I camped out for a Wii. It was worth it. Zelda is amazing, but I play Wii Sports more than anything.
The future of the Wii is crazy. Nintendo really blew the lid off.. for reals. The rush that you get playing games is unreal. I could never get into the Call of Duty series (or shooters in general) until I had to physically shake a Nazi off of me. It'll be minigames for awhile, but shit, once 2nd and 3rd generation games come around? Nothing will be able to touch it.
Besides, it has Gunstar Heroes and Starfi on VC.
Actually, the opening lineup of VC games is pretty lackluster (for the US, anyways). But if they're really going to release 10-15 titles a month, it'll get impressive quickly.

que faire quand on a tout fait, tout lu, tout bu, tout mangé
tout donné en vrac et en détail
quand on a crié sur tous les toîts pleuré et ris dans les villes et en campagne