AuthorTopic: [Wip] ships for flash shooter game...  (Read 14256 times)

Offline Frankiesmileshow

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[Wip] ships for flash shooter game...

on: July 27, 2007, 03:22:52 am
Ill drop a few enemy ships here as I pixel hem, theyre for a flash game.
Please give criticism, there is surely much room for improvement here!
The damaged animations don't have much smoke because most of it will be through separate sprites or random explosions over the vehicle. Same with fire.

This first ship drops bombs on civillians and buildings. Its for a side-view, city-themed section.
16 colors in all so far, but itll prolly take more for the death anim. Fire and stuff.
The turning animation is for ships that start on the ground unmanned. Soldiers enter the ship, it turns and lifts off with a jet trust.
(turning, movement, turning-damaged, movement-damaged)


This second ship just shoots or rams into you-

« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 09:22:15 pm by Frankiesmileshow »

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Re: [Wip] ships for flash shooter game...

Reply #1 on: July 27, 2007, 08:13:24 pm
Working on the crash animation.

Its about half finished. I'm not sure how Ill place the smoke yet, right now its pretty much just fire.
Ill also add smaller explosions on the ship before the bigger blast. They will tear off a few parts.

(help verily appreciated for that blast anim! its a bitch to animate, I spent a few hours on it already...

...and I got like 10 more enemies to animate just for that level! seeeesh!)

I think ill try and reuse that explosion for some other foes, modifying the debris to match them.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 09:22:31 pm by Frankiesmileshow »

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Re: [Wip] ships for flash shooter game...

Reply #2 on: July 27, 2007, 08:26:25 pm
I have a question about the game, why do you have a turning animation if it is a side view game, the dead-on (almost, I think that a bit of the front may be seen still) perspective implies that it isn't going to be on a plane that is changing depth so that type of turn doesn't seem needed at all.

With the propulsion flame/flare assuming that it is in a start-continuous-final setup for the frames (unless it moves via burst) shouldn't the final part of the flame/flare produce the least light on the ship as it is an existing lightsource disappearing

With the crash, the last couple frames seem alright to me, but the ones during compression of the ship don't, it seems like it is deflating and happens to slowly.  Part of what throws it off is that the ship comes to a stop prior to the explosion, the top section of the ship should probably rip off and continue going somewhat forward/down (or you could just make it look like deformation) instead of stopping like that.

Offline Frankiesmileshow

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Re: [Wip] ships for flash shooter game...

Reply #3 on: July 27, 2007, 08:48:56 pm
Well for the fire, I thought the light reflection should be stronger when the flame is at its thickest close to the reactors. (notice that the frame with the strongest light is the one where the flame is short and fat). But maybe youre right about this, ill try changing the light and see if I like it more.
The reactor reflection should vary less than that and be more of a constant light, but I wanted a strong flicker on the back to be very obvious, I think it looks better.

For the beginning of the ship's crash animation, it does look odd this way, but as I said ill throw in smaller explosions before the big one, and I think it will look much better then.

About the turning animation, as I said on the first post, its because some ships start out on the ground, and I wanted them to look different when landed, so that when its about to lift off, some movement warns you before it zooms towards you. I also thought of putting some ships that fly further away in the background, can turn and change "planes" to go to the players'. That would require some nasty work, but most of the movement will be when the ship is far off in the background, so the sprite will be smaller and easier to animate. the current turn animation (with the addition of flames coming out of the thrusters) will be the final little anim that, again, warns the player that the ship is on its level and is dangerous to him now.

(Whats nice with this, is that then I don't need to create different movement patterns for ships that come from the ground or from the background: both simply start with the turning anim in the same way. So I just create the ship objects at the moment they become active, and the rest works by itself. For ships that dont either come from the background or the ground level, ill simply create them away from the players' line of sight, so the player wont see the now out-of-place turning animation. You see what I mean?)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2007, 08:55:52 pm by Frankiesmileshow »

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Re: [Wip] ships for flash shooter game...

Reply #4 on: July 27, 2007, 11:31:48 pm
It may be convenient but I don't really think that it makes a lot of sense, in particular with the coming from another plane, which should probably have a size change, in addition having a damaged turn animation is probably unneeded if it is used to 'activate' an enemy, as they shouldn't be damaged prior to entering combat (of course there is no problem with having them fight when damaged, just seems unusual to me), unless you also have them leave with it when damaged, in which case that could cause confusion for the player as enemies that are leaving look the same as those just joining.

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Re: [Wip] ships for flash shooter game...

Reply #5 on: July 28, 2007, 02:22:03 pm
the damaged turning is useless for the ships that are in the background, but not for those who are on the ground lifting off. Those can be shot before they become active. Fior instance, some stay completely inactive when you pass, but then liftoff at the last second (before the screen completely scrolls past them) and they come from behind. Theres also a part of the level where you can throw a big bomb that damages everything in the area, so everything there will come damaged by default if you could shoot the nuke.
(im a big fan of having ways to modify a levels' course)

Offline Frankiesmileshow

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Re: [Wip] ships for flash shooter game...

Reply #6 on: July 28, 2007, 08:53:42 pm

The blast is advancing! Man those are bitches to animate! It'll look much better with some thick rising smoke, i'm sure.
I made the colors a little more deep and red, looks better imo. Also added black. theres about 5 frames left to add, plus the existing ones to add stuff on.

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Re: [Wip] ships for flash shooter game...

Reply #7 on: July 29, 2007, 02:26:50 pm
The latest looks nice, but, the black smoke shouldn't head down, wouldn't it slowly fade in all directions?
Unless those are like parts of him flying down, but still, that'd be a lot of parts :P
Also, the smoke on the left fades a bit faster than I think it normally would.

Anyways, it's coming along nicely :)

Offline Frankiesmileshow

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Re: [Wip] ships for flash shooter game...

Reply #8 on: July 29, 2007, 05:55:45 pm
Well I put alot of debris flying off because I dont want a carcass of ship to be left at all, so I can just get rid of the object when its blown up.
As its a bomber ship, youd think its full of explosives too, so the exaggerated explosion isnt too awkward...
You might be right about the smoke though, it flies up a lil quickly. But its also being "blown away" by the explosion, I thought maybe this speeds up the dissipation?
Also, new version:

Added smoke and finished the anim. I might correct some stuff later but ill prolly move on to next ship now, or ill never finish the game. Next ship is a smaller one, a light fighter. The kind that comes in big numbers.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 05:59:25 pm by Frankiesmileshow »

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Re: [Wip] ships for flash shooter game...

Reply #9 on: July 30, 2007, 04:16:03 am
Ship number two now!

death anim in the works:

this one is a tad simpler