thanks for the replies, guys and gals! heheh, that link with Angelina. . . god, I'd *eat* her if I could!
Shouldn't she have more of a mo-hawk? She had a nice green one in the game. Looks like he just shaved half of her head.
heheh, because that's exactly what she did!
This is not Razor but Nicole. I posted that just to show you what I'd want the piece to look like. its mood, ambiance, you know? and now I think I want to achieve something more!
She's drifting away from her name at the mo.
well, what I want here is a young, vital and quite ambitious yet a bit of a sad-bad-bittersweet type of woman. I don't see any old girl nobody no longer wants to. . . gzzt!, you know what I'm saying?
some hard edges will be applied, tho, to give her more character (she's a gang leader after all), I just loved that on the Helm's edit. nevertheless, that doesn't mean I'm not open for suggestions! if you have any, write!
the new|old step posted secretly before just next to the previous: