Glad to see this is still going! It's got a lot of promise.
One thing that's been bothering me is that it looks so monochrome. I wasn't able to put my finger on it for quite some time, but when I went in to edit your pic in photoshop, a few color tweaks instantly revealed the problem to me.
I don't have much time to go in-depth here so I'm going to just give you my edit, and hope you can take what you can from it. I don't really doubt you can. Basically, I hacked in some more organic lighting and tried filling out the scene to look a little less vacant.

edit: also, as you can see, I tried to maintain the same color theme you have, but shifted the bg colors to better harmonize with alien. As you had them, they contained a lot of blues and browns, which go great together, but don't work nearly as well for bright greens and magentas. Overall it presented a general muddiness, and somehow detracted from the vibrant colors of the alien.

and one with the moon bringing back some of your older colors to contrast with the scene.