AuthorTopic: A cute lil' guy [so very WIP]  (Read 7414 times)

Offline FishyBoy

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A cute lil' guy [so very WIP]

on: December 21, 2008, 04:28:40 pm

So, here's some guy. We'll call him Alfred.

The main thing I was working on here was the selective outlining, which I'm pretty bad at right now.

Any critique would be greatly appreciated.

Offline Jim16

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Re: A cute lil' guy [so very WIP]

Reply #1 on: December 21, 2008, 06:08:41 pm
its ok for a start(far better than what I did when I started  :P )
Firstly I will say you will have to be patient and learn from what people show and say to you.

Ok so here are places if you don't know where people will give C&C:
This site  (You get good pro C&C here)
Pixeljoint (Very Fun, has competition and a good forum for C&C)
Pixelclass ( this site is relativly new, but is based on teaching the arts of pixel art)

I would make a topic on every one of those site's, to get all the possible help you can get.

Now to to some critique:
Your character has some jaggie issues and AA issues. (here's a tutorial that covers that very simply )

I like the stance of the legs, but the upper body makes the actual sprite look like its going to fall back wards.
Fix this, there are many examples of an IDLE stance on pixeljoints gallery(the gallery is a good reference)
Look closely on how they do theres, but please and I STRESS, don't RIP as you won't ever learn that way. Do everything pixel by pixel by yourself.

Thats all for now:
But if you feel that I should give you an example, then say so, as I will do it in a flash.

Offline Willows

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Re: A cute lil' guy [so very WIP]

Reply #2 on: December 21, 2008, 06:25:56 pm
As a general rule, tool-made circles are more likely to be screwed up than handmade ones, especially if you're talking MSpaint. The circle of his head, currently, is having a hard time deciding if it's a rounded-out rectangle or actually a circle. If you made the outsidemost lines of the circle 2 pixels longer while making the 3 pixel long lines 2 pixels instead, it'd be far more circular.

His pose is also kinda... well, random. Looks like a zombie pose, more specifically a dancing zombie pose. I hear that dramatic poses are good idle poses sometimes, but Alfred looks much like he's giving someone 'tude, moreso than ready to burst into action.

The stripes on the sleeve are also thinner than the stripes on the torso. I think this is odd.

Also, I too can't wait for the underside :)

Offline skamocore

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Re: A cute lil' guy [so very WIP]

Reply #3 on: December 21, 2008, 06:50:10 pm
Nice stylish character =) but it could do with a bit of work

I made an edit:

-I don't think you really need to bother with sel-out.
-Your image has 26 colours, I have tried to conserve some colours and I've tried getting it down to 8 (including transparency)
-I tried giving Alfred a bit more depth, yours is looking a bit flat.
-Willows made a good point about the circle tool. It might seem quicker and easier, but in the end it's really not all that helpful. You'll find that most of the time doing it by hand will get you a better result.

Offline Tuna Unleashed

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Re: A cute lil' guy [so very WIP]

Reply #4 on: December 21, 2008, 07:29:20 pm
Hey fishyboy, I'd say some hue shifting and contrast would help this a lot.

Offline Jim16

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Re: A cute lil' guy [so very WIP]

Reply #5 on: December 21, 2008, 07:44:24 pm
yeah Tuna Unleashed....cause he knows what that means  :P

Offline FishyBoy

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Re: A cute lil' guy [so very WIP]

Reply #6 on: December 21, 2008, 07:51:32 pm
Nice stylish character =) but it could do with a bit of work

its ok for a start(far better than what I did when I started  :P )
I'm not that new, but thanks. I just spared you the older stuff.

Now to to some critique:
Your character has some jaggie issues and AA issues. (here's a tutorial that covers that very simply )
Would the jaggies be in the arm, or with the stripes on his torso?

As a general rule, tool-made circles are more likely to be screwed up than handmade ones
-Willows made a good point about the circle tool. It might seem quicker and easier, but in the end it's really not all that helpful. You'll find that most of the time doing it by hand will get you a better result.
This was a hand drawn circle, but I guess it wasn't particularly well done.

Okay, so going by the critique, here's what I've got. I cut it down to eight colors, and tried to get rid of the jaggies. Lots of thanks to skamocore, your edit helped a lot.

Hey fishyboy, I'd say some hue shifting and contrast would help this a lot.
Hey Tuna! How's it going?

yeah Tuna Unleashed....cause he knows what that means  :P
Come now, I'm not that bad.  :)

Offline Jim16

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Re: A cute lil' guy [so very WIP]

Reply #7 on: December 21, 2008, 08:00:54 pm
I see, I feel stupid..... :'(
I knew you weren't bad, by how you started off with the legs. But due to the fact that your character kind of looked disfigured and followed know proportions as such, I guess I made an assumption, a bad one in this case :ouch: .
Anyhoo it seems you know Mr Tuna? From what site? (time to get in the good books now  :hehe: )

Yeah, however I think it looks way better now.

Offline FishyBoy

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Re: A cute lil' guy [so very WIP]

Reply #8 on: December 21, 2008, 08:26:00 pm
Yeah, however I think it looks way better now.
Thank you!

Anyhoo it seems you know Mr Tuna? From what site? (time to get in the good books now  :hehe: )
From a project he's working on. Had school not hit me as hard as it did, I would have been programmer for it.

Offline Terley

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Re: A cute lil' guy [so very WIP]

Reply #9 on: December 21, 2008, 08:39:11 pm

A little edit :) personally think he's leaning back too much, may be a characteristic posture but in my opinion it looks a bit too uncomfortable.

Not really changed the palette cus it works pretty well, I just think the shaded white area is maybe too dark. I'd personally use the darker yellow there, but I did give that colour a warmer tone.

All in all just tried to smoothen everything, not to fond of a full black outline so added some variation to that too.

Hope that helps, it's a cute character btw.
I've not got anything interesting to type here..