
What console/s are you gonna get/own?

Nintendo Wii
MS xbox 360
Sony PS3
Wii & 360
Ps3 & 360
Ps3 & Wii
All 3

AuthorTopic: Wii, 360 or Ps3?  (Read 31994 times)

Offline Rox

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Re: Wii, 360 or Ps3?

Reply #30 on: November 29, 2006, 09:32:52 pm
No. No, you are not. I got a DS Lite before they were released outside of Japan. THAT is cool.

PHP tags are fun and also somewhat annoying and easy to overuse have fun with.

Glad to see the Wii has such a lead. Pixelation has a sensible population.

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Re: Wii, 360 or Ps3?

Reply #31 on: November 30, 2006, 10:49:41 am
I'll probably get a PS3 and/or a 360. PS3 has the possibility to run Linux which means it will probably be one hell of a HD media player once the right apps get ported, and it also gives me the opportunity to do some development for it. Unfortunately it seems like there might not be RSX (graphics hw) access from Linux, so it might not be so exciting to develop for.
The 360 has the XNA Developers club or whatever it is called, full access to the hardware, but you have to pay $100 a year for it, and can't distribute your programs.
Wii is not interesting for me.

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Re: Wii, 360 or Ps3?

Reply #32 on: November 30, 2006, 11:54:36 am
PHP tags are fun and also somewhat annoying and easy to overuse have fun with.

I am pretty sure you mean BB tags.

Sdw: Wouldn't it be more interesting to develop for an actual computer anyways? You can distribute your programs all you want and more people would use them.

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Re: Wii, 360 or Ps3?

Reply #33 on: November 30, 2006, 12:12:05 pm
Wii for Mii :)

Although Halo 3 and Halo Wars make the 360 really tempting sometime next year and I bet MGS4 will be awesome one the PS3, but I think I'll wait till the next gen of consoles to come out and get the previous ones when they're actually affordable.

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Re: Wii, 360 or Ps3?

Reply #34 on: November 30, 2006, 01:05:09 pm
Got the wii on black friday at like noon...I have no idea how, but they had like 3 extras that came in an hour before..oh well, lucky me :crazy:

don't think i'll be getting another console for a while.

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Re: Wii, 360 or Ps3?

Reply #35 on: November 30, 2006, 05:48:34 pm
If I Had time and Intrest to spend my money, i'd like to have PS3 because of the titles that i don't miss!
Tenchu,MGS Series,Final fantasy "maybe if they changed the whole game Romantic mode!"
maybe wii as it sound so fun too!
OTHERWISE, What Kon Said upstairs! ^
« Last Edit: November 30, 2006, 05:50:48 pm by Silver »

Offline snake

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Re: Wii, 360 or Ps3?

Reply #36 on: December 01, 2006, 04:48:43 pm
Viva la Wii.

Even though I am open to what the Xbox360 and PS3 is doing, nothing has yet to catch my interest. Sure MGS4 will be great, but not worth the sum of the console. Not yet at least. I have to say I've been terribly disappointed with the 360's lineup so far. Mostly fps and racing games that are just graphic fests rather than fun to play. I remember I tried Ninety Nine Nights a while ago and thought the army crowds and graphics looked fantastic, but after 5 minutes of the same 3 hit combo I just put the controller down. The only thing I'm interested in for the 360 is the downloadable game Castle Crashers, which is not worth buying the console for.

I think there will be problems for the Wii here though. Not because of the console itself, but because of the biased press. Everyone is trying to sell Playstation gadgets (most likely because they cost more) and never pus up ads for Nintendo or other smaller products. They've labled the the PSP as "the most popular gaming console in the world" countless times, even though sales records have shown that even the old Gameboy Advance has better sales. They did the same with the Deamcast a while back. Right now, the 360 is the ad winner since the PS3 is still pending. Even though the Wii is due in 7 days here, I have only seen a single ad. Two full pages of 360, PSP and Ps2, and in a liiiiiiiiittle box in the left corner, there was a Wii, and the Zelda boxart with the tag "Zelda. Wii"

As an extra bonus, the import prices here are ridiculous. The Wii won't be costing 249$ here. Nope. They've kicked it up to 450$. I can't imagine what the PS3 is going to cost. They'd better put out test booths to demonstrate the controll after all this.  :mean:

Offline goat

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Re: Wii, 360 or Ps3?

Reply #37 on: December 01, 2006, 04:49:03 pm
360 first without a doubt, the only reason I haven't bought one yet is that there's the offchance someone might get me one for Christmas :p </excessive optimism>

After that, probably the Wii.  If blu-ray sticks around I might eventually get a PS3 for that capability as well as some of the games, but right now there's nothing pending for it that excites me.  Plus the Wii is... the freakin Wii.  I was a little skeptical of it at first, and then I played the demos. Enough said.
typing ewith fdace

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Re: Wii, 360 or Ps3?

Reply #38 on: December 01, 2006, 04:51:25 pm
Viva la Wii.

Even though I am open to what the Xbox360 and PS3 is doing, nothing has yet to catch my interest. Sure MGS4 will be great, but not worth the sum of the console. Not yet at least. I have to say I've been terribly disappointed with the 360's lineup so far. Mostly fps and racing games that are just graphic fests rather than fun to play. I remember I tried Ninety Nine Nights a while ago and thought the army crowds and graphics looked fantastic, but after 5 minutes of the same 3 hit combo I just put the controller down. The only thing I'm interested in for the 360 is the downloadable game Castle Crashers, which is not worth buying the console for.

I think there will be problems for the Wii here though. Not because of the console itself, but because of the biased press. Everyone is trying to sell Playstation gadgets (most likely because they cost more) and never pus up ads for Nintendo or other smaller products. They've labled the the PSP as "the most popular gaming console in the world" countless times, even though sales records have shown that even the old Gameboy Advance has better sales. They did the same with the Deamcast a while back. Right now, the 360 is the ad winner since the PS3 is still pending. Even though the Wii is due in 7 days here, I have only seen a single ad. Two full pages of 360, PSP and Ps2, and in a liiiiiiiiittle box in the left corner, there was a Wii, and the Zelda boxart with the tag "Zelda. Wii"

As an extra bonus, the import prices here are ridiculous. The Wii won't be costing 249$ here. Nope. They've kicked it up to 450$. I can't imagine what the PS3 is going to cost. They'd better put out test booths to demonstrate the controll after all this.  :mean:

just to clarify snake... where exactly is 'here'... as in your neck of the woods?
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Re: Wii, 360 or Ps3?

Reply #39 on: December 01, 2006, 04:58:14 pm
It was mostly aimed at my city. Though it goes for Norway in general, I can't say I know how the other cities handle their press.

I thought you could just check my profile for that though. Bah, no matter.