Kazuya Mochu: I wish! I need to dig up some old stuff. Surely it's on an old harddrive somewhere.

There was a piece that might still be online, but for the life of me I can't remember what the site was called. It was an isometric town that the guy who ran it let people get one tile to build whatever they wanted on. I made a log cabin for that. It's out there somewhere.
Friend: Thanks so much!

And yeah, it's very rough. Wip/sketch is probably a better classification for this.
cels: Thanks, the internet is a crazy place.

Leogrim: One day you, too, shall return here and seem like an old man.
Ryumaru: Thanks so much! And thanks for the link--I'll check it out. I am sorta hoping to get back into the artform. It has such wonderful limitations to it and it's refreshing my love of art.
Thanks for the crit--100% spot on. Looks and feels much better. Will try to be more conscious of all of this next time around.
Thanks again, y'all!