I'm sorry for all you guys, hope you feel better soon. Three of my grandparents have passed away, but it's been long enough for me.
If it's not too harsh to ask, I'd like the thread to get on a lighter note, since I've been wary of not changing the topic so as not to offend anyone

Then again, if anyone needs to get something off their chest, please do so.
My brother mentioned an idea he's been toying with, which I'd like to share with you: would a website made solely for job offers revolving around pixel art/digital art be of any use or an improvement over the current system used in the Pixelation forums?
Planned as a separate feature already, actually, since threads for offers and portfolios are sort of.. meh-ish.
Crow, how long will implementing it take?

I'm very interested in this, since I'll be looking for jobs now that college is over. I tried doing so in January semi-actively (about 10-20 applications over 2 weeks), but I didn't get any, and decided to
stick to school