I wanna try and do one of these mockup challenges so i think i'm gunna give it a shot, since this is the last one this year n' all.
I picked this song by Incubus, A Certain Shade of Green, since it was fast paced and had something to do with a colour. Gave me the idea of a platformer in which you have a time limit to get to a certain destination, possibly a place which is a certain shade of green... i started picking out colours and they feel quite dreamy to me, so i think i wanna go with the concept you're being constricted by dream-like hinderances, such as the feeling of being pulled back with ropes as you run etc. ('Are your muscles bound by ropes', a line from the song). Not quite sure how it could be made more interesting though, rather than just keeping the right directional button pushed down. But hey, i don't need to go too far into it.

What i've gotten so far. Inspired by stuff i see around here i don't doubt.

The lamp would be massive, and the road leads down to the bottom of a canyon and where the lamp shines... >_>
You can listen to a clip of the song