Yeah people, it's not about who wins, it's all about how you entertain us spectators. 
But then, those who fail to do so, will be fed to the lions.

or banned
but not really--
About when judging will take place, and when next round will begin.
What I had planned on was once all submissions were in, and the deadline came about - I was then going to send them out to the other judges for evaluating on who won. This could take as quickly as a few hours, or a few days. depending on time and free-ness of the judges. That was why I had originally thought about starting each challenge on a sunday, that way you all can have abit of a break inbetween each challenge as well. However, if you would prefer, I can start the challenge as soon as results are in.
It does not personally matter to me. Just if it starts and ends on roughly the same day of week people can accustom themselves to that. Let me know if as quick as possible or if waiting till sunday/monday (depending on where in world) is fine.