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Messages - fingas10
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Pixel Art / Re: [C + C]Roguelike 32x32 2d characters
« on: October 09, 2015, 10:59:10 am »
Hmm, I had considered the same thing on the mountains as well. I originally designed it as a double ridge like that to give a clear impression that it was a wall of sorts but it ended up slightly repetitive. Thanks for the tip. The corner walls are a bit of a single mountain now if you notice.

As for the characters having a black outline and the scenery not, I did that on purpose to bring them out from the background. I want them to be easy to spot because they are going to be moving and fighting in tactical combat. As such they need to stand out somewhat from the terrain. Again for the theme, I will have many different terrains so I cant really make characters fit a particular one because then they would still not fit others.

Thanks for the ideas!

Pixel Art / Re: [C + C]Roguelike 32x32 2d characters
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:55:34 am »
This doesn't help me much, why don't match? They are not isometric? The art or thematic style? Please give more details.

In the case of thematic style, there will be many planetary landscapes so they are not supposed to match to each. They are essentially invaders on the planet.

Pixel Art / [C + C]Roguelike 32x32 2d characters (updated again)
« on: October 08, 2015, 05:46:34 pm »
Work continues! These are some samples of some characters I am considering using for a space style rogue-like.

Monsters for a stage

Sprite critique would be awesome.

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