Anyone that has replied without an entry,
shame on you
Ryumaru: Nice combination, but if you find it too hard, I guess you could try smaller or something else. But don't give up, heh.
Godslayer: I really dig the colors in the beak. Some of the AA against the fur doesnt really work though. But of course you get extra points for picking a panda.
Helm: Really neat. I dont really have crits except a tiny nitpick. At the end of the tail, the sudden change from dark to light clashes a bit, but it could be easily fixed adding a few pixels of the second lightest purple. Also the Mantarilla's left front paw doesn't read straight away as the shape could be represented in more than one way. But

overall, so cool.
Joseph: Ladybug (?) + Ostrich + Human? The neck has some AA that doesn't work, you could just erase a few of the darkest shade of brown to fix it though.
Lackey: Nice entries, though on the ratwolf, the eye looks weirdly positioned. But nice palette.
Faceless: Finish yours, you lazy bum
ejay: Nice entry. The leg looks awkwardly geometrical, but other than that
robotriot: Great idea, though the body doesn't read straight away. I must say I can't see those feather's you mentioned (or is that brown fur supposed to be them?)
Souly: As crab2selout.png mentioned, funny how it ended up with less legs than the parents. Somehow it looks pokemon-ish, but neat combo.
mrmean: I must say that the mix is nice (the execution so far is cool),. But looks rather unfinished, and some style clash is going on with the body and the shell.
SolidIdea: Neat, hehe.
istvan: Another great entry heh. While some parts arent clear straight away, it has a nice character to it. Might be interesting trying to animate it.
Brian the Great: Manatee + Penguin? Hehe indeed a wild night I guess. The eye goes unnoticed at 1x so maybe you could use the darkest shade of gray you have for it.
Sherman Gill: Heh Beepo sounds cute. The lines look a bit messy and the snout looks like some other animal's though.
The B.O.B.: Jellyfish + Squid + Shark? Neat monster, though the mix is a bit unclear and loads of stuff is going on at once (and hence the focus of the picture is everywhere)
Schu: Lovely entry. I could perfectly see it in a game heh.
Peppermint Pig: While I'm not that much of a fan of the Korean pixelling style, the entry is pretty nice and well executed. The darkest purple/fuchsia stands out too much on some joints though.
Filax_666: Neat panda-turtle heh, looks really cute. And yeah I think you pretty much nailed it on the edit. Though the shell would benefit if it had a more turtle-shell texture.
st3ady: Heh, hare turtle, the irony. The dithering is awkward, esp. on the leg. Maybe try to use dithering for shaping and not just color blending. Also you could try experimenting with different dithering patterns. (While at times the 50% dithering works, you might end up with better results by using other ones.) The shell looks pillowshaded. (the green being lighter in the middle and growing darker towards the outlines) I guess it could be avoided picking a proper and consistant light source. So yeah, next time you could try putting attention on those points. But nice mix heh.
Draco9898: Hehe nice how you even put some description and made a font for it. As for the creature itself, since it is not finished I can criticise deeply, but maybe you might want to start experimenting with less muddy colors and more with saturated.(Most of the palette consists of colors with hues towards gray) But I guess that is more of a personal preference. I would like to see how this one ends up like.
Zach: Coming nice, looking forwards to more updates.
sk8m8trix: Uhm I think yours resembles more a narwhal caterpillar than a nautilus caterpillar (Isn't the nautilus that creature with some snail-ish shell and tentacles?). As for the picture, I guess it would benefit if you had in mind the body structure of it (and give volume acordingly) and texture. You should also plan your palettes more wisely. The colors you picked are too close to each other, and thus not doing their job properly. Maybe take a look at the other entries on this activity and try to "absorb" how they did it etc.
Good luck with further pixelling.
Gnarf: It's coming nice and it has potential, so finish it >:0
Huge: Even on the update, your "Cobuin" looks a tad off balance. Try to pull the neck to the right (our right) a pixel or two. While it's not that noticeable, I kinda like how you gave the penguin part a bit of the cobra's texture.
Skull: Nice so far.
DrDerekDoctors: Haha Bullshih-tzu. Nice entries. And yeah fix those AA-stray light gray pixels or add a background.
Morph: Is it a rhino + human + wheels

? I think you are improving at color selection. Please next time dont save as .jpg as it blurs the picture and adds extra noise.
difrnt: Looks cute, and yeah finish it, or else >:0
Rerg1: Uh, it's not like theres legal or illegal stuff for the activity, but I guess you can post it here aswell.
snake: Great entry

Though I'm not really a fan of the wings, it looks cool. I would have used some extra colors to AA and all, but I guess that is again another personal preference. Extra points for that description heh.
Flaber: Nice, though the camel part looks a bit pillowshaded. (but I guess you were trying to shade like on that selfportrait you did) Also, there is this stray pink pixel on the right leg that kinda stands out.
But nice job, looks like it could exist in real life heh.
I hope that was everyone :0
Keep the entries coming