AuthorTopic: Commercial Critique Challenge - Mock the Ocean's Sphere  (Read 73813 times)

Offline PypeBros

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Re: Commercial Critique Challenge - Mock the Ocean's Sphere

Reply #10 on: February 10, 2009, 03:34:04 pm
I still do not get the rgb555 thing. How do I know if the colors id like to use are useable on the GBC?
You've got 5 bits for each channel. HTML colors are 8 bits/channel, comparatively. That means GBC valid colors would be #rXgXbX where X can only be 0 or 8. (so both R, G and B values must be multiples of 8. As HTML notation #rrggbb uses hexadecimal triplets, it makes them end with either 8 or 0 (multiple of 16 :) ))

So #cccc44 is not a valid GBC color. #c8c840 is, as is #d0d048.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2009, 11:13:12 am by PypeBros »

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Re: Commercial Critique Challenge - Mock the Ocean's Sphere

Reply #11 on: February 11, 2009, 05:10:22 am
I am also confused. Does that simply mean that the rgb values must either be multiples of 8 or 10( to end in zero)?

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Re: Commercial Critique Challenge - Mock the Ocean's Sphere

Reply #12 on: February 11, 2009, 06:34:44 am
Basically it means that you have 32 steps for each R,G and B instead of 256 like in 24 bit images.

So these would be your valid hexvalues in an unstretched (as in values stretched from 00 to FF) 15 bit picture.

00 08 10 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78 80 88 90 98 A0 A8 B0 B8 C0 C8 D0 D8 E0 E8 F0 F8

There are no ugly colours, only ugly combinations of colours.

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Re: Commercial Critique Challenge - Mock the Ocean's Sphere

Reply #13 on: February 11, 2009, 10:41:31 am
Been working on this for the last 4 hours and I think I'm ready to call this done :o

Heavily inspired by this sprite

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Re: Commercial Critique Challenge - Mock the Ocean's Sphere

Reply #14 on: February 11, 2009, 11:11:22 am
I do get it now.
But I also need to know how to work with 'm. I do not know how to select these colors. At first I work with RGB, but if I divide 256 by 32 I should have the right thing right? the number every number should be able to get divided by. But, that would make it very hard creating colors. I would almost have to manually select every color. Is there a full (quite large) palette I can use? Or any (free, not pro-motion) tool that enables me to only use those colors? Or is there an easy way to select the right colors when working with MSpaint, MTpaint or GraphicsGale?
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Commercial Critique Challenge - Mock the Ocean's Sphere

Reply #15 on: February 11, 2009, 11:34:20 am
In ProMotion:

Search for something like this in your paint program.
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Re: Commercial Critique Challenge - Mock the Ocean's Sphere

Reply #16 on: February 11, 2009, 11:38:30 am
I do get it now.
But I also need to know how to work with 'm. I do not know how to select these colors. At first I work with RGB, but if I divide 256 by 32 I should have the right thing right? the number every number should be able to get divided by. But, that would make it very hard creating colors. I would almost have to manually select every color. Is there a full (quite large) palette I can use? Or any (free, not pro-motion) tool that enables me to only use those colors? Or is there an easy way to select the right colors when working with MSpaint, MTpaint or GraphicsGale?
Thanks in advance.

Even if you don't have a suitable tool, just make sure that the values you choose for R, G and B are always multiple of 8.


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Re: Commercial Critique Challenge - Mock the Ocean's Sphere

Reply #17 on: February 11, 2009, 01:00:43 pm
Thanks saimo and Johnny, ill figure it out now :). Ill hope to make some sprites and tiles soon :)

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Re: Commercial Critique Challenge - Mock the Ocean's Sphere

Reply #18 on: February 11, 2009, 02:16:29 pm
So how many individual colours is that in total then?

It would be really great to get/see a colour table.  I'm afraid I'm still quite confused by all this even after re-reading. 

I understand HEX and the theory etc, it's just not easy to work that way.  I'd make a colour table but thought I'd ask if there's more than 256 colours first, or whatever?

Offline saimo

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Re: Commercial Critique Challenge - Mock the Ocean's Sphere

Reply #19 on: February 11, 2009, 02:41:24 pm
So how many individual colours is that in total then?

It would be really great to get/see a colour table.  I'm afraid I'm still quite confused by all this even after re-reading. 

I understand HEX and the theory etc, it's just not easy to work that way.  I'd make a colour table but thought I'd ask if there's more than 256 colours first, or whatever?
RGB555 is 15 bits (hence the "555", meaning 5 bits per channel), so the total number of colours is 2^15 = 32768.
You can see this also from another perspective: as ptoing said above, you have 32 possible values per channel, so the number of combinations is 32*32*32 = 32768.

Deciding whether a normal RGB colour is "legal" is easy*: it is when all of its channels are multiple of 8. F.ex., the colour <255, 240, 72> (FFF048 in hexadecimal notation) is not an RGB555 one because the red channel value (255) is not multiple of 8. <248, 240, 72> (F8F048) would be the "correct" colour.
Picking colours requires a bit more work than usual, but it is not that difficult.

*Actually, this is a simplified method that most likely does not give 100% accurate results. For now I would rather not go into details not to make the matter even more confusing.

edit: well, after all, providing some handy ready-made palettes won't hurt ;)

"simplified" values palette:

"correct" values palette:

(no time to explain this, sorry...)

edit: I don't know what happened with Imageshack, but at some point the first palette disappeared... oh, well, I'm seizing the chance to post more useable palettes.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 04:59:30 pm by saimo »