I found really old stuff of mine I thought was amusing.
From about 1994, the beginnings of a platformer (I suppose a bit like Castlevania, I presume inspired by SNES mags I had laying about) made in AMOS Professional on Amiga

Heh. Terrible. I was still very much a beginner though I find it interesting that I was attempting things like lighting and shadow. Although hey, that's almost 20 of the 32 max on screen colours used up on brown and grey. That's most of the colours waaaasted on shades of brown and grey. Looking at the majority of first person shooters these days I guess I was ahead of my time. I think I've come pretty far these days with cutting down on the wasteful colours and having much more in the way of efficient low-colour palettes.
The dude runs too! Sort of...

One of the very first animated sprites I ever did. A 12 frame run cycle. He seems a bit blobby in form but overall I'm surprised that it's not actually that bad for an early attempt. Smooth motion and he certainly looks like he's moving the feet well, and not 'ice-skating' like a lot of people's early attempts at walk/run animations I suppose.