interesting work Mathias , looking forward to seeing the big picture

Dang you been busy.
full time study, spare time dedicated to art, and I don't have too much of that left, one of 2 artists working with a local upstart game dev studio, currently in the dev cycle of their/our first game(fedora clad character is 1st pass of the current game's main char) and still actively contributing to a few other projects.

AVCON went really well, I ended up implementing crazy projectile physics in my demo it was like insane ping pong storm, and uriniting triangles and firing barrels at high speed, but funnily enough I spent more time developing, and convention goers were just as if not more interested in seeing a game being developed than the games themselves, I was working on Fibre Optic Pizza with the the programmer and creator
this is what we got done by the end:

he implemented the gun, the muzzle flash and firing projectiles(placeholder: soda cans) and object rotation/animation and shoved a lot of models in, and I created a hologram and he implemented that, he got the drone going on a patrol path and stop when the player was infront. he wrote a GL based renderer and essentially an entire game engine in JAVA, but now he is porting and re factoring the codebase in D, I'm helping with GTK GUI, for the engines toolkit should be interesting, it's a homage to retro games and deus ex, 95% of the art is me so far, the gun model (but not UVs or textures) was a fellow artist friend. and collaborated on the drone bot.