It looks nothing like pixel art to me. Just looks like a normal cel-shader...
Like madmenyo, I'm very curious to know why you say that. What specifically makes this look "nothing" like pixel art? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm sincerely hoping for an explanation, as extensive as you have time for 
Just my opinion on the subject why it probably doesn't look like pixel-art.
since pixel art usually is drawn from a white canvas the choices the artist would make in order to effectively render this thing would be kinda different and he won't really end up with the decisions made there
1) it's to soft (you would decide on AA every line, quite an unusual choice)
2) it's really high res and has barely any detail (quite an unusual choice, usually you go smaller and put in some more details to make it more interesting to look at)
3) it emphasizes an mathematical approach of art and is there really on the high-skill end (perspective, shadow construction smoothness) - while other areas like colors, depth emphasizing through careful plane selection, structure, detail are not evident - means the skills showed don't align up properly.
4)animation is to smooth (the animator rather would carefully choose well timed keys and differently placed inbetweens to get the impression of speed and weight across)
I don't think the smoothness of the animation is the biggest problem, it's just adding up.
Rikfuzz basically nailed it in terms of decision making, he reduced the colors and chose frames an animator who would have to draw all frames by hand would rather choose to draw. So the decisions made there are by far closer to the natural decisons a pixel artist would make.
Although it's still easy to spot that it's "edited prerender" mainly because of artifacts and it still feels to exact in some spots and to sloppy in other ones.
If you ask me it's kinda the same problem, why posterized images don't look like pixel art. If that makes more sense. Lots of reasons which all add up, but individually you can point out all of them. The sum of them causes a completely different impression.