Hi, I am new to pixelation and I registered specifically for this thread!
Sounds fun.
I'm in!Stuff I like (sorry if too much info, but at least it will give you enough choices if I am your chosen one) :
Zelda (Link),
Mario (Luigi),
Pokémon (honestly too lazy to translate the french names I know),
Animal Crossing (Isabelle, Rover),
TimeSplitters (any character is fine since I doubt a lot of people know TimeSplitters),
Katamary Damacy,
Silent Hill,
Undertale (Flowey, Temmie, Chara? I dislike most of the most famous characters otherwise, like Undyne, Alphys, Sans - especially because people don't know how he works with his "blue" eye - and his brother), boy it is a long list for what it is so I will stop there.
Other stuff I like:
food (desserts, chocolate, burgers, jelly, jelly), cute stuff, cats, rabbits, raccoons, sweets, cute things, monsters (cute monsters as well), weapons (especially old ones), adorable stuff, epic things, glorious stuff,
humor! let's not forget
humor; how did I forget to mention I like
humor? Did I mention
cute stuff?
I do not dislike blood, as long as it's not too gory
Not against nudity neither
Colors I like: Pink (sweet pink), blue (pale, non-dark blue), red, black, white
I think I'll stop there for what I like...
Stuff I don't like:
Tomatoes. Cinnamon. Hateful things. Romance (I dislike it more than tomatoes). The color green (it just is the color I like the less though, it's fine to have plants and stuff, just that I would never wear green)
Hope it gives you enough choices.