"one with no pixels" I wanted to type, missed the with. But yes, blank scanline.
Pretty much all old arcade games (and old computers) have very low resolution, they do not need all the available scanlines the monitors can display. They just diplay on odd scanlines normally. (might be even ones, not that it makes a difference.) So this means that every other scanline does not hold ANY information at all.
Here is an example photo I just took from my C64 RGB monitor (which is the same technology as many Arcade RGB monitors basically)

You can see that every other line is not illuminated at all, this is not due to the monitor not being able to do so, but due to the C64 not displaying anything there. There is no scanline flicker between odd and even scanlines either. It's just stable even scanlines. And this is the case in pretty much all older arcade games as well, pretty sure about this. I played a fair share of games in the arcade the last few years when I was in London, and they all had stable scanlines, which indicates this phenomenon.