AuthorTopic: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014  (Read 190782 times)

Offline Mathias

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014

Reply #220 on: June 27, 2013, 02:49:50 am
Ahh, so all your creative efforts manifest in the form of PA then?

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014

Reply #221 on: June 27, 2013, 10:23:48 am
Guess so.  Maybe cos it's a very controlled and tidy form of art and I don't have to clean up my desk afterwards (unless I been eating at the laptop again)
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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014

Reply #222 on: June 29, 2013, 11:26:59 pm
@mathias yeah that was mostly laziness on my part, and if I find time I might consider it, but for the most part they may just be placeholders, do you have any reference to any really well done font design done in that way? i might need some inspiration to push me to improve it :P

and nope no flying, I did actually have a gradient in earlier but he's doing the game in his own engine so setting up a realtime skybox in blender GE seemed pointless, it was a kinda orange pinkish gloomy dusk gradient sky, take me to long to find it or edit one up.

also here's an image of model loading within his engine, i did all the assets and textures minus the bayonetta test image :lol:
there are some scale issues with the exported models in that particular image, but it's all he's uploaded.

the barrels are physics, pretty fun to just knock them and roll them oh the chaos, friend who tested it noticed that one of the corridors
was open to the outside of the level, so they rolled a barrel out and rode it down into infinity and it looked like a twisted form of synchronized skydiving :lol:

I'm using a custom build of blender to get realtime area lights which breaks quiet a few features so have a few limitations  :blind:
also heres a raw lit scene if anyones interested in the lighting:

just attempted to create an album on imgur but couldn't via selections and don't really have the time, but managed to get a dump of image links, some are doubled from this thread:

edit: gah guess the forums resize script disables/strips hyperlinks from images, if anyone cares enough copy paste the image URL and remove the L at the end for a full image
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 11:30:15 pm by Grimsane »

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014

Reply #223 on: July 11, 2013, 02:31:59 am
Dang you been busy.

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014

Reply #224 on: July 12, 2013, 03:22:10 am
Looks like we're not the only fans of scanlined pixelart out there, this article chronicles someone's quest for the perfect CRT for retro gaming

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014

Reply #225 on: July 14, 2013, 09:30:29 pm
« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 03:21:30 am by Mathias »

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014

Reply #226 on: August 11, 2013, 11:17:49 pm
interesting work Mathias , looking forward to seeing the big picture :D
Dang you been busy.

understatement  :blind:
full time study, spare time dedicated to art, and I don't have too much of that left, one of 2 artists working  with a local upstart game dev studio, currently in the dev cycle of their/our first game(fedora clad character is 1st pass of the current game's main char) and still actively contributing to a few other projects.

AVCON went really well, I ended up implementing crazy projectile physics in my demo it was like insane ping pong storm, and uriniting triangles and firing barrels at high speed, but funnily enough I spent more time developing, and convention goers were just as if not more interested in seeing a game being developed than the games themselves, I was working on Fibre Optic Pizza with the the programmer and creator

this is what we got done by the end:

he implemented the gun, the muzzle flash and firing projectiles(placeholder: soda cans) and object rotation/animation and shoved a lot of models in, and I created a hologram and he implemented that, he got the drone going on a patrol path and stop when the player was infront.  he wrote a GL based renderer and essentially an entire game engine in JAVA, but now he is porting and re factoring the codebase in D, I'm helping with GTK GUI, for the engines toolkit should be interesting, it's a homage to retro games and deus ex, 95% of the art is me so far, the gun model (but not UVs or textures) was a fellow artist friend. and collaborated on the drone bot.

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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014

Reply #227 on: August 13, 2013, 06:51:16 pm
I had a nice birthday :)
Went with a friend to 'Go Ape' in Thetford Forest which is an obstacle course up in the trees with rope ladders, ziplines and a bit when you leap off and swing into a net.  And then I had a lovely meal at the classic american themed restaurant Frankie & Benny's and had a meal of many meats. :D
Good times were had by me.  ;D
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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014

Reply #228 on: August 24, 2013, 02:11:57 am
Just saw this new G'MIC filter that automatically extracts all non-overlapping objects from an image into individual layers:

(overlapping bounding boxes is handled correctly, it's only when the pixels overlap that two objects cannot be distinguished)

Seems like it should be incredibly useful.
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Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014

Reply #229 on: September 04, 2013, 01:03:34 pm
this offtopic thread sure got a bit overloaded with images. =p
NES, Amiga & Amstrad CPC inspired
I know nothing about pixel art