nice, really dig your brand of painterly clustering

and seems like you planned that, having Poseidon (or triton or neptune?) making a cameo appearance already earlier in the thread in your edit, how utterly devious of you, or rendering a zoom in heh actually gives me thoughts of an interesting activity

sweet dieselpunk beat 'em scene in the first of yours there, just needs moar foreground (and roundhouse kicks)

I can't say that I follow your thought process in the second though
what part of random craziness don't you understand haha

I was just watching (listening) to TV (I have a HD tuner card in my PC, I rarely use it besides when I have company(who as you might suspect find me pixel'ling away boring))and this was basically the equivalent of doodling, just used the palette acquisition method and thus done in the vein of this thread, was just gonna do that portrait thingy, but thought it might be pretty boring in comparison to what's in here already

(whodunnit@Mad Hatter's tea party?)
I see what you did there

and yeah
now I feel obligated to do another to put into this post

oh lord so many emotes sorry guys
*update: did one, sammich girl kinda painterly (facet) and lolita (PP) influenced to some degree

should probably feel bad for not refining this but it's a doodley WiPy doodle and I might finish and refine the poor anatomy eventually