2.) The vehicle has to be practical.
Example: You can’t have a tank that sprouts wings and flies. It has to be something that could possibly work.
5.) You have a choice of styles you want to choose.
A.) Stone Age
B.) Futuristic
C.) World War II era
D.) Leonardo De Vinci
pfft what is this?
ill see if i can make something but if its not practical im not gonna care. how do you say we have to make something that is practical and then say we can create something that is futuristic. I think that anything then would be therefore made up seeing as we dont know what to expect from the future, so how can you say that it would be impractical or not.
I dont know really...i just think you didnt know what you were doing when writing up this challenge. Because for all you know, there really could be a tank that sprouts wings and flies in the future.
ps. Leonardo Da (not de) Vinci is a person, not a time era.
1. I never said you had to participate in this challenge
2. I never called it a time era you just inferred that I was only using time eras while it clearly states styles, as CAG pointed out as well.
3. This challenge has been already been commented on by Peppy, the other Daijins and Daihyos, your opinion will be considered yet it unlikely to affect an already released challenge.
Anyway nice job so far on submissions.
CAG love yours, yet why no saddle? Why do you think the Native Americans died out? It wasn't disease or mass murder, no... It was all their men riding horses saddle less and crushing their jewels.
Pixelaro it didn't have to be original as long as it wasn't a direct copy. Great ship though.
Brian, wahoo yes someone did an animation! I would have gotten a chuckle out of it if little yellow floatie rings popped out the side to keep it afloat.
Sorry I don't know how to spell peoples names from a long time ago.
EDIT: Heh yeah Indigo that was me a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.