AuthorTopic: Postcount Ranks Updated  (Read 26728 times)

Offline Godslayer

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Re: Postcount Ranks Updated

Reply #40 on: October 19, 2006, 07:39:15 pm
Can we get the option to turn those icons off then? Dont like um.
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Offline Dogmeat

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Re: Postcount Ranks Updated

Reply #41 on: October 19, 2006, 07:53:42 pm
I think the idea of shifting the ranks down one to exclude gaijin and make the awesomest at 5000, would make sense.

Gaijin should be the top rank anyway!  :crazy:

BTW Dogmeat, are you serious or having a laugh?  ??? I've been in this crazy country for quite a while... and what you said if taken seriously is quite arrogant TBH.

Just to explain in a little more detail:

gaikokujin -> "gai" means outside, "koku" means country and "Jin" is a phonetic alteration of "nin", meaning person or human. "ningen" means person.

some of the titles have this "person" title combined;

3 Shonin: Merchant
6 Ronin: Mercenary, Masterless Samurai
8 Jonin: High-Ninja

others have honorific titles combined or just simply descriptive words for the job at hand.

The reason why Gaijin is seen as racist is because it's a shortcut of the proper title, slang in other words. You won't find it in the Japanese dictionary as being a proper word.

The way people use this word does differ though. "gaijin" like myself use it sparingly to describe each other, or a service for us. Like "gaijin house" etc. Although if a Japanese person, not in your immediate circle of friends were to use "gaijin" it would be deemed insanely racist. There's a thin line between racism and familiarity, as any black american male could attest.

So basically, Japanese people have no concerns about saying the word to each other, neither do foreigners, but used out of context to formally describe people, to their face or in writing is discrimination and people have even been taken to court over it. (admittedly only by one guy here in japan, he's a kind of racial equality campaigner)

In closing, I can't really understand the logic of a Japanese class system with Gaijin being in there at all, because many "gaijin" came to Japan originally as traders and would therefore be above all classes, not being ruled by Japan but rather their sovereign lands. In addition they would be treated with respect over that of any farmer or simple warrior.

Wow how cultured, explain to me one who is the Vice President of Blue Suits then :)
Daisuke Nagano Yokoyama

Offline Filax_666

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Re: Postcount Ranks Updated

Reply #42 on: October 19, 2006, 08:32:04 pm
I'm not very fond of the icons either :( There should be some way of changing them.

Also, :y: for having such trouble with something *apparently* secondary. I love you mods ^-^

Offline Pawige

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Re: Postcount Ranks Updated

Reply #43 on: October 19, 2006, 09:37:30 pm
I agree with Godslayer and Filax, not a big fan of the Onigiris, I can understand making it not a weapon, but something a little less of a shapeless white and green blob would be nice. Perhaps some of those pointy straw peasant hats?

Offline Lick

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Re: Postcount Ranks Updated

Reply #44 on: October 19, 2006, 09:50:38 pm
What about 10 different kinds of sushi's? That would be sexy.
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Offline ptoing

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Re: Postcount Ranks Updated

Reply #45 on: October 19, 2006, 09:59:24 pm
It would be, BUT we might do something completely different, not japanese.
There are no ugly colours, only ugly combinations of colours.

Offline snake

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Re: Postcount Ranks Updated

Reply #46 on: October 19, 2006, 10:05:39 pm
What if people could make their own icon in the same way you can upload an avatar.

There is a chance that it's abused, but there haven't been any avatar abuses so far, so it might work.

Just tossing ideas into the air.

Offline Helm

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Re: Postcount Ranks Updated

Reply #47 on: October 19, 2006, 10:07:31 pm
a little 30 pix by 30 pix pic... could work. I'm all for this idea.

Offline Pawige

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Re: Postcount Ranks Updated

Reply #48 on: October 19, 2006, 11:13:40 pm
Here are a few lists I just came up with, the "Pixel" is really optional.

1. Pixel Peasant
2. Pixel Serf
3. Pixel Neophyte
4. Pixel Journeyman
5. Pixel Master
6. Pixel Guru
7. Pixel Sage
8. Pixel Ascendant
9. Pixel Demigod
10. Pixel God

1. Pixel Peasant
2. Pixel Squire
3. Pixel Footman
4. Pixel Horseman
5. Pixel Knight
6. Pixel Paladin
7. Pixel Champion
8. Pixel Hero
9. Pixel Legend
10. Pixel Paradigm

1. Pixel Landlubber
2. Pixel Swabber
3. Pixel Cabin Boy
4. Pixel Crewman
5. Pixel Sea Dog
6. Pixel Buccaneer
7. Pixel Swashbuckler
8. Pixel Corsair
9. Pixel Captain
10. Pixel Admiral of the Black (This one could be just Admiral, though Admiral of the Black is cooler sounding, and it means something!)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2006, 11:15:37 pm by Pawige »

Offline ptoing

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Re: Postcount Ranks Updated

Reply #49 on: October 20, 2006, 01:07:11 am
The thing with the own picture would require extra forumhacking as it's assigned by membergroups. So that option is more or less out of question.

I kinda would like something more abstract and perhaps regarding pixelling itself. Problem is that pixelling is so lowlevel there is not much of an hierarchy like in 3d for example.

Lopoly model
Hipoly model

DOing this for pixelart = near impossible imo.
There are no ugly colours, only ugly combinations of colours.