quite place it...
Lol, I'm not gonna lie, I pretty much started off using tiles from your Cave Story demake.
I was inspired by that GB demake thread, lots of wonderful artwork there.
I've been studying that image trying to figure out how you got the creases and folds to work out so wonderfully.
I've also been trying to figure out why you drew things a certain way, it's been giving me a lot of insight on how to pixel.
That being said, I've been finding it difficult to make blocks original enough without them a) looking horrible or b) looking like a ripoff.

So, forgive me for basing my experimental pixel art off yours and thank you for teaching me things indirectly ;p

Pixel Art / Re: Beginnings of a GB tileset
« on: June 04, 2011, 09:53:16 pm »
Deliciously long and informative post, thank you!
Here's an update:

Decided to get rid of clouds entirely and replaced it with a parallaxing mountain range.
Added vines and tendrils and whatever else those lines can be interpreted as to the bottom of blocks to make the scenery less boring.
Added a light perimeter to the rocks, I'm probably just going to have to redo the rocks entirely lol.

Essentially the same as above, but made the platforms way up in the sky.
Those are clouds if it isn't immediately obvious, with stars in the background :s

Pixel Art / Beginnings of a GB tileset
« on: June 04, 2011, 12:08:16 am »
Fairly new to pixeling, be harsh on me so I know what I did wrong ;p
Is it just me or is the cloud dithering a bit "off?"
Actually, pretty much everything feels a bit "off."

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