Watched the gameplay footage. Took a few shots.

They've certainly taken some interesting choices on what to abstract. Detailed characters, lighting and textures with some "painted" elements. People with mostly realistic looks yet stubby limbs and overdimentioned hands, feet and heads. Those are some interesting faces Ruy is pulling off there. They struck me as odd when I saw them in motion, but kudos for making them a bit more alive than the Tekken manequins. Not really sure what is happening with Ken though. Twisted posture with the head floating somewhere. I can't pull that pose at least.
Streetfighter has taken a lot of blame from this place on all sides. It's art, the effect on artists, others view of pixelart, scewed human proportians, the game industry in general. Is there anything you would actually want to see from this side of the industry? Personally I feel the fighting game category desperatly needs innovation (Smashbros mixed things up a bit for example). Any thoughts?