24" 1920x1200 + 22" 1200x1920 here.
2x'ed pixel art will look OK or Great on pretty much any common PC monitor in my experience, but I haven't been using high PPI retina displays for work or surf (i.e. smartphone or MacBook).
I agree with this, including the caveat.
3x is a bit less reliable, depending on how large the source is (3x 320x240 -> 1280x960)
So you just meant ballpark levels of accuracy in reproducing picture size, then.
4x can sometimes look a bit too chunky and overly jaggy so in emulators I often stay at 2x Windowed. 1x is vulture neck + squint unless you're using an ancient 640x480 CRT or something.
A zoom argument or just [img2x]http://[img3x] would be nice though. Personally I type out forum tags by hand so shorter would be better.
However, I sometimes cross-post so I much prefer baking in 2x.
Ah, and now we see what it's really about.
It looks like you can make an image that links to another image in BBCode (eg. the first one being 2x, and the second being 1x), although on Pixelation this effectively disables the click zooming.
EDIT: I take that back. looks like the url tag works in preview, but gets stripped off the actual post. Confusing.
I guess the best multires solution is just putting a '1x' link next to the image.
Personally I use a shell script with ImageMagick to generate 2x versions when needed. Thanks for the idea, I just added BBCode and html template generation to it. Now if only there was a decent CLI upload tool I could hook it into.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 01:30:22 am by Ai »
If you insist on being pessimistic about your own abilities, consider also being pessimistic about the accuracy of that pessimistic judgement.