AuthorTopic: Feature 04 - Tank  (Read 91441 times)

Offline Opacus

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Re: Tank Finished. But tweaking further :P

Reply #60 on: February 27, 2007, 06:29:20 pm
Hmm, You know what. I've had enough of the tank, gonna keep it like this, not spending any more time on the shot, was for fun anyway.
I'd like to have it open for some final comments for another 12 hours or something, then this can be closed and moved to the feature board.

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Re: Tank Finished.

Reply #61 on: February 27, 2007, 07:34:55 pm
I just had to say that the "bouncing" is annoying, it ruins the piece. The light looks like it shifts, in animation the most common mistake is not animating mass. Everything has mas I would suggest to revisit the animation and animate the mass, cause at the moment it looks like the light source is bouncing up and down.

The fire animation I love the explosion 10/10 the tank needs to move too though.

Offline Faceless

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Re: Tank Finished.

Reply #62 on: February 27, 2007, 11:38:22 pm
I can't say I think this is feature worthy.
Sure the pixel technique and overall detail improved, but the artist's original vision has been perverted by other peoples' edits.
It looks nice, but it isn't the same tank anymore. Not even close.

Offline Stwelin

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Re: Tank Finished.

Reply #63 on: February 28, 2007, 12:25:53 am
I agree with faceless. I think the original tank is more true to the style, with freeform shapes and a more organic feel to it. The new ones seems to rigid. This just doesn't feel finished to me. The animation doesn't satisfy.

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Re: Tank Finished.

Reply #64 on: February 28, 2007, 01:05:58 am
I verbatum twice above.

I preferred the smoothness of the original to the boxiness of the new. And the point of subpixel animation is to make a smooth transition between two frames or imply movement more subtle than possible otherwise, which I don't think this piece needs. If anything, more exaggerated motion would be more fitting.

Offline Opacus

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Re: Tank Finished.

Reply #65 on: February 28, 2007, 11:02:08 am
More true to the style? What style? I wasn't going for any style in the first place. And second, I prefer a blocky tank. Tanks arent green blobs like the first one. You might disagree this deserves a feature, or is an improvement of the original. But as Blick said, I can't please everyone. And maybe some of the forms arent better, but the dithring techniques, the colouring, I even learned sub pixeling from this. And it was a great experience I have learned from. That's what this feature is about.

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Re: Tank Finished.

Reply #66 on: February 28, 2007, 12:06:51 pm
The only one in the position to judge whether what they made is true to what they wanted to do, is the artist themselves. Talk of 'perversion due to edits' is pointless.

You people seem to forget that features are both for art that is vastly improved from the original technically (check, in my opinion) and also more prominently about people who put lots and lots of effort into making their art better, listen to edits they agree with, and update. If I were for example, to post a shit piece of art and then proceed to listen to critique I already knew I would get and slowly build it up until it's presentable, that would not get featured because it would be obvious the original piece was subpar and that it didn't take me much effort to fix something that bad. The krux is EFFORT.

Opacus is young, and he's been pixelling for a short time. In this thread he seems to have made astounding progress. Whether you think he adhered too closely to edits or not, he has the rest of his artistic life ahead of him to keep 'true to his style' (whichever this may be, it doesn't manifest at 13 years of age). This is a place of learning, not a place to endure people's critique and keep your 'style' no matter what.

Offline Stwelin

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Re: Tank Finished.

Reply #67 on: February 28, 2007, 12:39:12 pm
I just want to clear up: i wasn't agreeing with this being not feature worthy, it is. I just think the integrity of the original could have been kept more intact in the final product.


More true to the style? What style? I wasn't going for any style in the first place.
The design is Metal Slug inspired.

Yes, i know that design != style, but the original had a lot of interest.

Somewhere along the way you changed your mind, i think. If you are happy with the blocky style, then by all means, go right ahead, nothing stopping you. I just feel that somewhere the edits influenced the choice too much. Either way, it's not up to me, or anyone else but you, for that matter.

So anyway, I would continue working on it, i don't think you should call it finished (although it is very good!). for an artist, calling something finished is limiting your skill! you're convincing yourself that you have given it all that you are capable of. Well, opacus, from your beginnings you have come a long way, keep on going.

I'd look up some of the metal slug animations and study the animation on the subpixel level, and then apply it to your tank. And as said before (forget the poster, but i am in a hurry) you could exagerate the movement as well. For example having the hatch flop open as the tank is chugging along, making it look more fluid. Small things like that add a lot of character to the piece. Also, try to get more movement into the tank in the shooting animation, have the tank fly up onto it's back treads when it fires so it looks more forceful, anything like that.

It's very good work.

Offline ndchristie

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Re: Tank Finished.

Reply #68 on: February 28, 2007, 01:56:55 pm
IMO any gross trasformation due to the input of many is pretty much feature worthy, for "better" or for "worse" (and both are highly relative to the observer)
A mistake is a mistake.
The same mistake twice is a bad habit.
The same mistake three or more times is a motif.

Offline Feron

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Re: Tank Finished.

Reply #69 on: February 28, 2007, 02:00:18 pm
This thread may not have ana OMGAMAZING finished product, but what it does show is the valueable critique and enormous improvement from the community and the artist respectiveley.

I did prefer the original design, and i think the piece has gained a lot more pixel-technicallity, but lost some of its original charm.