Ok, registerd now just to share the love of game pixel art :-) I have always been fascinated by what people can do with a couple of colors and a little pixel space. Starting my journey in the 8bit era through lots of MS-DOS PC games, I would have tons of examples I love, so I have to limit myself to just a few. Quite difficult really as there are so many old games with amazing pixel graphics..
PS.: I am no artist by any means, more into music production and partly programming, so I have no idea what I am talking about here ;-) Some are my captures, but most of them found on the web.
Simon the Sorcerer (PC)

Can't but love pixel gfx of nature - meadows, trees, stones, the sky.. all is enchanting here.
Legend of Kyrandia: Book One (PC)

Nostalgia plays a large role here, true, one of the most influential games in my childhood. But still, the scenery, the light&shadow, I just purred with delight :-)
Eye of the Beholder 2 (PC)

Again by Westwood, they seemed to handle 320x200 with <256 colors so well!
Okay, enough now, dont want to be accused of spamming.