Hi, i'm making this digital art, it's just for pratice, but i'm struggling with the same problems I have on every digital art I do, so I decided to create this topic . I can see that there are many problems on this work, but I don't know exactly how to fix them.

These are some things i notice that are bad, but if you have something to point, please do
-Even if I work many hours in the same drawing, it still looks unfinished and weird (The rocks and water on the bottom), how people can do such a clean looking art in just a few hours

-The colors are very weird, monochromatic and flat, some of this I think is because the habit of working with low color count pallettes in pixel arts
-The background have no depth, I would like to make the ''world'' seem huge, but looks like everything is near the character
-The shadows on the character looks like dirt, and he is not merging with the backgorund
-I don't know how to texturize things that are far from the view, the rocks near the water on the left are an exemple of that
-Anatomy is not the best too
If you have some tips for me I would really aprecciate, and if someone have the time to make an edit over the draw to point out the solution of some problems it would be my dream
Bigger version of the image:
http://imgur.com/a/LRD0aThank you and sorry for my bad english
Edit: Changed the background and colors a bit