I have always been confused by this 'selout' concept. First I thought it was an advanced technique, perhaps regarding to outline color, as opposed to single color outlines, then realized that I had no idea what it was.
I recently found an article by PKMays that supposedly proposes the term and is probably the origin of all the fuss. To be honest, I find the whole concept somewhat ridiculous. It seems obvious that 'selout' is just antialias to a dark background that becomes apparent when you put a sprite on a brighter background than intended. PKMays then goes on to explain how to properly make selout all the while working on a very bright background.
Now, I'm no saint myself, flaunting around terms like 'shape bluffing', and I intend no offense to anyone, but I'd really like to make things clear in my head.
Is 'selout' merely a mystification or did I get things wrong, AGAIN?