So how many individual colours is that in total then?
It would be really great to get/see a colour table. I'm afraid I'm still quite confused by all this even after re-reading.
I understand HEX and the theory etc, it's just not easy to work that way. I'd make a colour table but thought I'd ask if there's more than 256 colours first, or whatever?
RGB555 is 15 bits (hence the "555", meaning 5 bits per channel), so the total number of colours is 2^15 = 32768.
You can see this also from another perspective: as ptoing said above, you have 32 possible values per channel, so the number of combinations is 32*32*32 = 32768.
Deciding whether a normal RGB colour is "legal" is easy*: it is when all of its channels are multiple of 8. F.ex., the colour <255, 240, 72> (FFF048 in hexadecimal notation) is not an RGB555 one because the red channel value (255) is not multiple of 8. <248, 240, 72> (F8F048) would be the "correct" colour.
Picking colours requires a bit more work than usual, but it is not that difficult.
*Actually, this is a simplified method that most likely does not give 100% accurate results. For now I would rather not go into details not to make the matter even more confusing.
edit: well, after all, providing some handy ready-made palettes won't hurt

"simplified" values palette:

"correct" values palette:

(no time to explain this, sorry...)
edit: I don't know what happened with Imageshack, but at some point the first palette disappeared... oh, well, I'm seizing the chance to post more useable palettes.