hmm its a shame you have to move on so fast. i wanted to give you some quick comments on some things i think might give it a bit more form.
First i think that your general color choices are nice - a bit monochromatic, im not sure if thats on purpose or not but the colors chosen are interesting. i appreciate how the shadows feel really warm with the magenta hues, makes it feel like hes being hit by some sort of torch light or campfire light or something like that.
i think the figure itself could use a bit more form though. i went through the sprite quickly with some larger color replace brushes and then a pixel brush to rough in some detail to illustrate what i think could help kick this sprite to the next level.
First off sorry it was a bit sloppy i was doing what i could in the time i had this morning.
Now one could argue this as a style choice here, so it really depends on if youre trying to keep the sprite look kindof cute and iconic (flatter, less contrasting/saturated values), which if so i think that this is quite a cute style. If youre hoping to add a bit of ruggedness and form to him, i think you can stand to go in and really carve out another layer of highlight on the skin - add some more contrast to the metallic parts in the helmet, and really not be afraid to darken areas that should really be dark. Dont be afraid to allow your appendages to cast shadows on the body either, these kinds of detail are ultimately what will make a sprite really take form.
I like that your latest update you are integrating some more hue choices to vary up the greens a bit. Watch out for keeping those colors isolated to one region however. a truly integrated piece will work in those other hue values into the image in other less obvious ways so that it doesnt read to the eye that there are sectioned areas of color that are completely separate from another.
one last point - no ogre is complete without a pair of ominously glowy red eyes, lol.