Sign me up as well 
Yay, 1st time signing up for the Secret Santa.
Things I like: I like that big ass green statue up in New York... what's it called?
and and the huge crack in the Earf.. I think it's in Arizona.. or somewhere out there in the desert.
And the Great Wall of Taiwan too..
I like those thangs.

I will leave a couple semi vague #TAGS? and mention what I like about the medium; the holy medium we all know, with a dropped hint or 2 of what I dislike:
If you made me something that could somehow fit into the category of:
#space-goth and or #dark-faerie yet avoid making it too cutesy or goofy-
I'd be a happy boy on Christmas...
and lord knows, I've been a very good boy.
Things I seriously like in pixel art:
interesting and overly effective palettes & stark contrast/ super crisp lines or clusters (kind of the opposite of blurry or smudgy digital paintings in general).
Key word crisp! Thanks fellows